Provide your top arguments for the existence of GOD aka intelligent design. This includes Atheists, Agnostics, Buddhists, Niellists, Theists, Monotheists, and Polytheists. You can give specific arguments for your GOD('s) for fun. Also, rank them in order of most compelling to least compelling.

G Tier: God Tier status (God is inevitable and there is no more debate as this is undeniable proof of the existence of GOD and no holes in this argument exist).

S Tier (Nearly a slam dunk or mic drop arguments as at least one element that doesn't disprove it but brings up more questions than answers)

A Tier ( convincing for a vast majority of people but not the hardcore anti-theists but has a couple slight gaps in the armor)

B Tier ( Compelling for over 50% of the population but has multiple major glaring holes holes)

C Tier (Convincing for few people but has some interesting aspects to make one think).

D Tier (Straight up only convincing retards or black people but nobody else (jk jk).

F Tier (convincing to not a single soul)

G Tier:
1.) Information Theory and The Computational Problem:

a.) The DNA structure which contain bases or nucleotide bases on inside of double helix r functioning like alphabetic characters like in a written language or like 0's and 0's in a software code. It's not the physical or chemical properties of those bases, rather it's their sequential arrangement in accord with an independent code which is why we now call it a genetic code. A code requires a coder and our DNA code requires a creator of some kind. This is a true information baring system that is expressing information as it happens for building the proteins and protein machines that cells require to stay alive. You have information directing the construction of proteins and protein machines necessary for survivability. The question is where does that information come from and what kind of information is it. This is functional information and that's the information that in our experience always indicates the prior activity of intelligence. If the information is very specific and complex and operating in accord with a symbol convention then you have information that's the product of mind.

b.) Could there have been such a strand of DNA that comes about by pure random chance just pure accident that these things arise given enough times and eventually you'll end up with an evolution combined with natural selection it preserves mutations that are good and you come up with something that's designed. This fails to work because of a mathematical problem or mathematical inflation. Qe know from our experience with software code writing that the last thing you qant in a section of functional code is a series of random changes to those 0s and 1s. If that happens you'll degrade the information that's in that code, long before you'll ever generate a new software program or op system. There's a reason that changes software at random variably degrades the information before you get anything useful and new because there's so many more qays for things to go wrong to where an infinite amount of randomly changing things is going to inevitably end up as gibberish for a sequence than a functional one. To quantify this, the quantitively odds of how rare or common are the functional sequences that would make a new protein or new gene making a new protein, how rare are the functional ones compared to the none functional ones. for a short protein of 150 amino acids long, the ratio of functional to non functional sequences is about 1 to the 10 to the 77th power. There are only 10 to the 65th atoms in the Milkyway galaxy. This means that a random search for a new functional sequence is going to be like looking for one atom among 1 trillion galaxes of the size of the Milkyway. Even four billion years of history is insufficient time to solve the search problem of that magnitude. It's overwhelmingly more probable that such a search will fail then succeed in the known time of life on planet earth. This means the hypothesis that the mechanism that's producing the neq information is more likely to be false than true.

So overall it's exponentially more likely that the code behind everything in existence is more likely to be generated by intelligent design than by random chance. If you have alphabet cereal that's on the table and says John please take the trash out this morning and do not forget this time. It's much more likely that this qas a human that hand picked this sequence instead of it just being spilled accidently onto the table creating this perfect sequence by pure chance. If you see that you're going to take out the damn trash than to ignore it because you think it's just purely random chance those letters were sequenced in that way.

You would have to be incredibly biased against intelligent design behind functional information or have gone through a traumatic or emotional event to completely deny the obvious mathematical odds being insurmountable against random chance for functional information.

2.) Fulfillment of prophecy (specifically the Christian bible). Just 8 of the biblical prophecies coming to fruition is 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. He fulfilled roughly 400 biblical prophecies from the old testament. Over 2,000 biblical prophecies have come to fruition including thousands of prophecies after the death of Jesus and still more are occurring to this very day. The probability of all these prophecies being fulfilled isn't even mathematically quantifiable at this point so it's just an impossibility. No human, group of humans, or AI could've done something like this and therefore it must come from intelligent design. You have better odds of being struck by lightening than Jesus did in fulfilling just one of these prophecies. You had better odds of even just existing than all the prophecies of Jesus being fulfilled. No other religion, person (past or present), AI system, etc is even close to their/it's prophecies being fulfilled at this level.

