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True or False: Time to ramp back up the national psychiatric hospital system?

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
My kneejerk reaction is "Yes, those hospitals are where >50% of the far left folks belong (seriously)."

But I admit to not being familiar enough with the pros/cons of such a measure to have a solid opinion.
I don't see anything wrong with the idea as long as the padding in the rooms in rainbow colored.

Honestly, that alone might attract the crowd you're seeking...


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
True. All this shit would have never been possible if all these double digit IQ’ers were locked up in mental institutions.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
In all seriousness, no, we don't need to give government more control over citizens and an avenue for human experimentation where nobody is paying attention. We should be trying to find ways to get help to those who need it, but government solutions are almost never the answer to any issue.
The problem is the government already decides who 'needs' help in this realm via Barrycare.


Dec 9, 2020
The one in Athens, Ohio would have been perfect for libs. They handed out lobotomies more frequently than libs change genders.
We can always open up Mansfield Reformatory (with a new focus, but same ultimate result) again.

They can even keep offering tours to help pay for it.


Jan 8, 2021
The problem is the government already decides who 'needs' help in this realm via Barrycare.

So let's not pile more problems on top of the ones we already have.

I'll restate my point that government solutions are almost never the answer and add "especially when the problem is caused or exacerbated by the government's current involvement."


Jan 9, 2021
I was just about to say that - loved Reagan but this is one of my main criticisms of his administration.

The idea was to decrease the number of people who were committed to institutions for life when they would be able to manage living in the community if offered support. You know...respecting their constitutional freedoms. Community mental health clinics were created to provide this support. Unfortunately, funding dried up over time and now there is neither hospitals nor community mental health.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
So let's not pile more problems on top of the ones we already have.

I'll restate my point that government solutions are almost never the answer and add "especially when the problem is caused or exacerbated by the government's current involvement."
I agree completely. Just felt like I needed to explain where I felt this problem sprang out of.

Obviously big pharma loves to make people think they are sick and doctors love to write scripts but ultimately personal choice can head off some of that as long as the state doesn't decide what constitutes health.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
The idea was to decrease the number of people who were committed to institutions for life when they would be able to manage living in the community if offered support. You know...respecting their constitutional freedoms. Community mental health clinics were created to provide this support. Unfortunately, funding dried up over time and now there is neither hospitals nor community mental health.
Hence why big government is never a solution to big government.


Jan 9, 2021
Hence why big government is never a solution to big government.

I generally agree with you, but I don’t see a lot of private businesses setting up shop to provide these types of services. With the way our healthcare system is built, there’s no $$$ in providing long-term support to people with serious mental illness. I believe the government has a responsibility to care for those who can’t care for themselves. Unfortunately, as a psychologist, I also see how often such systems are abused.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I generally agree with you, but I don’t see a lot of private businesses setting up shop to provide these types of services. With the way our healthcare system is built, there’s no $$$ in providing long-term support to people with serious mental illness. I believe the government has a responsibility to care for those who can’t care for themselves. Unfortunately, as a psychologist, I also see how often such systems are abused.
The problem is the "serious mental illness" is already too broad.

Plenty of people that are incapable of caring for themselves on the whole are also capable of reasonable work / production.

Then you have the disabled who are incapable of production of any sort.

Both groups have "serious mental illness" but society doesn't distinguish between the two or have expectations for either group of people. It's easier to just throw them into a 'system' and claim they are cared for as opposed to developing a nuanced approach that benefits these individuals and society as a whole.

Situation is likely to only get worse since we can't continue to fund Medicaid even with money printers on full brrrttt.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Thinking about this for a second- Do other countries have the same crisis? If so, then what is the common thread? If not, then why are our numbers different?
Also to what degree and how are we vs. others defining "mental health"?


Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
Mental health & prison reform are something we can do better about. I have no clue how to address the mental health side, but I believe we have too many that cannot care for themselves.

Surely we have enough prisoners in the system with petty, nonviolent records we could get out. Maybe consolidate the worst of the worst, open some facilities to at least get folks with debilitating psychiatric issues off the streets freezing & starving to death. Obviously, much more to it than that to make it right....but just spit balling here.

Mental health facilities, nursing homes....we can do a lot better.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Mental health & prison reform are something we can do better about. I have no clue how to address the mental health side, but I believe we have too many that cannot care for themselves.

Surely we have enough prisoners in the system with petty, nonviolent records we could get out. Maybe consolidate the worst of the worst, open some facilities to at least get folks with debilitating psychiatric issues off the streets freezing & starving to death.

Mental health facilities, nursing homes....we can do a lot better.
Stop spending on putting a sizable % of the workforce behind bars and instead spend that money on the mental health crisis to start.

Use the increased tax revenues from the new workers to improve infrastructure which decreases poverty (the number one cause of crime and mental health complications). It's no exaggeration to say a healthy economy solves 99/100 of these issues. We are drastically under skilled as a labor force.

Don Johnson

Jan 11, 2021
You can thank JFK for signing the Community Mental Health Act into law in 1963. It moved the mentally ill population back it to the community and funded Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC’s) with are mostly non-profit’s but are largely subsidized by state funding from the department of behavioral health.


Jan 8, 2021
Mental health & prison reform are something we can do better about. I have no clue how to address the mental health side, but I believe we have too many that cannot care for themselves.

