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Jan 8, 2021
Sure have. Coats of arms have symbolism in them going back to the tribes of Israel. That symbolism is typically tied to the symbolism in the Bible used for each tribe. It gets really interesting.

The royal coat of arms has the Lion which represents Judah and a unicorn representing Joseph and the lost tribes.


May 20, 2024
Sure have. Coats of arms have symbolism in them going back to the tribes of Israel. That symbolism is typically tied to the symbolism in the Bible used for each tribe. It gets really interesting.

The royal coat of arms has the Lion which represents Judah and a unicorn representing Joseph and the lost tribes.

*Apparently NZ was rockin' the royal CoA of the UK up until 1911.


May 20, 2024
*Random find.

~"On the basis of their observations and calculations, the Babylonians divided the sky into twelve areas, each of which was assigned a figure, a name, and a specific meaning. This became the zodiac with its twelve zodiac signs such as Aries, Gemini, Virgo, or Leo."~



May 20, 2024
~"The Court of the Lord Lyon, or Lyon Court, is a standing court of law, based in New Register House in Edinburgh, which regulates heraldry in Scotland."~


~"The Lyon Court maintains the register of grants of arms, known as the Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in Scotland, as well as records of genealogies."~

~"The protection of the rights to arms is of signal importance because persons and corporation have paid fees to the Crown in return for exclusive rights to use those armorial bearings."~


~"A coat of arms can only belong to one particular person at a time."~

~"Without such protection, a coat of arms would be useless as a form of identification and worthless as a piece of private property."~

~"Furthermore, a misappropriation or unauthorised use (displaying or usurping) of a man's coat of arms is still considered a 'real injury' under Scottish common law."~

~"Accordingly, an owner of a Scottish coat of arms may obtain a judicial order in the Court against anybody using his arms."~

~"The Crown and the public have an interest in these cases: the Crown has such an interest because, in Scotland, all fees on the registration of armorial bearings and pedigrees are payable to HM Treasury; the public has an interest in terms of the prevention of fraud and of the misappropriation of property."~

~"Individual coats of arms are also considered legal evidence, which means that they could be used in legal cases concerning the establishment of succession or identity."~



Jan 8, 2021
*Random find.
View attachment 218412

~"On the basis of their observations and calculations, the Babylonians divided the sky into twelve areas, each of which was assigned a figure, a name, and a specific meaning. This became the zodiac with its twelve zodiac signs such as Aries, Gemini, Virgo, or Leo."~

View attachment 218413

I haven’t seen this, very interesting.

Have you run into the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh and who they are yet?


May 20, 2024
You’ll probably just stumble into it like I did.
A precursory investigation suggests there is something significant being concealed regarding Ephraim & Manasseh.

As usual though, I'm finding most of the mainstream "authoritative" sources I've checked so far, assert highly questionable/unsubstatiated/illogical/nonsensical narratives...furthermore which also generally appear to be contradictory &/or conflict with each other.

Yet from what I currently gather; the tribes: Ephraim & Manasseh were actually two sub-pseudo-tribes which sprang from the tribe of Joseph.

Additionally, unlike the other Israelite tribes founders, the individuals named Ephraim & Manasseh were not the sons of Jacob, but the adopted grandsons of Jacob's son Joseph. (*Which supports the view that Ephraim & Manasseh aren't two additional Israelite tribes at all.)


Also, Ephraim seems linked with ~ Baal worship.


May 20, 2024
In case anyone were interested in checking it out, I've been participating at an independent, collaborative & 100% free genealogical site which is somewhat like The FreeSpeech Forum of ancestry websites.

All members are able to decide our own privacy settings regarding management of our genealogical information. Either fully-public, semi-public, private, or anywhere between and we can delete any or all of our content if or whenever we choose.

The site also includes several dedicated genealogical forums as well as volunteer professional & hobbiest genealogists freely available to assist.

