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Jan 9, 2021

Not sure where y’all stand with the Lord, but I listened to this message today and it gave me significant encouragement. It’s easy to become frustrated and despondent with the current state of affairs in the world. This message served to remind me that God’s plan is perfect, even when we don’t understand it. It was also a reminder that we are called to follow Christ’s example and directive to pray diligently. Our prayers matter, and are a direct result of our faith given to us through God’s grace.

One of the verses cited is James 5:16 “…The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Words to live by.

God bless.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021

Not sure where y’all stand with the Lord, but I listened to this message today and it gave me significant encouragement. It’s easy to become frustrated and despondent with the current state of affairs in the world. This message served to remind me that God’s plan is perfect, even when we don’t understand it. It was also a reminder that we are called to follow Christ’s example and directive to pray diligently. Our prayers matter, and are a direct result of our faith given to us through God’s grace.

One of the verses cited is James 5:16 “…The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Words to live by.

God bless.

To me, the most empowering words that Christ ever spoke were: "The kingdom of God is within."

That one statement gave me more insight into the other famous quote of Christ - "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set ye free."

I am free from the burdens of this impermanent material world. Feeling real good. I live from within my heart after living for 50 years in my head. That was hell on earth.

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