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Pet peeves


Jan 8, 2021
There are more and more things which royally chap my butt.

One recent thing is the number of phone calls where before the caller introduces themselves they state that this phone call is being recorded. I have started telling the caller they don't have my permission to record the call. Most hang up at that point.

Today, after I told them they did not have my permission to record the call, some woman said, "the call is being record so my (her) boss could critique my (her) work...yada, yada, yada." I again said no and she continued with the "well, my boss...". I said, "Lady, your boss doesn't get to control my end of the phone." Then I hung up.

Next up...pet peeves when driving.


Jan 9, 2021
Here's my problem with left lane drivers. If I am going at or below the speed limit I am not going to be in the left lane. But, if I am already speeding and some person speeding at a higher rate comes behind me and wants me to move over, I am inclined not to, especially if there is room for them to go around.
I can’t stand when I’m in the left lane going faster than the speed limit, but behind a bunch of other cars, and someone comes up and rides my backside wanting to go faster. It’s not like everyone in the left lane is going to move over for them, and not like I can go any faster.


Jan 9, 2021
#1. I hate when I’m on a two lane road with no one behind me, and someone whips right out in front of me and then goes slower.

#2. I can’t stand when my wife asks me to voice my opinion on something. Then, once I voice said opinion she proceeds to ask me about ten times if I’m sure that’s how I feel about it. The reason being is that she disagrees and she basically just wants me to echo her opinion. No way to win on that.

#3. Hair left on the soap in the shower. Just…no.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
There are more and more things which royally chap my butt.

One recent thing is the number of phone calls where before the caller introduces themselves they state that this phone call is being recorded. I have started telling the caller they don't have my permission to record the call. Most hang up at that point.

Today, after I told them they did not have my permission to record the call, some woman said, "the call is being record so my (her) boss could critique my (her) work...yada, yada, yada." I again said no and she continued with the "well, my boss...". I said, "Lady, your boss doesn't get to control my end of the phone." Then I hung up.

Next up...pet peeves when driving.
20 items in the 10 Item lane! On more than one occasion I have found myself waiting in the 10 Items or Less lane in the grocery store and there is an old bitty in front of me that has about 20 things. She is running her mouth about grandkids. Like someone gives a shit. Then when the checkout chick tells her the total the old fart opens her damn purse and starts digging and whips out a check book! A check book!

She writes the check at the speed of a snail
, then she enters the amount of the check in her check book ledger and then tears it out! Then the check out chick needs her drivers license number so she starts digging for that! At this point I am one heart beat away from MEDIEVAL BEAST MODE. I am imagining myself sinking a 7 iron in the back of the skull, or better yet, I envision myself backing over her head in the parking lot and popping it like a watermelon. It's times like that when I have to do ALL I can to keep from EXPLODING. Nothing grinds my gears like this does.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
People that talk about working out, eating healthy, or losing weight.

People that go against Trump, or America 1st policy, claiming to know more than him or that he is "wrong".

When they replace something in my delivery or curbside order with a completely different food (ex: pineapples --> apples).


Jan 8, 2021
I can’t stand when I’m in the left lane going faster than the speed limit, but behind a bunch of other cars, and someone comes up and rides my backside wanting to go faster. It’s not like everyone in the left lane is going to move over for them, and not like I can go any faster.
Or on a 4-lane divided road with nobody around, I drive in the left lane because the trucks have beat the stuffings out of the right lane. Then rocket man comes up from behind and expects me to move over when the right lane is clear for a long distance.


Dec 2, 2020
Or on a 4-lane divided road with nobody around, I drive in the left lane because the trucks have beat the stuffings out of the right lane. Then rocket man comes up from behind and expects me to move over when the right lane is clear for a long distance.

If you are hanging out in the left lane not passing anyone, and do not get over for traffic coming up behind you, I feel like you are the asshole in that situation...regardless of speed.


Dec 9, 2020
There are more and more things which royally chap my butt.

One recent thing is the number of phone calls where before the caller introduces themselves they state that this phone call is being recorded. I have started telling the caller they don't have my permission to record the call. Most hang up at that point.

Today, after I told them they did not have my permission to record the call, some woman said, "the call is being record so my (her) boss could critique my (her) work...yada, yada, yada." I again said no and she continued with the "well, my boss...". I said, "Lady, your boss doesn't get to control my end of the phone." Then I hung up.

Next up...pet peeves when driving.
I hang up before there's a discussion. Similar complaint.. when it's a customer service call (usually at 8:15 in the morning... which already pisses me off) only to be greeted with a recorded "please hold. The next costumer service agent will be with you shortly "

Dafuq I will. Instablock.

My biggest pet peeve? (I'm not kidding)...Dayton drivers. Apparently all of their cars have governors that top out and hold at 38... no matter the speed limit.