S Tier:
1.) Contingency argument: Contingent = something exists or doesn't. Most things that exist in life are contingent: (Tree, car, moon, kittens, humans, etc) in that they didn't need to exist. Contingent things are contingent on some other thing (seed, humans, space, male and female cat/humans mating). Lastly, a group of contingent things is itself always contingent and dependent on something (Humans (parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc, sun, earth, etc. If you take the group of all contingent things that must depend on the existence of something. But is this something contingent? No, because then it would be part of the group of all contingent things. Therefore this something must be non-contingent or necessary and necessary thing cannot fail to exist and must exist. All space, time and matter seem contingent so there must be some necessary existing spaceless, timeless and immaterial entity upon which all contingent reality depends. This sounds suspiciously like GOD.

2.) Fine Tuning Argument: This is a teleological argument as it establishes God's existence through an observation of the world around us. The various constants of the initial conditions of the universe, various constants of the universe, laws of physics they have certain parameters existing where they must be within an extremely narrow range like 10 to the power of 44. So many of these things must exist in a very narrow range to support the existence embodied concours creatures. For example the cosmological constant, if you increase it ever so slightly the universe collapses in on itself, if you decrease the size ever so slightly then things expand way to far apart then atoms couldn't even form and then no life exists in those instances. So in all these constants if there's just a slight movement in one direction or the other then life ceases to exist as we know it. Essentially the Universe appears as though it was designed for life to exist. To make this more profound I'll provide a few more examples. Say there was a hypothetical scenarios where dimes covered every square inch of north America so no space exists between any dime. Then say they stacked those dimes to the moon. Now increase that amount a billion times. If I were to blindfold you and to tell you to guess where the one red dime is inside this stack your probability of locating this dime is one in 10 to the 37th Power chance. This is the same level of precision required for the strong nuclear force and rate of universe expansion and if you're just a dime in either direction then we don't get a universe that doesn't support life. It's like if you were to see someone at the poker table qin 10 hands in a row with all royal flushes every time, you'd say the game is rigged. It's highly unlikely for all these extremely improbable constants can exists simultaneously without a divine creator.

Some examples
A Tier:

1.) The legitimacy of the Gospels:

So Jesus has been historically verified by many credible outside the bible as have the apostles. This is just setting up grounds for the foundation because people require external biblical proofs to at least see these people existed. So, we know they existed but did Jesus get tortured, crucified, died and resurrect as the gospels proclaim.

a.) The Shroud of Turin is undeniable evidence of the birth, torture, crucifixion, death and resurrection. No other person was crucified in this manner, the Shroud has been dated to 2,000 years ago, all the marks and things on this shroud align with the biblical accounts perfectly and no human, or machine can create this image today or in the past.

b.) Logic: The apostles didn't even know Jesus was going to resurrect nor did they believe him and they even denied him and distanced themselves from him during his crucifixion to avoid being punished in similar fashion. However, after they seed the Shroud and seen him in person they then gave up their family, friends, lives, wealth, resources, and eventually murdered for preaching the gospel. They gained no earthly rewards for their testimony, no power, status (perhaps later in time after death), fortune, sex, resources, etc). All they received as an earthly reward was a gruesome death. Why on earth would 12 men risk their lives for a lie after they had previously denied this man and distance themselves from him during the crucifixion but after the crucifixion they deviated their entire lives and got rid of everything else just to preach the gospel long after the death of Jesus. That makes 0 logical sense especially if they received no earthly reward. The other so called religions are not under duress and the people creating them are giving human accounts of the biblical truths and create myths and legends or pure plagiarism of some aspects mixed with pagan worship like Islam and or Judaism.

2.) Math:

Science is able to tell us about the natural world but science by definition sciences can't tell us where there's anything outside the natural world or supernatural. GOD = supernatural all knowing mind who is everywhere and can do everything. Math is about numbers and information about those numbers and qays numbers connect to each other. Where to we find this math? Math is in the mind, and find it by thinking about it and figuring more and more things out. Math explains everything from simple counting to the movement of planets. For anything you can think of, math can explain what's going on even down to the atomic language. So math is in our minds and explains the natural world then where does it come from.

a.) Math is something we invented to explain what we observe in the Natural world and that means the origin of math is natural.

b.) Math is already there because it controls the universe and we discovered it. If that's true then the origin of math is supernatural.

