Things that annoy the shit out of you

When you are on a long straight stretch, and you are the only car on said straight stretch, and a person pulls out in front of you requiring hard braking.... and then they drive below the speed limit.

I swear I'd kill someone if it were possible to get off on a loophole. If you aren't in a hurry then why are you in a hurry to pull out in front of me? I want to drag them out of their car and skull fuck them then pour rubbing alcohol in the raw cavity.

Or just legalize weed.
When you are on a long straight stretch, and you are the only car on said straight stretch, and a person pulls out in front of you requiring hard braking.... and then they drive below the speed limit.

I swear I'd kill someone if it were possible to get off on a loophole. If you aren't in a hurry then why are you in a hurry to pull out in front of me? I want to drag them out of their car and skull fuck them then pour rubbing alcohol in the raw cavity.

Or just legalize weed.
@imprimis is a huge faggot that does this on the highway and admitted to being a faggot like that.
Having to hear someone tell me patriots are in control of America when in fact its being run by an authoritarian government
I’ll take yore statement about authoritarian government as sincere cuz yore a gud dude.

That being said, it leads me to question. Would yes say things are bad in America / it’s difficult to live here?

Personally, I think Puddin sucks (we should have The 🐐) and there are tons of things that could bee improved across all branches of government in won small way or another. However, I still think we are VERY blessed two be Americans, that America is the greatest country in the history of the world, and that things aren’t bad at all but rather just not ideal.
I’ll take yore statement about authoritarian government as sincere cuz yore a gud dude.

That being said, it leads me to question. Would yes say things are bad in America / it’s difficult to live here?

Personally, I think Puddin sucks (we should have The 🐐) and there are tons of things that could bee improved across all branches of government in won small way or another. However, I still think we are VERY blessed two be Americans, that America is the greatest country in the history of the world, and that things aren’t bad at all but rather just not ideal.
Again, you're a fuckin moron.
The person at work that feels the need to act like they know something by parroting points they heard in other meetings, but its clear they have zero depth of understanding about what they are talking about.

That same person has an answer to every question that is basically a string of verbal diarrhea that throws in some vocabulary words marginally associated with the topic
people at the grocery store checkout that act like they’ve never used a debit card before in their life…first they don’t use their card until the clerk is done and then we have to see if the third one works
Whenever I am doing some sort of debit card transaction I challenge my self to be as fast as possible. Self checkouts and gas pumps are the best ones. I try and pull a nascar when I pull up to the gas pump
#Almost everything will annoy the fkn shit outta ya, if you...Polish_20220224_012056353.jpg
Two days ago,☝️😂 this is what I woke up with.
Remarkable that any slight movement causes excruciating pain.
Frankly, even no movement at all, is just as excruciating too.
The experience certainly has been severely annoying, though hasn't yet caused me to spontaneously shit myself.
So technically it doesn't qualify as annoying the shit outta me.IMG_20220225_134137.png

[Edit: update-as of this morning, the pinched occipital nerve has now met the qualification requirements.😅]
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When people tell me they are annoyed. Its my baby's fault as she says "thats annoying", or "stop being annoying" and it gets on my nerves. So the use of the word annoying by a male subject gets on my nerves
I agree, but I wonder if I am a loud chewer myself. I noticed last week I am pretty aggressive at eating an apple.
Well, fuck me! Osteoarthritis has infiltrated every joint in my body. My jaw pops, and loudly, whenever I eat. Nothing I can do about it.
People who walk slow in the middle of the sidewalk making it difficult to pass them. Don't know why but it annoys the shit out of me
Driving in a Lowe's parking lot. 2 black women were walking down the middle of the drive. Neither would move over to let me through. I didn't stop moving forward. They split apart but I got flipped off twice.
(adult) Bicycle riders in the street. First thing I ever learned. "Don't ride your bike in the street." Only outdone by closing several roads so joggers can run on them. Run on a track somewhere. Nobody gives a shit how fast you are or how far you can run. Set up one of these runs on the day after Thanksgiving, in a major city, between the two biggest shopping malls. No police closing streets. You survive that and you'll have something to be proud of.

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