Dallas girl in Dayton. The struggle is real.

I actually had to take s driving test to renew and establish an Ohio license. *****I might have illegally kept my Texas license to the very last day. I was 26 in the pic and looked good.... AND I managed to get back my license # that I had at 14 (yep...I got my license at 14. "Hardship" I had to drive to school that was not my local school. Life was hard 🤣) when I moved back to Texas. I wasn't letting that go and might have been dealing with a little Ohio denial.

Anywho...I take the driving test and it's a joke. You're average 11 year old can navigate this path. I ask the trooper if they require the kids to demonstrate successful entrance, navigating, exit on 4, 75, or 35. He laughed and told me they don't pay him enough to deal with that.

Explains so much. If I ever decide to get into politics.... this is going to be my platform. Every Ohio driver will know that 38 is ridiculous and y'all WILL know how to enter, navigate, and exit highways. For the good of the world.😅
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Jan 8, 2021
I hang up before there's a discussion. Similar complaint.. when it's a customer service call (usually at 8:15 in the morning... which already pisses me off) only to be greeted with a recorded "please hold. The next costumer service agent will be with you shortly "

Dafuq I will. Instablock.

My biggest pet peeve? (I'm not kidding)...Dayton drivers. Apparently all of their cars have governors that top out and hold at 38... no matter the speed limit.

Dallas girl in Dayton. The struggle is real.
If it's not a real person or if I detect a computer call I hang up. Have started answering using my speaker button. Any delay in response gets hung up on.


Jan 8, 2021
If you are hanging out in the left lane not passing anyone, and do not get over for traffic coming up behind you, I feel like you are the asshole in that situation...regardless of speed.
I can always make an argument that I am passing someone. In the circumstances I described it will be a cold day before I move over if the other lane is clear. Just as easy for the fast guy to move as me especially if no one else is nearby in either lane.


Dec 9, 2020
If you are hanging out in the left lane not passing anyone, and do not get over for traffic coming up behind you, I feel like you are the asshole in that situation...regardless of speed.
I don't care if you are in the left lane and slowly passing. If you have me (because yep... that's me) pulling up on you.... move your ass out of the way. That 1 mph difference isn't a big deal.

I also think there should be a law that makes it illegal for a semi trying to pass another semi at .02 mph faster for 6 miles. The penalty should be instadeath. 😅

Seriously. I drive. A. LOT. I love to drive. And I'm pretty courteous. I expect the same in return. You can form a train behind me. Just get the hell out of my/our way. If you get over and I see that you're going to be blocked, I'll purposely back off to let you get back over to pass. And I'm super protective of bikers. (My dad and sister ride.)

Oh.. and if/ when I do get over for someone kamakazing up behind me (and I do) do NOT then slow down to ride on my fender to trap me. That's just rude.

Either get on the gas to pass or back off.
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Dec 2, 2020
I can always make an argument that I am passing someone. In the circumstances I described it will be a cold day before I move over if the other lane is clear. Just as easy for the fast guy to move as me especially if no one else is nearby in either lane.

It may be just as easy, but you are still the asshole in that situation for not getting over. You are supposed to get over for faster traffic, and the faster traffic is not supposed to pass on the right.


Jan 8, 2021
I don't answer a # that I don't recognize. If it's legit...it goes to vm and I'll call back.
Unfortunately, I have two business lines that sort of need to be answered although I've figured out by the caller ID most of the clues of which are real and which are not. Not everyone puts their names on their caller IDs. My cell service says "wireless customer" instead of my name on outgoing calls. Been trying for several years to get them to change that.

My old telephone system used to let me hit any number key and send a sharp piercing tone in the caller's ear for as long as I held the key down when they wouldn't stop talking or let me answer. My new system won't let me do that.


Jan 8, 2021
It may be just as easy, but you are still the asshole in that situation for not getting over. You are supposed to get over for faster traffic, and the faster traffic is not supposed to pass on the right.
Been called an asshole before. Likely again before I leave planet Earth. But, I'm not moving if I am speeding and there is an empty lane next to me. Sorry if that bothers people.


Dec 9, 2020
Been called an asshole before. Likely again before I leave planet Earth. But, I'm not moving if I am speeding and there is an empty lane next to me. Sorry if that bothers people.
My friend got a ticket for impeding traffic. She was in the left lane. She was going 8 over.

She didn't get a speeding ticket. 🤣

Left lane is for passing. If you're not passing, swipe right. No matter how fast you are going.


Dec 9, 2020
It's the risk I take.

Well, I've posted pics of my jeep (tag and all). If I have to pull around you and give you a thumbs up, you know it's me.

I choose thumbs up followed with a right pointy finger to express my frustration. After all, you might be an armed 72 year old church lady. I'm not throwing the bird. 🤣

Again, I'm pretty courteous.