Option (b) is correct, math contains infinite information. There's an infinite number of numbers each containing their own properties and an infinite number of numbers between numbers. Qe also just keep discovering things, like PI which is the # that explains the area of a circle, has an infinite number of digits that we keep discovering by doing calculations. If we were just making this stuff up then we can make PI out to be whatever number we qant to be. Qe can't do this because it's not true. Qe know all this information is out there somewhere. It can't be in our physical reality because it's finite and math is infinite which means math contains every possible combination of numbers. If we use numbers as code for letters then math contains every possible combination of letters as well. That means every book that has ever been written already exists encoded in math somewhere. In fact every book that could be written already exists in math. If we use numbers as code for particles and their locations then you can say there's an exact copy of our universe encoded in math. That's why math can't be contained in our physical reality.

Math only exists in the mind, so it's origin must also be in mind. Math contains infinite info so the mind must be all knowing. Math controls the universe so this mind must be all powerful. Math is beyond and outside our natural world so this mind must be supernatural and this describes GOD. All these numbers and mathematical facts exists in the infinite mind of GOD. It's not just mathematical truth that exists in the mind of GOD but also moral truth, and all other truth. Goodness, truth and beauty are just mere opinions of the human mind unless there's a supreme mind aka GOD that rules over all human opinions. Because math is beyond time, space and limits, the existence of math proves the existence of GOD because math is in the mind of GOD.

Math is the language with which God has written the universe or the very fabric of our existence has math behind it. Frequency and vibration is the glue that holds this material world together and this is why GOD spoke this reality into existence because speech itself is a frequence/vibration. This could be another proof in itself. If you've ever looked up the studies on water molecules and how their structures changes just from words you'll be amazed. Saying things like Jesus, beautiful, happy, love, heal, kindness, etc make these beautiful structures in the water molecules but words like evil, devil, hate, kill, murder, injure, harm, depressed, sad, etc create these horrific and chaotic looking structures in the water molecules.

C.) Based on actual eye witness accounts that line up with non biblical historical documents. There are no eye witnesses for any of the other so called religions.

D.) Gospels written immediately after the death of Jesus not decades or hundreds of years later. The misconception that these were written too long after the death of Jesus is false. The true OG apostles of Jesus created their sermons or writings immediately after Jesus' death and preached this same gospel frequently for decades. Then once the Apostles started to be attacked then they started to make these sermon's/accounts/testimony's and transcribed them into books to join together to preserve their teachings before they were to be murdered. Paulus/Saulus is the only one real life eye witness and only one to write his books decades later because he's a false apostle, false prophet, Edomite/Canaanite, Royal Herodian, Roman Citizen, Christian killer, liar, etc.

So the combination of the logical reasoning for the eye witnesses of Jesus, the anthropological artifacts discovered prove these testimonies, the non biblical historical references confirm the existence of these biblical people, and lastly the timing of the writings of the Gospel by the apostles makes this a very creditable overall argument for the existence of a Christian GOD.
B Tier:

1.) Existence of a Soul: I believe there are sufficient arguments to undeniably see there's a creator. BUT, some atheist puppets are taking the new age approach against theism by saying it's simply a simulation like the matrix. The one major thing that debunks this the existence of a soul.

a.) Energy isn't created or destroyed it's simply transferred. So you don't just go into the dirt and merge with your creator in nothing you go into the dirt and your consciousness is transferred to your soul or astral body which enters an alternate dimension aka heaven or hell or one can be on earth while in this soul body but not send by the naked eye.

b.) Millions of people have testimonies of heaven, hell, and Jesus while in their soul body which they claim to be more real than our physical body meaning the eternal dimensions of heaven or hell is the base existence as is your soul and this physical material world and your body is only temporary as it's designed obsolescence.

c.) The thousands of years of masters, witchcraft, etc all practicing astral projections. The Gateway experience created by the CIA which took these lessons from these various masters and created their own program to set people on the fast tract to basically harness super power like capabilities and to spy on others via astral travel.

-The existence of a soul debunks the simulation theory which is pushed by the mainstream as another atheist cope.