I should mention that the expected conduct of all members is honorable and reasonably formal. So basically not a free for all shitposting or trolling fest.

Now, I realize that the prominent pay-to-play ancestry/DNA websites are almost certainly harvesting everything for nefarious purposes detrimental to us, and I anticipate that at least some—if not all data from all websites is being harvested regardless of privacy restrictions, so this free ancestry site won't be immune to that shit either.

However the main thing is that there is practically no comparably efficacious alternative available for us than the interweebs.

And unfortunately the pissant Corp Governments already possess all the information we would ever need for developing our own genealogical maps... but of course most of what Corp Govts have on us...they ain't never gonna admit.
In other words the Corp Govts will already have our individual & collective genealogical records, and they obviously ain't keen on us all having free access to any of it.
Sure we can try, but they simply throw up endless bureaucratic hoops just to get tiny crumbs.

Therefore it is upon each of us to seize the initiative ourselves.

~To know where we're going, we need to know where we are, yet to know where we are, we need to know where we came from~

I genuinely think there is some critical reason why the world's Corp Govts along with various other Corporations are proactively so aggressively seeking to control & inhibit access to genealogical records. Why? What the fuck are they hiding from us? Better yet, fuck 'em sniveling cunts, coz I for one intend to find the answers myself. You should too.



May 20, 2024
Need American assistance.

I've made progress tracing ancestral lines back from 3 of 4 grandparents, and just can't seem to find anything at all about 1, ie: my hybrid New Merican grandma.

No birth records, no baptism records, no marriage records, no nothin'...c'ept a single photo from around '42-'44.
•G-grandfather(*unidentified US Marine)+ infant grandmother('42-'44).
Any ideas on how to identify my great grandfather?

There must be some US Military archives that would still have records on personnel stationed in NZ between '42-'44?


Jan 8, 2021
Need American assistance.

I've made progress tracing ancestral lines back from 3 of 4 grandparents, and just can't seem to find anything at all about 1, ie: my hybrid New Merican grandma.

No birth records, no baptism records, no marriage records, no nothin'...c'ept a single photo from around '42-'44.
•G-grandfather(*unidentified US Marine)+ infant grandmother('42-'44).
View attachment 218545
Any ideas on how to identify my great grandfather?

There must be some US Military archives that would still have records on personnel stationed in NZ between '42-'44?
View attachment 218544
View attachment 218543

Couple of clarifying questions.

Do you know your Grandmas maiden name did you mean New Mexican?

You don’t know your great grandfathers name but he was stationed in NZ. Do you at least have a last name?

Is that correct?


May 20, 2024
Couple of clarifying questions.

Do you know your Grandmas maiden name did you mean New Mexican?
Thanks man! Appreciated!

•Maiden name: *O'DONNELL
(*Her mother's > NZ husband's surname)
1. My branch:
(*not O'DONNELL)

2. Grandma's branch:

*And yeah nah, I meant; 'New Merican'...😁
You don’t know your great grandfathers name but he was stationed in NZ.
*Yes sir, that is correct.

*Note: At the time of grandma's conception, her mother (*my great-grandma O'DONNELL) was legally married & had several children to a kiwi soldier (*O'DONNELL) who was deployed in either North Africa, Europe or the Pacific theaters.

Do you at least have a last name?

Is that correct?
*Yeah, absolutely no names at all so far.

*Note: My mother loves virtue signaling about her & her mother's Sioux ancestry from her mother's (*my grandma's) father.

*Note #2: My mother always kept tight-lipped about any useful information though—and that includes the entire immediately related family members on her side too. (*even now, as an adult, whenever I ask, they get all twitchy & secretive, very obviously and collectively concealing something about grandma's existence.)

*I have managed to contact an aunt yesterday (*a grand daughter of the US soldier) over on a new FB account, and messaged her asking if she knew anything... however, I logged in this morning to find my account suspended already...(🤣ffs!)

