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What is your political affiliation?

  • Liberal

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • Trump (MAGA)

    Votes: 29 43.3%
  • Socialist

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • I don't care.

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Politics are all theater - a magician's trick to keep your attention away from important truths.

    Votes: 16 23.9%

  • Total voters
Jan 26, 2021
Votes are private if you'd rather keep your anonymity. If you don't care, feel free to discuss here.

Personally I think politics are an absolute scam at this stage America's history. I was a big supporter of Trump in the beginning primarily because he came from a non-political background and seemed to have good economic sense. I was hoping that there would be a bit of a rattling to the system. I can say that definitely turned out to be the case, but I'm no longer sure if he wasn't also part of the great puppet show. Some great changes were made, and greater ones might have been made still if he hadn't been fought at every turn, but the "swamp" remains very much untouched, and perhaps even strengthened. I don't trust any of them at this stage.

As for my views, I find they're largely conservative but I definitely hold some liberal views as well. Ultimately, I believe bandwagoning with any political party, ideal, or individual is lazy and foolish. The bipartisan system as it works today serves only to divide those who should be united, especially with the weaponized woke religion of the day, which not only divides and demonizes opposition, but also serves to elicit reactionary and further divisive behavior from said opposition, all while the politicians rake in tax dollars and live elite lives above the rest of us, living above the law and the same standard they hold us to.

I consider myself politically agnostic, because I don't believe the way to a better future rests in the hands of politicians. I won't be convinced to blindly believe the electoral process. I don't know what the future holds, but I so not trust those in leadership (red or blue) to take the country down any path that is beneficial for the American people, unless said benefit first serves their needs and further tightens the collar.

There seems to be an "informational revolution" in its early stages, which may at least lead to the awakening of a larger percentage of the country. Trust in legacy media is being lost. There are those great figures arising to bring change and inspire us to do the same, not by a flimsy vote, but by taking ownership of our own lives, seeking the truth, and mastering our own spheres of influence for the good.


Jan 9, 2021


Dec 1, 2020
Great post, OP. Not much I can disagree with. The two party system we have has been antiquated and broken for decades. The identity politics component that’s been introduced in the past 20 years or so is what will ultimately destroy the country. Not sure how or if that ever gets fixed.
Jul 1, 2023
I will probably be the only one on this website that votes liberal. My stance is mainly along the lines of believing the Constitution is a “Living Document” versus a stone tablet with Commandments carved in it.
It would be hard to argue that’s it’s not a “living document” given that it provides for a branch of government to interpret it as the document changes over time.

Furthermore, the document is a reflection of the The People which themselves are living.


Aug 26, 2023
I will probably be the only one on this website that votes liberal. My stance is mainly along the lines of believing the Constitution is a “Living Document” versus a stone tablet with Commandments carved in it.
You ever talk to milksteak anymore?
And yhe constitution isnt a vibrant k
living document. Ot is hard to ammend by design


Dec 1, 2020
I've been thinking about that as well. How does all this end? Collapse? Some return to sanity/normalcy? We are such a young country. Looking at the history of other countries and comparing them to where we are now... Not sure what to expect.

You can take that thought process a step forward and ask, if collapse, what does that even look like? Anarchy? States secession? Devalued dollar and a conversion to a barter system economy? My local gated community becomes my new social hierarchy? I don't have the answer but it's troubling to even consider. Unfortunately, most people don't ever consider this possibility because they're engulfed in their bread and circuses.
Jul 1, 2023
You can take that thought process a step forward and ask, if collapse, what does that even look like? Anarchy? States secession? Devalued dollar and a conversion to a barter system economy? My local gated community becomes my new social hierarchy? I don't have the answer but it's troubling to even consider. Unfortunately, most people don't ever consider this possibility because they're engulfed in their bread and circuses.
The trajectory of America is way up so there is no reason to consider these communist propaganda points.


Aug 26, 2023
The trajectory of America is way up so there is no reason to consider these communist propaganda points.
Yeah i love when my retirement takes a dive and inflation melts me down to upper middle class. I had to fly business to atlanta couple weeks ago instead of first class. It was terrible. Thabk goodness it was only a day trip and i got upgraded on the way home
Jul 1, 2023
so ask yourself "Self, which Kennedy would rebar be talking about since i dekcsred my self an indendent?" You will find you answer by looking inward not outward
Most like John F but I suppose it could be John Kennedy the Republican Senator.

