Saturday (formerly Sunday (formerly Saturday))

Now that I got some yard maintenance done, I need to actually cut my grass and trim today. Gonna try and work out and then just relax.

I woke up thinking it was Monday and then once I realized it was Sunday I was pumped
was gonna knock out the yard this morning..just got back from getting gas for the mower.. went to hop on and noticed it wasn't sitting right looked back and both back tires are flat

after letting out a string of cuss words I came inside to contemplate my next move.. so now i gotta either drag out the air compressor and blow these motherfuckers up or just cut the yard with flat tires and worry about it next week

wonder which one i'll do....
I wish the potato was a little smaller but everything else looks great

ha i thought that was some fancy withered up peach that you cooks like to use for presentation
Haha...My wife made a bunch of the smaller ones instead of the big boys, which is col with me since I'd much rather eat more brisket, slaw, and salad over the potato.
was gonna knock out the yard this morning..just got back from getting gas for the mower.. went to hop on and noticed it wasn't sitting right looked back and both back tires are flat

after letting out a string of cuss words I came inside to contemplate my next move.. so now i gotta either drag out the air compressor and blow these motherfuckers up or just cut the yard with flat tires and worry about it next week

wonder which one i'll do....
I got my weed Eatin done for the most part. Ran out of string before I could put the finishing touches on. I prob should go get some string today while
I’m thinking about it, but nah

I’ll wait until next time and just get really annoyed I have to go get it next time I pull the weed eater out
I am going to cast iron pan sear the hell out of a flank steak and make some steak tacos for dinnner.

may have a glass of red wine also.,
My brother came by for lunch and I cooked some taco mean (ground beef) on the black stone. My FIL bought us a whole cow so our freezers are packed full of high quality beef. Should save some money this summer as beef prices double again
I got my weed Eatin done for the most part. Ran out of string before I could put the finishing touches on. I prob should go get some string today while
I’m thinking about it, but nah

I’ll wait until next time and just get really annoyed I have to go get it next time I pull the weed eater out

Pro tip if u hate stringing that weed eater, get one of those aftermarket heads for it that you can just bolt on and change the string easy with the slip thru eye holes like this Linky
I didn’t get my weed eatin done yet but I did just eat some weed if ya know what I mean. So as u Huntsville boys would say, I’m about to Blast Off
Pro tip if u hate stringing that weed eater, get one of those aftermarket heads for it that you can just bolt on and change the string easy with the slip thru eye holes like this Linky
I didn’t get my weed eatin done yet but I did just eat some weed if ya know what I mean. So as u Huntsville boys would say, I’m about to Blast Off
Wow thanks for the link. That looks way easy
Interesting, how did it taste?
They were damn good. They weren't traditional ribs, I picked up some country style. But I'll prolly do it again on a rack o two of spares. Seasoned and smoked for an hour and 15, then glazed with a mix of melted butter, few dabs of worstershire, and wings n things sauce for the last half hour. Only thing I would have added was some tobasco for a little more spice. I was very pleasantly surprised and definitely be doing it again. Nice change of pace from just normal dry rub or bbq sauce.
I bet you smelt what my Dad was cooking. My Ninja is 78.

You know we got a whole bunch of that shit go'n round hur.
Got this one rigged up before the eclipse comes. Ole zeb 33.weedless hook. 10 lbs.. Pank.
Have ran my ass off today. I'm glad gas is 4.00 a gallon, drove over 300 miles so far today and haven't left the state.

Plumber coming tomorrow to finish up bathroom in basement. Gonna try and finish up flooring and start hanging doors and trim. Ordering cabinets for bar area in the morning, but I dont expect them in for a while. So once floors, doors, and trim are done it will be "hurry up and wait" to finish.

Also gonna try some hibachi on the blackstone tomorrow. I'll post pics if I'm proud of results.
Have ran my ass off today. I'm glad gas is 4.00 a gallon, drove over 300 miles so far today and haven't left the state.

Plumber coming tomorrow to finish up bathroom in basement. Gonna try and finish up flooring and start hanging doors and trim. Ordering cabinets for bar area in the morning, but I dont expect them in for a while. So once floors, doors, and trim are done it will be "hurry up and wait" to finish.

Also gonna try some hibachi on the blackstone tomorrow. I'll post pics if I'm proud of results.
Cliff notes before everything you just said.

Black stones are overrated.

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