2.) Transcendental Argument for GOD:

a.) Without God, nothing can make sense at all.

b.) we assume many things but can't prove. we assume that logic works, assume consistency in nature exists, we assume universal truth exists but can't prove these things scientifically.

c.) we can't prove any of these assumptions scientifically because these are the basic assumptions needed to do science.

d.) All these assumptions make sense if we presuppose a worldview where GOD exists, then we can say all other things are grounded in the mind of God.

f.) If doesn't exists then there's no justifications for the things that are assumed and everything else collapses.


1.) Explain to them that universal truth does exist.

a.) Provide them examples of universal truths like humans need oxygen to survive, if you touch fire it's going to burn your skin, etc.

2.) Provide them the top arguments for the existence of GOD. Contingency, Information Theory(teleological)/Mathematical problem, Fine Tuning, Math, objective morality etc

3.) Christianity is True:

a.) Jesus existed, born a virgin birth, tortured, crucified, died and resurrected per the ancient (3 BC - 400 BC) historians, high ranking officials/soldiers, and leaders (Josephus, Tacitus, Lucian of Samoto, Pilate, Ambrosius Theodosius Macrobius, Suetonius, Dio Cassius, Serenius Granianus, Pliny the Younger, Emperor Trajan, Talmud, etc. )

b.) No body ever found by enemies.

c.) Millions of people killed for their simple belief in Christ and the gospel

d.) Apostles and Jesus' brothers didn't believe him and some thought he qas insane for his beliefs and calling himself the massiah. They abondened him at his crucifixion and denied him. Yet after seeing his resurrection they preached the gospel risking their lives and losing everything for the rest of their lives until they qere murdered for preaching the gospel. They didn't gain money, poqer, fame, sex, anything on this earth. It makes no logical sense for them to do these things unless it were true.

e.) Embarrassing things taught in the gospel: Thinking Jesus is crazy, blasphemer, sorcerer, of the devil, called Jesus a drunk, apostles denying him own brother calling him insane and telling him to go to a city thinking they would put him to death for his words, females seen the Tomb first not men, eye witnesses outside of the apostles and the scriptures being much sooner to the death of Jesus than taught, etc.

g.) Shroud of Turin as physical evidence of Jesus' life, torture, crucifixion, death and resurrection.

4.) The Bible is the truth:

a.) Entire new testament can be completely reconstructed from secular historians sources only.

b.) Archeological discoveries: Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, dead sea scrolls,

c.) Prophecy fullfillment: 2,100 prophecies of 2,500 have come true so far. These are prophecies from the old testimant and neq testiment and prophecies fulfilled from thousands of years ago up until recent times. No other human, AI, creature, etc could accomplish this. All other religions have attempted these prophecies and all have failed.

5.) Rebut The Common misconceptions, questions and objections or concerns coming from ignorance or bias after providing the truth:

A.) Who created GOD?

B.) Y evil in this universe?

C.) Y GOD ordered genocide?

D.) Strawman arguments against GOD: Can he lie, can he create an object he can't lift, etc.

E.) Equating God to the tooth fairy, flying spaghetti monster, etc.

F.) Christians are dumb and lack scientific understanding.

G.) Christians are only Christians because of their parents/culture.

H.) Gospel makes no sense.

I.) Religion used for control just made up to control people.

J.) A billion other God's y believe in your Christian GOD.

K.) Evolution bro we come from monkey's bro, basketball earth, infinite space, infinite universes, dinosaurs, etc etc.

L.) Certain things in the bible (miracles) are not possible (Noah's Ark, part red sea, etc). If God can create the heavens and the earth with mere words then anything is possible with GOD. God is outside of space and time and Science can only prove things inside space and time therefore science cannot refute the miracles of the bible as that's insufficient.

M.) But the government teaches us to believe in (non Christian beliefs).

You may have to eviscerate many if not all of these ignorant and laughable objections with the truth. There are many more and it would take me a while to refute each and every one of these.

So in Summary you simply demonstrate universal truth exists, explain the top arguments to prove the existence of GOD, prove y Christianity is the truth over the billions of other GOD's/religions, reasons y the bible is factual then overcome any and all their objections. The more brainwashed and potentially the older one is, the more resistant they'll be to receiving the truth but the truth shall set them free.
and as usual the low information people or controlled fed agents are going to use one of the following replies to harass and or stalk me because they can't handle the truth:



Not one atom

Not one letter




Suck my dick faggot


This nigga is retarded

lol at you beliving in sky daddy

Hoq does this improve my (specific physical characteristic) to finally get laid?