Obviously RFK Jr. Isnt even worth discussing given how radical he is pushing Russian propaganda.

John F. was ok but I didn’t like his outlook on American intelligence apparatus. In fact, given what we now know about Robert I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that John F. was on the Russian take and that’s why he needed to be eliminated like he was.
Jul 1, 2023
Yeah i love when my retirement takes a dive and inflation melts me down to upper middle class. I had to fly business to atlanta couple weeks ago instead of first class. It was terrible. Thabk goodness it was only a day trip and i got upgraded on the way home
You being poor and making bad investments has nothing to do with the overall trajectory of America.

We have more jobs than people. Factories are reshoring. The military is expanding. Technology is by far the best here. The economy is white hot.

As Europe and China fall to shit over the next few decades America might become the only country in the world with an upward trajectory which will only propel the rise even faster given that everyone will want to come here and be a part of this instead of just 3/4 of people.
Last edited:
Jan 26, 2021
I will probably be the only one on this website that votes liberal. My stance is mainly along the lines of believing the Constitution is a “Living Document” versus a stone tablet with Commandments carved in it.
Nice, dude. Thanks for speaking up. Are there any particular "set in stone" ideals you feel need changing in the constitution?

You can take that thought process a step forward and ask, if collapse, what does that even look like? Anarchy? States secession? Devalued dollar and a conversion to a barter system economy? My local gated community becomes my new social hierarchy? I don't have the answer but it's troubling to even consider. Unfortunately, most people don't ever consider this possibility because they're engulfed in their bread and circuses.
I totally agree. Could be any combination of these. Add an attack/occupation by another major world power (China) and we could win at Societal Collapse Bingo.

I'm hoping it doesn't come to anything like that for a generations to come, but things seem to have escalated pretty rapidly over the last few years. I don't feel like absolute doomsday level collapse is imminent, but something has to change about our trajectory or it seems inevitable that some major upset will come. I don't think we can expect any trajectory change without some sizable catalyst. Or maybe I'm just being too pessimistic about it.


Aug 26, 2023
You being poor and making bad investments has nothing to do with the overall trajectory of America.

We have more jobs than people. Factories are reshoring. The military is expanding. Technology is by far the best here. The economy is white hot.

As Europe and China fall to shit over the next few decades America might become the only country in the world with an upward trajectory which will only propel the rise even faster given that everyone will want to come here and be a part of this instead of just 3/4 of people.
Im also Jewish.
I leave tomorrow for the Holy land


Sep 22, 2023
The poll said you could vote more than once. I am Independent / Libertarian. This is a bit wordy, but stay with me:

The original liberal party is the Republicans. Republicans gave you the illegally ratified 14th Amendment and the questionable 16th Amendment (which calls for a graduated tax on labor just like the Communist Manifesto.) Both times this country was placed under Martial Law was by Republicans and most major gun control legislation is signed into law by Republicans. It was the Republicans that gave you the so - called Patriot Act and the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify crap. They pretend not to understand their other options in dealing with immigration so they are selling you what Bill Clinton was once lobbied for.

I voted for Trump twice knowing, at best it might be the lesser of two evils. Then I studied the man closely. A vote for him is a vote for the most liberal politician on earth. The facts:

I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that read Democrats Have Never Met a Communist They Didn't Like. That holds true today. The reality is that our forefathers tried that Democratic Republican Party and it didn't last fifty years before imploding. We were supposed to be a Republic, but people keep trying to screw it up with a democracy. If you want to keep your gun, not be under surveillance 24 / 7 / 365, enjoy your privacy, be presumed innocent until proven guilty, retain the Right to hold private property and reclaim the Rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, you will have to break free of the status quo.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
Which Kennedy?

And no radicals like Cornel West and Ron Desantis are abhorrent. They literally just get paid to divide people and obstruct.
SO how much do you get paid then......

