If you walk River St just wear crappy shoes is all I got. Your chances of stepping in a puddle of an unknown origin is very high.
Pink House (scored flounder)
Ms Wilkes (a better Paula deans)
Giribaldis (Italian)
Alligator Soul
J Christopher’s (breakfast/brunch)
Rancho Alegre (Cuban)
Gonna be in Savannah for a few hours on Sunday night- anyone have a good restaurant recommendation?
Gonna be in Savannah for a few hours on Sunday night- anyone have a good restaurant recommendation?
Another vote here for Elizabeth’s on 37th. I’ve had many good lunches on the patio at Belford’s. (They allow dogs on the patio). For dinner though, Elizabeth’s.
Is this the same Giribaldi's that's in Charleston?
Those puddles are from the beer, liquor, and puke of our ancestors. The next time you mention it use some got damn reverence.If you walk River St just wear crappy shoes is all I got. Your chances of stepping in a puddle of an unknown origin is very high.
Those puddles are part of our history. A little respect for what came before us is in order!Those puddles are from the beer, liquor, and puke of our ancestors. The next time you mention it use some got damn reverence.