Russia, Russia, Russia - Durham investigation concludes. Sham Danchenko trial this week

Rumor at the FBI HQ is that Strzok is talking. Will drag this out even longer. New info…..

Wow, that would be amazing.

You know that Clinesmith guy flipped because he got such a light sentence. They are squeezing their way to the top. Who ordered the illegal plot? Hillary or Obama in my opinion and its going to light the news cycle on fire when the indictments drop. Also, Comey is in legal jeapardy too. No way in hell he didn't know what was going on.
Rumor at the FBI HQ is that St
Wow, that would be amazing.

You know that Clinesmith guy flipped because he got such a light sentence. They are squeezing their way to the top. Who ordered the illegal plot? Hillary or Obama in my opinion and its going to light the news cycle on fire when the indictments drop. Also, Comey is in legal jeapardy too. No way in hell he didn't know what was going on.
its happening and going very slow. Covid delayed GJ testimony. Clinesmith was the shot across the bow. Come talk to us or you are going to jail.
Rumor at the FBI HQ is that St

its happening and going very slow. Covid delayed GJ testimony. Clinesmith was the shot across the bow. Come talk to us or you are going to jail.

Am I missing out by not reading the LAC/Fraqqle thread? I bailed a few months ago after falling way behind & losing interest in the constant anticipation of things that always seem to be just a little further away. Is Durham really doing work these days? I had about lost hope in justice ever being served.
Am I missing out by not reading the LAC/Fraqqle thread? I bailed a few months ago after falling way behind & losing interest in the constant anticipation of things that always seem to be just a little further away. Is Durham really doing work these days? I had about lost hope in justice ever being served.
I posted in here cause it would get lost in the other thread. It’s happening at a pace we would consider too slow, but for people who know how it works….one source leads to another. These people don’t want to go to jail and are talking. End of timeline is undetermined and it is very frustrating.
I posted in here cause it would get lost in the other thread. It’s happening at a pace we would consider too slow, but for people who know how it works….one source leads to another. These people don’t want to go to jail and are talking. End of timeline is undetermined and it is very frustrating.

If it takes another year or two, fine by long as those behind it all are eventually brought to justice, and the masses learn the truth. I am not optimistic, but hopeful, especially with your thoughts on the subject. Unfortunately I believe our media is too corrupt, and the masses too brainwashed for the truth to get through, for many.
As president, he had the ability to declassify anything. Does that still hold true after leaving office? I'm guessing it doesn't, but it's just that, a guess.

Yeah, dont think he still has the authority. Some of the documents that Trump ordered released .... some of the agencies dragged their feet and didn't release them for one excuse or another.

Sounds like Durham is taking it pretty seriously, but if no one is held accountable in the end it will all be a waste.

Not sure a large portion of the populace will ever trust Washington again if no one is held accountable.
I am hopeful every single "MSM" outlet is next.

No way the judicial system goes after the Clintons directly IMO. Going through their surrogates (MSM) might be an easier path to get them. I am not a lawyer and maybe one can comment on what I said.

The “judicial system” wouldn’t be “going after” anyone. This is a civil lawsuit so this is Trump’s case. A corrupt judge may place a lot of land mines in his way, though.
His statement about the insurance policy is pretty damning and hard to sidestep.

Maybe he finally figured out Durham has him pegged and it was in his best Interest to talk.
My thoughts….Durham did a GJ parade and all these assholes talk. Durham put out a first to talk doesn’t get totally destroyed. Storz is a narcissist and is too pretty to go to jail, so he walked through the door
Am I missing out by not reading the LAC/Fraqqle thread? I bailed a few months ago after falling way behind & losing interest in the constant anticipation of things that always seem to be just a little further away. Is Durham really doing work these days? I had about lost hope in justice ever being served.
Not really thread is a shadow of itself, with occasional good information/thoughts
Hope but still have a hard time believing that rat would flip.
Several of these players likely don't have the deep pockets of the Clinton's and others. They also aren't being compensated by others to buy their silence. Even if they are it's likely that money stream is not endless. Anyone funding Strzok's or others legal bills is probably a rung or two higher up the ladder of corruption and have their own legal bills to pay. I suspect Durham has the ability to find out where the money is coming from--their own resources or from some other source (person).

Lawsuits alone get very expensive quickly even if others are paying most of the bills. $1,000/hr+ lawyers can drain a bank account very fast. The fear of going to prison plus having their money resources drained can force cooperation.
The “judicial system” wouldn’t be “going after” anyone. This is a civil lawsuit so this is Trump’s case. A corrupt judge may place a lot of land mines in his way, though.

So could the IG report >>>> Durham>>>>Lead to treasonous activities>>>>>Lead to military tribunals? Instead of the court system?
It seems this civil suit could get that ball rolling. But I have no idea.
The civil suit could indeed get the ball rolling. Trump's batting average on suits is high. All depends on the judge and forum.

The IG Report is an official government document not that it means anything as we've seen. It has been accepted by the DOJ and Congress through hearings. Little of it has been impeached. Seems like it serves as corroboration and a statement of facts. If not, why would we need IG's?
So could the IG report >>>> Durham>>>>Lead to treasonous activities>>>>>Lead to military tribunals? Instead of the court system?
It seems this civil suit could get that ball rolling. But I have no idea.
Durham and Trump’s civil suit are not connected in any legal sense. But they are on parallel paths. Treason can always go to a Military Tribunal under current regulations that were enhanced under Trump.
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