*Also started scanning through any images I can find online from 1940s NZ.

For all I know he could even be one of these young lads:



Wonder how many of these young US men and NZ women were cheating on their spouses right here aye...😂

Apparently there were so many illegitimate children conceived out of wedlock throughout the Oceanic/Pacific, during the '40s the phenomena warranted a definition, termed: 'War Babies'.

*Edit: Add; Image; 1940s US > NZ site map:

*Edit: add; Image; 'Battle of Manner's Street'...ffs😆🤜💥
Last edited:


Jan 8, 2021
Thanks man! Appreciated!

•Maiden name: *O'DONNELL
(*Her mother's > NZ husband's surname)
1. My branch:
(*not O'DONNELL)
View attachment 218621

2. Grandma's branch:
View attachment 218620

*And yeah nah, I meant; 'New Merican'...😁

*Yes sir, that is correct.

*Note: At the time of grandma's conception, her mother (*my great-grandma O'DONNELL) was legally married & had several children to a kiwi soldier (*O'DONNELL) who was deployed in either North Africa, Europe or the Pacific theaters.

*Yeah, absolutely no names at all so far.

*Note: My mother loves virtue signaling about her & her mother's Sioux ancestry from her mother's (*my grandma's) father.

*Note #2: My mother always kept tight-lipped about any useful information though—and that includes the entire immediately related family members on her side too. (*even now, as an adult, whenever I ask, they get all twitchy & secretive, very obviously and collectively concealing something about grandma's existence.)

*I have managed to contact an aunt yesterday (*a grand daughter of the US soldier) over on a new FB account, and messaged her asking if she knew anything... however, I logged in this morning to find my account suspended already...(🤣ffs!)

*Also started scanning through any images I can find online from 1940s NZ.

For all I know he could even be one of these young lads:
View attachment 218625

View attachment 218623

View attachment 218624

View attachment 218622
Wonder how many of these young US men and NZ women were cheating on their spouses right here aye...😂

Apparently there were so many illegitimate children conceived out of wedlock throughout the Oceanic/Pacific, during the '40s the phenomena warranted a definition, termed: 'War Babies'.

*Edit: Add; Image; 1940s US > NZ site map:
View attachment 218634
View attachment 218632

*Edit: add; Image; 'Battle of Manner's Street'...ffs😆🤜💥
View attachment 218633

I need to learn about New Merica, never heard of it.

Darn, there goes my idea. Your only option may be to do like a 23 and me or something like that to find relatives in the US then start checking surnames in the military archives or reaching out to relatives.

Friend of mine found out who her real father was using the testing. Of course, she had no clue her dad was actually her step dad. She reached out to her half siblings but they were rude and didn’t want to talk at all. This all happened right after her mom passed away.


May 20, 2024
I need to learn about New Merica, never heard of it.
😄Apologies mate, I genuinely can't tell if you're joking.

~'New Merica'~ is simply a cheesy play on words, combining 'New Zealand' + 'America'.

Tbh, if it were up to me I'd combine NZ, the NZ Antarctic territory & the entire NZ realm of Cook Islands, Niue & Tokelau + Aussie, Aussie's extraterritorial islands & the Aussie Antarctic territories all together respectively, as the 51st -54th & 55th-62nd states of the union, naming this new vast union spanning near on half the globe, as something like the: United States of America, Australasia & Antarctica.

*Random sub-sidenote #1: I think Australia + with it's Antarctic territories combined, roughly equate to near on double the total land area of the US.

*Random sub-sidenote #2: If we combined Aussie's & NZ's Antarctic territories, in addition to seizing half the "Unclaimed Antarctic" & also booted the French out, then our USAAA would dominate near half the globe & well over half of Antarctica too.
(*USA & NZ already share at least one major Antarctic base together.)

*Random sub-sidenote #3: Aussie is almost the size of the US-(*excluding Alaska), and is comprised of 6 states + 2 internal territories.

