You are mentally unwell.Good goy use my nigger slave as a human shield to make the whites feel guilty for the sins we committed. We have trained you well young Skywalker.
You are mentally unwell.Good goy use my nigger slave as a human shield to make the whites feel guilty for the sins we committed. We have trained you well young Skywalker.
Since the kids on here can only understand memes I will add a few just for fun.
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View attachment 187949
Hatred and Racism is needed for our survival. Being brainwashed into being scared of being called racist or ___phobia, etc is why the white race is being genocide by the Jews and their forced immigration policies today. Embrace the hate, hate what is evil, hate what is degenerate, hate what is attacking you and your people hate those who are not human. This is a god given emotion.
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I happen to like the Jews. So sue me.
I know the Talmud well enough. I am racially jewish and learned about the Talmud in synagogue. And I hate it, so I reject Judaism, so Jews call me an anti-semite (as ridiculous as this sounds).
IQs are dropping, but this is hidden because scores are normalized to make the average 100. Here is a good video about white IQ:
As I said, reasonable people (of all races) need to form a new group that rejects both modern culture and Jews. That is the only solution. The morons of modern culture are a lost cause, as this forum so well illustrates.
Maybe, Talmudists or just parasite cultists?Could it be that the elitist groups listed in the posts above, are globalists, that just happen to claim the Jewish faith?
The star of Remphan?Could it be that the Star of David has no real origin in the "Jewish Faith" and has another meaning and or symbolism altogether?
If what I post offends anyone that just means it’s true.
You said I had a lot in common with bitch bot and the last sentence of that dumbass picture you posted talks about offending people.
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Sorry, I didn’t realize that you actually had downs or I wouldn’t have responded. That’s my bad, as there’s a handful on here that honestly have downs and I don’t respond to them because it seems mean. I honestly didn’t know you were one too.Who's offended?
Help, I can't stop em
All this talk about IQ....Yes I know of multiple Jewish men who are called antisemites. Nothing surprises me anymore in a day and age where the media calls a black or anyone who does anything against the status quoe a white supremacist. They'll say he's a black white supremacist which is absolutely histarical.
I'm glad you were able to acknowledge the Talmud is pure evil.
Yes the movie Idocracy which was my favorite movie at the time it came out, is perhaps coming true in a way for all people not just whites. Overall I believe it's a combination of genetics and environment. Yes, less intelligent people are breeding more but it's not because they're less intelligent, they just happen to be on average less intelligent. This is because the more attractive males are the one's doing all the breeding and they're normally lower IQ because they don't need to increase their intelligence to create offspring or gain fame or money they just need good looks or be athletic/entertaining in our current society.
I also agree that our intelligence is dropping at a much more rapid rate than in the movie Idiocracy. Again it's a little deeper than just dumber people are breeding at higher rates. It's because the POC's are being forced into all white nations hence they're given more resources and ability to breed as well they're mixing with whites hence lowering the IQ overall. If a white person of a 100 IQ mixes with another white person with 110 IQ then the odds are the baby will eventually have around 105 IQ (yes environment plays a factor but we're going with averages). However, if a sub-Saharan African with the 70 IQ mixes with a pureblood white with a 100 IQ then it's a going to produce a child close to an 85 IQ. This is one of the reasons the black Americans have an 85 IQ while the black Africans have a 70 IQ on average. It's because nearly all black Americans have some Caucasian DNA in them and on average around 30%. Combine that with the improvement of the environmental factors that gives them around an 85 IQ on average.
Lastly, the prediction models do have the average IQ to eventually become around 85 by the turn of the century. However, in accordance to the timeline we're about to enter into the 1,000 years of Christ reign so we will go through another restoration of the earth as in Genesis 1. Therefore, all that is pretty much irrelevant at this point. Just have faith in the creator, the divinely inspired scriptures, repent, and do good works and for me I am attempting to help free as many people as possible in this life and the next so I'm doing my part.
FIFYAll this talk about IQ....
How do Asians and white factor in? I am Russian, Asian, Native American, Eurpoean, decent as far as I is my IQ 14.0?
You forgot to mention that even Adolf Hitler had Jews in his family, his grandfather was jewish. New flyer in preparation? *popcorn*
Man charged for posting these flyers. Here's his hilarious court case clip as he proceeds to name the Jews from the flyers.
We all know if this was exposing white people for being in power positions (even if it's false) nothing would happen and most likely those people would have their social credit score increased.
Dear perfidious jew,Dear retarded goyim,
If you have the intelligence of farm animals, then Jews will treat you like farm animals. It really is that simple. If you want to be treated as human, then you will have to use eugenics to improve the intelligence of your population to (formerly) human levels.
A racially Jewish Arkian
Dear frog-man,Dear perfidious jew,
View attachment 201458
Your Talmudic argument is afflicted with illogical nonsense.
The "human" is a jew sub-man hybrid and but one of the many detrimental effects of jew infestation.
Your flaccid argument asserts the victim of subversive jew cultist backstabbing—somehow magically inverts reality & viola equates the slithering loxist jew as being "justified" in whatever the fuck perversions the malevolent parasite jew fuckin do.
#Marxist pseudo-logic
Kvetch all ya want. Still ain't going to change the actuality being Talmudists simply lack Man's capacities entirely.
We know the orphic jew is of it's father's genetic retardation, thusly forever cursed as sub-men. Snakes. Rats. A literal parasite homonid.
Man, I am.
Dear fishmint,Dear frog-man,
I am an Arkian, not a Jew. I am only racially Jewish, and only retards classify people by race. Goyim who aren't retarded can become Jewish, proving that Jews are an ethnicity, not a race. I reject the Talmud and don't use Talmudic arguments.
When an animal (or person) is infected because of a weak immune system, do you blame the pathogen or the weak immune system? Jews are doing a service by destroying weak stupid cultures.
A true Arkian
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This is funny as we know Hitler was a Jew and controlled opposition. The only people that will know he was right are the purebloods who will be the last humans on earth so he's technically correct.
View attachment 202212
This is funny as we know Hitler was a Jew and controlled opposition. The only people that will know he was right are the purebloods who will be the last humans on earth so he's technically correct.
Not donald trump. He got the jab!Aye?
What is this - "purebloods"?
Thought the Fauci appointing President Warpspeed sang a horseshit song bout his weekend hittin the Chloroquine or whatever tf they call it?Not donald trump. He got the jab!