Clearly yore a POOR so not much......which begs the question: How does living off a gov. that doesn't give you a fair wage feel when you watch them give the worlds poors more than you? (im sure you love this as yore a communist/socialist POS.....

EITHER way DON"T ANSWER ME AS YORE A FAGGIT and we all know the true answer anyway!

Now kindly KYS before we get to.......(its clearly coming with the religious war/end of times!!!)


Sep 22, 2023
It would be hard to argue that’s it’s not a “living document” given that it provides for a branch of government to interpret it as the document changes over time.

Furthermore, the document is a reflection of the The People which themselves are living.

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yeild,[(sic) and government to gain ground." Thomas Jefferson

"If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed." George Washington, Farewell Speech

“On every question of construction (of the Constitution) let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit of the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. ― Thomas Jefferson

While your assessment may be right, here is how it happened and what comes next.



B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
The poll said you could vote more than once. I am Independent / Libertarian. This is a bit wordy, but stay with me:

The original liberal party is the Republicans. Republicans gave you the illegally ratified 14th Amendment and the questionable 16th Amendment (which calls for a graduated tax on labor just like the Communist Manifesto.) Both times this country was placed under Martial Law was by Republicans and most major gun control legislation is signed into law by Republicans. It was the Republicans that gave you the so - called Patriot Act and the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify crap. They pretend not to understand their other options in dealing with immigration so they are selling you what Bill Clinton was once lobbied for.

I voted for Trump twice knowing, at best it might be the lesser of two evils. Then I studied the man closely. A vote for him is a vote for the most liberal politician on earth. The facts:

I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that read Democrats Have Never Met a Communist They Didn't Like. That holds true today. The reality is that our forefathers tried that Democratic Republican Party and it didn't last fifty years before imploding. We were supposed to be a Republic, but people keep trying to screw it up with a democracy. If you want to keep your gun, not be under surveillance 24 / 7 / 365, enjoy your privacy, be presumed innocent until proven guilty, retain the Right to hold private property and reclaim the Rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, you will have to break free of the status quo.
I wish you would have told us this with yore 1st post ever.......I could have easily just IGNORED you.

See I have a believe that the poorest/lowest denominators of humanity put sticker on cars and hold up signs in public (Both protest and those shitty business ones, Please tell me you dont?).....those people literally disgust me and I fear their stench will never be removed from people close to them.

Other than that you are pretty close to right about a hijacked Republic..........
Jul 1, 2023
"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yeild,[(sic) and government to gain ground." Thomas Jefferson

"If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed." George Washington, Farewell Speech

“On every question of construction (of the Constitution) let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit of the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. ― Thomas Jefferson

While your assessment may be right, here is how it happened and what comes next.

These are all really good!

I very much love the one about amendment! Just because of government was formed out of a revolution doesn’t mean that such revolution is ever permissible again in the future!


Sep 22, 2023
I wish you would have told us this with yore 1st post ever.......I could have easily just IGNORED you.

See I have a believe that the poorest/lowest denominators of humanity put sticker on cars and hold up signs in public (Both protest and those shitty business ones, Please tell me you dont?).....those people literally disgust me and I fear their stench will never be removed from people close to them.

Other than that you are pretty close to right about a hijacked Republic..........

Now I don't have bumper stickers because chicken shit people like to key cars. If I thought holding up a sign would work, I'd do it. It just don't work and all the memes you see aren't getting the job done either.


Sep 22, 2023
These are all really good!

I very much love the one about amendment! Just because of government was formed out of a revolution doesn’t mean that such revolution is ever permissible again in the future!
I guess we'd have to agree to disagree on that count. The United States has allowed so many foreigners into this country that, for many reasons, we will never deport the majority of them. And many of those will become citizens and bring more third worlders into this country. You can't build enough walls or pass enough laws to stop it.

Resistance doesn't have to be permissible. Sometimes it must be done in order to preserve what you have. If it leads to revolution, it was probably a choice between capitulation or genocide.
Jul 1, 2023
I guess we'd have to agree to disagree on that count. The United States has allowed so many foreigners into this country that, for many reasons, we will never deport the majority of them. And many of those will become citizens and bring more third worlders into this country. You can't build enough walls or pass enough laws to stop it.

