Supplements for joint/cartilage pain

Good on you. You can do more than most people in the USA....It is something to be proud of.

Exercise and nutrition are better than any drug.

How many pull ups can you do @shiv????

Typical Glucosamine was recommended to me by a neurosurgeon I know.
I can do a couple at a time strict but I weigh 270 and had labrum repair in the last couple years so it’s quite a feat. I’ll do higher rep counts with a resistance band assist
I can do a couple at a time strict but I weigh 270 and had labrum repair in the last couple years so it’s quite a feat. I’ll do higher rep counts with a resistance band assist
I’m still my playing weight from my Soph Yr in High School @165#/6’2”. Have never been able to gain a pound since (And the crazy thing is I’m Type II diabetic since then too!). Still have those Structure, A&F and Britches shirts hanging in the closet just waiting to come back into style.
Dang man that’s impressive. I played offensive line at 6’ 185 in HS and have gained weight slowly each year that goes by. I love working out so I’ve always stayed strong and I usually have decent cardio as well. I rowed 10km in under 45 minutes last night. I just love food too damn much 😂
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