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Social Graces: What should you say to an unvaccinated friend who leaves the house without a mask?


Get Steppin’
Feb 19, 2021
A: You absolutely should say something to your friend. In fact, you’re obligated.

Article below:

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Told my kids to just kind of stay away of somebody with a mask. 8 yr old daughter says bc they have covid and masks dont work. For you gays she said that in wawa this morning. So we will just stay away from mask wearers for now. Depending on how they (mask wearers) act in public, will decide how we act toward them with a mask. If they act out of line in our opinion we will make more of a deal to make sure some see us avoid them. Touché you mask Nazis


Dec 10, 2020
Just took my daughter to her pediatrician appointment. Both of us walk in without masks and my daughter asks me what do we do if they require a mask. I told her if they require one they will provide one. Everyone was wearing a mask and no one said a thing. When we get in to see the Dr he said, I see you don’t have masks on, do you mind if I take mine off. To which I replied I’ve been done with masks before they started.

As we were leaving I told my daughter that I love the fact we’re the only ones not wearing a mask and no one seems to care.

We live in South Tulsa

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
Dr's offices and government buildings are the only places I have ever worn masks. Everyone else can kiss my ass. Not going to make a scene, just take my business elsewhere.
Yep, happened to me a while back. Went into a store and wasn’t wearing one, the shopkeep asked me to put one on, and I just said well, I guess I won’t be shoppin here anymore! Decues!
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