Darn, there goes my idea. Your only option may be to do like a 23 and me or something like that to find relatives in the US then start checking surnames in the military archives or reaching out to relatives.

Friend of mine found out who her real father was using the testing. Of course, she had no clue her dad was actually her step dad. She reached out to her half siblings but they were rude and didn’t want to talk at all. This all happened right after her mom passed away.
Hey no worries at all man. I still appreciate you.

😄I definitely won't ever be doin' none of those genetic harvesting schemes though.


May 20, 2024
Anyone know about this shit.
You need insurance when you have my last name
Fuck...😂 I've only just clicked and realized what all these Coats of Arms/Heraldic shit is about.

Its basically an antiquated genealogical categorization system.

More or less created for visually indicating ancestry along with social status & any achievements.


May 20, 2024
Fuck...😂 I've only just clicked and realized what all these Coats of Arms/Heraldic shit is about.

Its basically an antiquated genealogical categorization system.

More or less created for visually indicating ancestry along with social status & any achievements.
This realization came about while going through adding fancy frames to relatives wikitree avatars.

Didn't notice until looking at visual representations of the various genealogical branches and at different 'degrees'.

😅Tbh, I'm not even sure how tf to actually explain it.

Essentially, the fancy avatar frames I've added; visually serve much the same basic way a family CoA does.

*ie: my father's > father could have a particular gilded gold avatar frame, which would also be added to his wife; while their children would inherit the same gilded gold frame as well + including a minor alteration; then each of their respective children would inherit an additionally altered version of their altered gilded gold avatar frames....and so on.
(🤔Not sure if that makes sense.)


May 20, 2024
I need to learn about New Merica, never heard of it.

Darn, there goes my idea. Your only option may be to do like a 23 and me or something like that to find relatives in the US then start checking surnames in the military archives or reaching out to relatives.

Friend of mine found out who her real father was using the testing. Of course, she had no clue her dad was actually her step dad. She reached out to her half siblings but they were rude and didn’t want to talk at all. This all happened right after her mom passed away.
Apparently the USMC-(particularly 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Battalions)-rotated through the *lower north island US military camps during '42-'44, while the northern camps were primarily occupied by US Army.


May 20, 2024
Starting to suspect my great-grandmother may have deceived her kiwi O'DONNELL husband about the origin of my half American grandmother.

Might be why my aunts & uncles are being all sketchy about it.

Maybe g-grandmother lied to the kiwi husband, convincing him he was the father(?)


May 20, 2024
😄 Been researching this all day and fuck there is some tripppy shit that went on down here.
NZ was almost a military vacation/party island.

All the while US personnel were running around "planting American seeds" up & down the country....that've since grown into "Americanized forests". Ie: All my aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, etc ...on mums side, are part American.

Bloody genius way to stealthily exert American influence over the long-term really....😂


May 20, 2024
Also tried sourcing personnel records for the USMC 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Battalions from (*I think it was) 1931-'45.

Unfortunately as expected, these records aren't easily accessible, at least for a foreigner.

At this point I'm willing to begin methodically scanning through every photo of USMC's 1940s 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Battalions.

🤭I suspect, as a result of asking my aunt for information the other day, FB may have suspended my account due to her potentially falsely reporting it as a spam/troll account in order to evade answering me.
The reasoning for this suspicion arises due to the fact I had provided the aunt with an alternative means to contact me and so far she hasn't. Alas, I care not whatever the case may be, for eventually I am going to get to the bottom of this genealogical mystery and whether the results reflect positively, neutrally or negatively upon our family, tough fuckin' tits about their imaginary intergenerational guilt, shame or whatnot.
The truth shall prevail, and I simply do not give a flat fuck about anything less than.

