I think it is hilarious. And you are 100% correct.Generally speaking the first ones to hurl such an allegation without some kind of evidence are the ones that ARE feds. You DO have a fed on this board and they are everywhere at once. Remember that I told the first fed that it was strange that he was posting right behind me at all hours of the day, regardless of what day or time I posted? The very instant that he stopped, another fed jumped on the board. How did that guy know when I didn't even tell my own brother that I was posting here?
A lot of people like talking smack on the Internet and they do little else. They argue over the scores in a ball game and follow the rest of the sheep, chanting the mantra of the day. Meanwhile their country, their Freedoms and Liberties and their history / heritage / destiny are going south. Do they give a shit what they will be living in a decade from now or what kind of country they will leave their children? And, amazingly, they have nothing but insults to hurl at those who do care. Maybe, deep down inside, it is not only projection on their part, but guilt because of what they allowed themselves to become.
Weakness is projected by anger, and these fellas seem pretty angry, love it.