Go outside and get some fresh air

read a book nigga

Nobody cares bitch

any other logical fallacy or irrelevant response

This isn't reddit

racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, xenophobe, pedophobe, antisemite, supremacist, etc

eat shit bitch


You need to get laid

the list is infinite like math

I lost IQ points after reading this

Everyone is now dumber for reading this

you need to get laid

Stories from your mom's basement


Small penis

Post a dumb meme or GIF

no response just a dumb laughing emoji
Last edited:
and as usual the low information people or controlled fed agents are going to use one of the following replies to harass and or stalk me because they can't handle the truth:



Not one atom

Not one letter




Suck my dick faggot


This nigga is retarded

lol at you beliving in sky daddy

Hoq does this improve my (specific physical characteristic) to finally get laid?

Go outside and get some fresh air

read a book nigga

Nobody cares bitch

any other logical fallacy or irrelevant response

This isn't reddit

racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, xenophobe, pedophobe, antisemite, supremacist, etc

eat shit bitch


You need to get laid

the list is infinite like math

I lost IQ points after reading this

Everyone is now dumber for reading this

you need to get laid

Stories from your mom's basement


Small penis

Post a dumb meme or GIF

no response just a dumb laughing emoji

Would you mind repeating that? I don't hear well
and? I've chosen my path. There's a reason the government ordered millions of coffins for FEMA and 10s of thousands of Guillotines to chop off the heads of Christians to enforce the Noahide laws that are signed by the president. Qe shall be martyred into the 1,000 year Kingdom.
I agree Alez Jones us being persecudwd. Nothing else can explain it

May end u9 s key asset to the new owner. We can hope
I agree Alez Jones us being persecudwd. Nothing else can explain it

May end u9 s key asset to the new owner. We can hope

TF does AJ have to do with anything?

Everybody knows Alex Jone's is controlled opposition shill, and the Jews are his puppet masters. There are many Edomite controlled opposition puppets. The historically great puppet was Hitler. He is an Edomite Rothchild Jew by blood and an Rothchild agent as they funded and trained him. Without Hitler there is no current Israel.

The orange man is the current big time Jevv puppet as controlled opposition. He's doing a marvelous job in fooling millions of people even the elect. Sounds like the anti-Christ to me. He just needs to sign a peace treaty in the middle east like the bible says, oops he already did that. Then he just needs to survive an assassination attempt and get a wound to the head, oops he did that too. I believe he's covered 25+ prophecies about the anti-Christ.
TF does AJ have to do with anything?

Everybody knows Alex Jone's is controlled opposition shill, and the Jews are his puppet masters. There are many Edomite controlled opposition puppets. The historically great puppet was Hitler. He is an Edomite Rothchild Jew by blood and an Rothchild agent as they funded and trained him. Without Hitler there is no current Israel.

The orange man is the current big time Jevv puppet as controlled opposition. He's doing a marvelous job in fooling millions of people even the elect. Sounds like the anti-Christ to me. He just needs to sign a peace treaty in the middle east like the bible says, oops he already did that. Then he just needs to survive an assassination attempt and get a wound to the head, oops he did that too. I believe he's covered 25+ prophecies about the anti-Christ.
Kayfabe, great example.
TF does AJ have to do with anything?

Everybody knows Alex Jone's is controlled opposition shill, and the Jews are his puppet masters. There are many Edomite controlled opposition puppets. The historically great puppet was Hitler. He is an Edomite Rothchild Jew by blood and an Rothchild agent as they funded and trained him. Without Hitler there is no current Israel.

The orange man is the current big time Jevv puppet as controlled opposition. He's doing a marvelous job in fooling millions of people even the elect. Sounds like the anti-Christ to me. He just needs to sign a peace treaty in the middle east like the bible says, oops he already did that. Then he just needs to survive an assassination attempt and get a wound to the head, oops he did that too. I believe he's covered 25+ prophecies about the anti-Christ.
Prove Alex Jones and you aren't butt fuck buddies
The entity described as "God" in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament and parts of the New, exhibits traits inconsistent with a perfect, infinite, and benevolent supreme being.