Thus, if my G-G-Gran turns out to be guilty of infidelity, yet moreover subsequently then deceiving her husband, &/or gotten' into a bit of prostitution, or whatever else. It was still her responsibility to account for herself while alive & able. I am not accountable and neither is anyone else. Therefore I will not join in with my sniveling relatives enabling perpetuation of G-G-Grandma's personal derelictions. I ain't fuckin' carrying her discarded crap which has consequently led to poisoning her descendants.

Pisses me off tbh. I'm pretty sure this is what has led to causing my vicious bitch mother's whole dysfunctional family to completely fall apart.

Seriously, how the fuck is it that I am the only one out of dozens of relatives, most being decades older than me, who has the balls to say "Nah cunts, get fucked! I ain't participating in none of that intergenerational trauma bullshit!".

(😂Guess I needed to vent)

*End of rant.


May 20, 2024
Oh yeah, my G-G-Grandfather may have potentially been in NZ after participating at Guadalcanal.
(*according to the official narratives regarding the overall accounts of USMC units arriving here.)

Hopefully he wasn't one of the 900 casualties slaughtered by japs at Tarawa, Gilbert Islands (*Kiribati).


May 20, 2024
Yo @weaponoffreedom

Whenever you have a moment, could you please take a good look over this image of my G-G-Grandfather with your militarily attuned eye to see if you can spot anything at all, with which might be a potential lead for figuring out his identity.
*The original image was b&w.
*I've colorized & enhanced it.
Jul 9, 2022
Yo @weaponoffreedom

Whenever you have a moment, could you please take a good look over this image of my G-G-Grandfather with your militarily attuned eye to see if you can spot anything at all, with which might be a potential lead for figuring out his identity.
*The original image was b&w.
*I've colorized & enhanced it.
View attachment 218682
I am sorry, I do not see anything of significance, other than the fact that he has a full beard, which might indicate pre WW1....but hard to say. Sorry I cannot be of better help.


May 20, 2024
No matter. Linked up with a bunch of famz earlier.

😂Fuckin'ell! Turns out there is a family fb group and nonna my brothers-who are in it-ever said shit to me.

Classic narc cult behavior.

Why go to the additional trouble as a team keeping it a secret when they know I've been trying to figure this distorted fuckery out for years.

The hell is the point of that.

Pretty bloody foolish.

Can't conceal the Truth forever.

Eventually I was gonna find out.

Fortunately for them I ain't a vindictive shit.

Yet still they've proven their dishonorability once more, thats for fuckin' damned sure.

That shit don't magically regenerate on its own.

Fuck 'em anyways.

Made a shit tonne of progress today already...


May 20, 2024

Did I miss something, some underlying meaning in the picture? I did not read much of the thread, so why the "eye roll"?
Ya know, as...😄 exceptionally frustrating as it is, I like this somewhat robotic quality about you aye man.

I mean, the....ahhh...🤔... I guess, could be describable as that coldly detached frankness.

My cunt brother-(*post #18)-does the same thing too, c'ept...😏he ain't nowhere near as knowledgeable, intelligent, experienced nor most especially, as developed as you have consistently proven.
(*Not a compliment, rather merely a statement of—(as subjectively perceived)—objective reality.)

That thing you do is almost, butt definitely knot quite, like purely and objectively rational honesty...😂 primarily simply due its lacking any explicit admission for not actually giving even a fraction of a singular fuck about other's shitcicles. At least insofar as basic sympathy would be concerned, whereas instead seems merely as if bourne of some minor degree of generalized objective interest. Still, imo, there ain't nothin' wrong with that though.

So anyways, you asked: "...why the "eyeroll"?"

😎 You've already answered your own question within that same post mate.
Jul 9, 2022
That thing you do is almost, butt definitely knot quite, like purely and objectively rational honesty...😂 primarily simply due its lacking any explicit admission for not actually giving even a fraction of a singular fuck about other's shitcicles
I do not much care of someone's opinions of me, especially online......."honestly".

But in real life, I am a good friend, kind of.

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