Resistance doesn't have to be permissible. Sometimes it must be done in order to preserve what you have. If it leads to revolution, it was probably a choice between capitulation or genocide.
Agree to disagree.

In the grand scheme of things we aren’t taking that many foreigners when compared to the broader population. We’ve taken many many more per capita throughout history and our nation DESPERATELY needs more people.

I’m not wild about it. I wish those people would follow the law but it’s not an existential threat IYAM. That’s not even taking into account that most of these people are either Mexican (hard workers and conservative socially) or fleeing communist countries. It’s not like we are taking millions of Han Chinese or Syrians annually.


Sep 22, 2023
Agree to disagree.

In the grand scheme of things we aren’t taking that many foreigners when compared to the broader population. We’ve taken many many more per capita throughout history and our nation DESPERATELY needs more people.

I’m not wild about it. I wish those people would follow the law but it’s not an existential threat IYAM. That’s not even taking into account that most of these people are either Mexican (hard workers and conservative socially) or fleeing communist countries. It’s not like we are taking millions of Han Chinese or Syrians annually.
Twenty five years ago, where I live, you could sit on my back porch and shoot deer. Today this county's population is nearly a million people. There are mosques, taquerias and communities with the signs in Korean. One guy bled to death waiting on an ambulance because the EMTs couldn't understand the signs and numbers in a foreign language. You know what we don't have? White people. If I didn't have dark hair, I'd stand out like a black man at a Klan rally. This is coming soon to a neighborhood next to you.
Jul 1, 2023
Twenty five years ago, where I live, you could sit on my back porch and shoot deer. Today this county's population is nearly a million people. There are mosques, taquerias and communities with the signs in Korean. One guy bled to death waiting on an ambulance because the EMTs couldn't understand the signs and numbers in a foreign language. You know what we don't have? White people. If I didn't have dark hair, I'd stand out like a black man at a Klan rally. This is coming soon to a neighborhood next to you.
Well trust me there are plenty of white people here (not that it means dick anyways). I guess move to a different area if you don’t like your current situation?

As China and Russia continue to fail and fall apart the global refugee crisis is going to skyrocket. Every person in the world is going to want to come here and we need the workers to fill out the industrial plant expansion our country is experiencing.

Just do what I did and move into an HOA. I have one black neighbor but it’s not big deal since he pays to have his lawn taken care of such like the HOA bylaws require.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
Nice, dude. Thanks for speaking up. Are there any particular "set in stone" ideals you feel need changing in the constitution?

I totally agree. Could be any combination of these. Add an attack/occupation by another major world power (China) and we could win at Societal Collapse Bingo.

I'm hoping it doesn't come to anything like that for a generations to come, but things seem to have escalated pretty rapidly over the last few years. I don't feel like absolute doomsday level collapse is imminent, but something has to change about our trajectory or it seems inevitable that some major upset will come. I don't think we can expect any trajectory change without some sizable catalyst. Or maybe I'm just being too pessimistic about it.
Why? Present Society isn't sustainable IMHO.

What about todays society do you like/feel we would want/need?

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
I will probably be the only one on this website that votes liberal. My stance is mainly along the lines of believing the Constitution is a “Living Document” versus a stone tablet with Commandments carved in it.
Of course it is a living Document.
...but only in the sense that it can be changed via the Amendment process.

Trying to change it by redefining it's interpretation, as so many seek to do, is clearly unConstitutional.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
And yhe constitution isnt a vibrant k
living document. Ot is hard to ammend by design
It's hard to change because it should only be changed for the most important of reasons that the vast majority can agree upon.

Could ya even imagine how quickly it woulda gotten fucked up had they written it so that a simple majority could alter it? The nation wouldn't have made it 100 years.
Jul 1, 2023
Of course it is a living Document.
...but only in the sense that it can be changed via the Amendment process.

Trying to change it by redefining its interpretation, as so many seek to do, is clearly unConstitutional.
Yes to the first part. No to the second.

The Constitution creates a branch of government to interpret it. As that branch of government changes with different people and time those interpretations will change.

If the Constitution weren’t open to re-interpretation Dobbs wouldn’t have ever happen. Same goes for Heller.

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