Surely we have enough prisoners in the system with petty, nonviolent records we could get out. Maybe consolidate the worst of the worst, open some facilities to at least get folks with debilitating psychiatric issues off the streets freezing & starving to death. Obviously, much more to it than that to make it right....but just spit balling here.

Mental health facilities, nursing homes....we can do a lot better.

Step 1 of prison reform- decriminalize drugs

Step 2- probably don’t need one

Step 1 of mental health reform- decriminalize drugs

Step 2- evaluate which diagnosis are legit and which are cover for other bs (drugs)

Step 3- inpatient treatment for mentally ill people who have illnesses that aren’t a result of drug use. There’s a difference between people who are mentally ill and use drugs vs drug users who are classified as mentally ill


Jan 9, 2021
Mental health & prison reform are something we can do better about. I have no clue how to address the mental health side, but I believe we have too many that cannot care for themselves.

Surely we have enough prisoners in the system with petty, nonviolent records we could get out. Maybe consolidate the worst of the worst, open some facilities to at least get folks with debilitating psychiatric issues off the streets freezing & starving to death. Obviously, much more to it than that to make it right....but just spit balling here.

Mental health facilities, nursing homes....we can do a lot better.
The money is there a plenty. It just needs to be re-routed from all the foreign bullshit aid that we keep funneling down that black hole to nowhere.
Can you imagine what 50 billion $$ would do?


Jan 8, 2021
In all seriousness, no, we don't need to give government more control over citizens and an avenue for human experimentation where nobody is paying attention. We should be trying to find ways to get help to those who need it, but government solutions are almost never the answer to any issue.

The idea was to decrease the number of people who were committed to institutions for life when they would be able to manage living in the community if offered support. You know...respecting their constitutional freedoms. Community mental health clinics were created to provide this support. Unfortunately, funding dried up over time and now there is neither hospitals nor community mental health.

Thinking about this for a second- Do other countries have the same crisis? If so, then what is the common thread? If not, then why are our numbers different?

Good stuff right here, as well as the post referencing the 1960s legislation.


Jan 9, 2021
By the old myth, I was classified "mentally ill" a looooong time ago.

The money would be there if the criminals didn't funnel it all into their giant corrupt circle jerk, as @Jayhacker said
I was listening to Patriot Radio driving home from work tonite. My blood started boiling when they kept reading all the shit in this covid bill
that had nothing to do with the virus. Our leadership in this country make leaderships in third world countries look like alter boys.

Don Johnson

Jan 11, 2021
The idea was to decrease the number of people who were committed to institutions for life when they would be able to manage living in the community if offered support. You know...respecting their constitutional freedoms. Community mental health clinics were created to provide this support. Unfortunately, funding dried up over time and now there is neither hospitals nor community mental health.
I’m not sure what state you live in but in Kentucky there are still plenty of Community Mental Health Agencies throughout the state that are funded by the state as well as federal grants. The CMHC that I am currently a Director at receives around 5 million a year from the state and a lot more in grant money. I cannot speak for other states but in KY, CMHC’s are alive and well.


Jan 8, 2021
I really appreciate that this turned into a mostly-legit discussion. If I wanted to read another regurgitated thread about how libs are mentally ill, I would stick to tMB.
It wasn't (necessarily) my intent. I've pondered if there was a tie between the closing of all those hospitals and the rise of fringes within society and the accompanying behavior that comes with the fringes.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
It wasn't (necessarily) my intent. I've pondered if there was a tie between the closing of all those hospitals and the rise of fringes within society and the accompanying behavior that comes with the fringes.
Wish it were still fringes. Shit is mainstream if we're being honest.


Dec 10, 2020
90% of the homeless actually need to be in a mental Home of some kind. Most have issues that will make normal life impossible and drug use and violence on the streets just makes them worse.


Jan 9, 2021
I’m not sure what state you live in but in Kentucky there are still plenty of Community Mental Health Agencies throughout the state that are funded by the state as well as federal grants. The CMHC that I am currently a Director at receives around 5 million a year from the state and a lot more in grant money. I cannot speak for other states but in KY, CMHC’s are alive and well.
That’s amazing. Those places are dead in Illinois, Missouri, and Texas.


Dec 9, 2020
There is a massive mental health crisis in this country. Not trying to be political about it at all, it’s just the truth
There is, but there's also another really big problem that nobody wants to talk about.

A whole generation or 3 whose bad behavior and general loserness being excused as mental illness instead of what it really is.....Spoiled brats who have been told all their lives they are specialer than the most special, never told no, never had their bottom warmed with a wooden spoon, and self esteem is the end all and be all.

And I say this as a woman married to a man who is long diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety (before we met and we've been married for 23 years). Medication is only one part of his treatment/management. I watch my kids like a hawk for any sign they might be experiencing any symptoms. I do NOT dismiss mental illness.

But, while MI is woefully ignored/unrecognized by many, there is huge movement that any feeling of distress or sadness is a mental health emergency. We've failed to teach children how to handle disappointment, sadness, anger or boredom. We've taught them that every one of their thoughts and feelings is the most important thing in the world and everybody must cater to their whims and make them happy.

Similarly... suddenly it's cool to be transwhatever. It gets attention and supportive tweets. Trans is NOT common... certainly not to the point of suddenly 14 Trans students in my son's class of 116. (I think 3 more jumped in this year). All boys suddenly deciding they're girls except one. The other decided he's now a cat. And nobody is allowed to tell him to stop meowing or hissing. (I'm dead serious).
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