SuperStraight- Newest LGBTQ+ member ⬛️🟧


Some kid on tiktok started a new orientation called SuperStraight. After being called transphobic because he only wanted to sleep with women who were born women he decided to start this sexual orientation. It means he only sleeps with women who were born women. His video has millions of views.

best of all it has the libs freaking out especially the trannies. Go check out this Twitter and see the unhinged people saying trans women are women and you’re a bigot for not sucking that trans woman’s cock. Hilarious.

I’m putting this question in my back pocket for use.

Why should I have to invalidate my sexual orientation, which I was born with by the way, in order to validate your sexual orientation?

Someone in the tweets went with something similar but slightly different.

why should I have to invalidate my sexual orientation, which I was born with by the way, in order to validate your gender identity, which is how you have chosen to identify.
Some kid on tiktok started a new orientation called SuperStraight. After being called transphobic because he only wanted to sleep with women who were born women he decided to start this sexual orientation. It means he only sleeps with women who were born women. His video has millions of views.

best of all it has the libs freaking out especially the trannies. Go check out this Twitter and see the unhinged people saying trans women are women and you’re a bigot for not sucking that trans woman’s cock. Hilarious.

Twisting them into knots
Someone in the tweets went with something similar but slightly different.

why should I have to invalidate my sexual orientation, which I was born with by the way, in order to validate your gender identity, which is how you have chosen to identify.

I saw a comment about invalidating sexual orientation to validate another’s then I just added to it. Wasn’t trying to thieve. But I’m keeping it.

Edit: actually, that one is worded better. Makes a better point.
Edit: Skip what I said here originally (below the line). Found the original Reddit link and shared it in my following post below. Found it interesting, authentic, and seemingly grounded in science. Comment section of the post continues a reasonable dialogue. Main take away is that it's an illness and the percent of people affected is FAR less than what current culture is trying to prop up.
I read a lengthy reddit post from what I assume is a truly "trans" person. Nutshell version, they claimed true trans is a very, very small percentage of people who are on the genetic fringes in how their sexual organs developed who also are wired/or hormonally are as close to being the other sex as they are their birth sex.

Went on to stress that it's a super small percent of people, and that 99% of the self proclaimed trans today are essentially attention seeking whores or are basically confused/ experimenting. That true trans don't appreciate all the band wagoners.
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Worth a skim. I may have oversimplified what the dude/dudette is saying to some degree. The person has a reasonable dialogue with folks who are asking questions in the comments.

Not surprising the post is in the IntellectualDarkWeb subreddit. Would be shouted down otherwise.

I read a lengthy reddit post from what I assume is a truly "trans" person. Nutshell version, they claimed true trans is a very, very small percentage of people who are on the genetic fringes in how their sexual organs developed who also are wired/or hormonally are as close to being the other sex as they are their birth sex.

Went on to stress that it's a super small percent of people, and that 99% of the self proclaimed trans today are essentially attention seeking whores or are basically confused/ experimenting. That true trans don't appreciate all the band wagoners.

mentally ill
I highly suggest you all venture over to /pol/ on 4 Chan and read the threads there. Those guys are having a field day and copying and pasting all sorts of tweets tik toks showing the trans community losing their minds

No doubt the attention seeking whore trans are losing their minds. "True trans," or the type the author describes above, are rare and probably don't give a shit about some hashtag.
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No doubt the attention seeking whore trans are losing their minds. "True trans," or type the author describes in the above post, are rare and probably don't give a shit about some hashtag.
Was just on the chans and it's hilarious like @Npklee described.

It's no wonder the gays love 47 and turned out in huge numbers for him. Even they have been trampled by cancel culture and eaten by their own.

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