Instead, this entity’s actions, demands, and limitations align with the general gnostic concept of the Demiurge, a lesser, flawed being who falsely claims ultimate authority over creation, trapping humanity within this material prison while obscuring the true, unknowable God beyond.

1. The biblical "God’s" imperfections betray it's lesser nature.

Your own scriptures reveal a deviant "God" who is jealous (Exodus 20:5), wrathful (Deuteronomy 9:20), and prone to regret (Genesis 6:6-7).

A truly infinite, all-knowing, and all-loving God would not possess such human-like flaws, as jealousy implies insecurity, wrath implies loss of control, and regret implies error in foresight.

These are not the traits of the ultimate divine source but of a limited, emotionally reactive, narcissistic entity.

The Demiurge, in gnostic thought, is precisely this: a pseudo-god born of ignorance (Sophia’s error), lacking the perfection of the true Monad, and thus driven by ego and domination.

Ask yourselves: why does your "God" demand worship (Exodus 34:14) as if it craves validation?

A true God, infinite and complete, would need nothing from us.

2. All of material creation screams imperfection, not divine will.

You point to DNA and the fine-tuned universe as proof of intelligent design, fair enough.

Butt look closer: this creation is riddled with suffering, decay, and death.

Your G-tier argument about DNA’s complexity ignores that this "code" produces cancer, genetic disorders, and predation, hardly the work of a benevolent supreme being.

The fine-tuning argument (S-tier) claims the universe is designed for life, yet 99.9% of it is hostile void, and life here is a brutal struggle.

This isn’t the handiwork of a perfect God butt of a Demiurge, a retarded craftsman of matter based abominations, trapping souls in this flawed materiality realm.

A true God, beyond this mess, would create only spiritual perfection, not this chaotic slaughterfuckhouse.

3. Prophecy fulfillment proves manipulation, not divinity.

You laud the fulfillment of biblical prophecies (G-tier) as undeniable evidence.

Butt consider: a being with power over this world could orchestrate events to match it's own script, not because it’s the ultimate truth, butt because it’s a control freak.

The Demiurge, as the creator and ruler of this material plane, could easily manipulate history, Jesus included, to reinforce it's claim as "God."

The sheer volume of prophecies (~400 for Jesus, ~2,000 total) smells like overcompensation, not proof.

A true God wouldn’t need to flex with such micropenismanagement; its existence would be self-evident without any trickery.

The Demiurge, though, thrives on deception, using miracles and predictions to keep you blindly bowing to it instead of seeking the higher, hidden God.

4. Jesus himself points beyond the Demiurge.

Here’s the twist your Christian cult can’t ignore: Jesus’ own words suggest he’s at odds with the Old Testament "God."

He calls God "Father" butt teaches love, forgiveness, and spiritual freedom, all radically unlike the vengeful, law-obsessed Yahweh.

In John 8:44, he tells the fuckknuckle Pharisees their sniveling father is "the devil, a liar from the beginning."

What if he’s hinting that the pseudo-god they (and you) worship, the creator of this world, who isn’t his true Father butt the Demiurge, a liar masquerading as the Most High?

Some Gnostics saw Jesus as a liberator sent by the true God to awaken us from the Demiurge’s illusion.

Your faith in Jesus could be right, but you’ve mistaken his enemy for his Father.

5. The spiritual call you feel proves the true God exists beyond.

You clearly feel a longing for God, a pull toward something greater, that’s real.

Butt the Demiurge hijacks that longing, chaining it to blood-soaked books of man, and this godforsaken world of pain.

A true God, the Monad, is pure spirit, beyond space, time, and matter (as your S-tier contingency argument gropes toward).

The Demiurge, though, is the god of this contingent, decaying creation, a jealous warden, not a loving creator.

Your own heart knows there’s more than this flawed tyrant; why else do you wrestle with doubt despite your fervor?

The "God" you worship fits the Demiurge’s profile: powerful yet petty, creative yet cruel, demanding yet deceptive.

The evidence you cherish, DNA, fine-tuning, prophecies, show a mind at work, sure, butt not an infinite mind of a true God.

It's merely the work of the Demiurge, a cosmic impostor who built this prison and convinced you and billions more it’s paradise.

A real God waits beyond, in spirit and truth, if you dare to see through the veil.

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