But damn, Man. Move. I'll be quick. I'll even watch for cops for you. I'm pretty good at it.
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Dec 9, 2020
I'll assume you're another Texas Tech fan if you give me the Guns Up sign. Probably get it back in return. :D
I'm not giving you the guns up. Okay...if I figure out it's you holding me up and putzing along...I might. Just for you. 🤣

(Most of my family are Raiders)

I'm more worried that people will think I'm giggin'. Gah.... now I have to reevaluate my response. 🤣

Pillow Pants

Jan 9, 2021
The left lane is simple. It is for 2 uses, and 2 uses only:
1. Turning left
2. Passing

If you aren't actively doing one of these you should get your ass out of the left lane. Thankfully, some places are finally starting to enforce this.

At one point, there was a 400% higher chance of causing an accident by forcing someone to pass you on the right. I don't know if that's still true, but I'm sure it hasn't changed much.


Dec 9, 2020
One side of my family is from Ohio...just a bit east of you.
So... we understand each other.. how do I say this... just bleh. You know what I'm talking about if you've driven up here.

I'm now waiting for one of your relatives to call you and tell you about this crazy bitch in a jeep with a *gasp* lnghrns tag that was just out of control and barreling down/up 75 or 70 like a bat out of hell. No doors and a child!!! And she gave me a thumbs up and pointy finger! 😅

Seriously... I've had a couple of conversations with officers (only because they have to) about reports of my driving with no doors *perfectly legal* with my child in the car. My child who is a foot taller and 60 pounds bigger than me. And who will be driving this jeep in a few months because my husband/ his dad has told him he can have it.
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Pillow Pants

Jan 9, 2021
I can always make an argument that I am passing someone. In the circumstances I described it will be a cold day before I move over if the other lane is clear. Just as easy for the fast guy to move as me especially if no one else is nearby in either lane.
You're endangering lives. Seriously. Remember that when you're doing this.


Dec 9, 2020
And the speeders aren't?
Nope. As long as a path isn't impeded.

That said, you said you are usually speeding in the left lane and anybody going faster can go around you to the right. So... answer your own question, I guess.

Passing on the right is ridiculously unsafe. Slower drivers/campers in the left lane, forcing right passing are a higher risk.


Jan 8, 2021
So... we understand each other.. how do I say this... just bleh. You know what I'm talking about if you've driven up here.

I'm now waiting for one of your relatives to call you and tell you about this crazy bitch in a jeep with a *gasp* lnghrns tag that was just out of control and barreling down/up 75 or 70 like a bat out of hell. No doors and a child!!! And she gave me a thumbs up and pointy finger! 😅

Seriously... I've had a couple of conversations with officers (only because they have to) about reports of my driving with no doors *perfectly legal* with my child in the car. My child who is a foot taller and 60 pounds bigger than me. And who will be driving this jeep in a few months because my husband/ his dad has told him he can have it.
Any of my relatives still in Ohio are likely not driving more than around town although one is a long haul trucker and spends more time out of Ohio than there. If there are any driving Ohio highways and dodging Jeeps they are in generations below me and we've likely never met. I haven't been to Ohio in decades except on a train trip from Philly to Chicago.


Jan 8, 2021

The said, you said you are usually speeding in the left lane and anybody going faster can go around you to the right. So... answer your own question, I guess,

Passing on the right is ridiculously unsafe.
Not on interstates. Happens all the time.


Dec 9, 2020
Not on interstates. Happens all the time.
It's not safe and there's no reason for you to not get over to let someone pass.

You're on an interstate and have plenty of time to see cars coming up on you. Move over as soon as you can (that doesn't mean you have to speed up). But the second you can move, move. Do not hold up the lane because you think your speed is fast enough and anybody who disagrees can just go around.

That's not how it works.

I don't care if you're going 200 mph. If traffic is moving faster, get out of the way. That's actually the safest move.


Jan 8, 2021
It's not safe and there's no reason for you to not get over to let someone pass.

You're on an interstate and have plenty of time to see cars coming up on you. Move over as soon as you can (that doesn't mean you have to speed up). But the second you can move, move. Do not hold up the lane because you think your speed is fast enough and anybody who disagrees can just go around.

That's not how it works.

I don't care if you're going 200 mph. If traffic is moving faster, get out of the way. That's actually the safest move.
We will disagree.


Dec 2, 2020
It's not safe and there's no reason for you to not get over to let someone pass.

You're on an interstate and have plenty of time to see cars coming up on you. Move over as soon as you can (that doesn't mean you have to speed up). But the second you can move, move. Do not hold up the lane because you think your speed is fast enough and anybody who disagrees can just go around.

That's not how it works.

I don't care if you're going 200 mph. If traffic is moving faster, get out of the way. That's actually the safest move.

Starting to wonder if he is just trolling us. If so, well done.

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