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Only through Jesus.


Aug 16, 2021
The statement is only half true.

Jesus is the only way to obtain salvation, but the goal of salvation is NOT going to Heaven.

The doctrine of a heaven-bound afterlife, especially one that insists that the saved go immediately to heaven, is a long-held false teaching that goes all the way back to the Greek religions.

The goal of salvation is resurrection unto eternal life, and placement on a New Earth. This is easily proven with Scripture.

Sadly, there is no justification for a heaven-bound afterlife. Only weak interpretation and/or extrapolation of segments of verses. Yet there is NO direct statement of such a doctrine.
Jul 9, 2022
The statement is only half true.

Jesus is the only way to obtain salvation, but the goal of salvation is NOT going to Heaven.

The doctrine of a heaven-bound afterlife, especially one that insists that the saved go immediately to heaven, is a long-held false teaching that goes all the way back to the Greek religions.

The goal of salvation is resurrection unto eternal life, and placement on a New Earth. This is easily proven with Scripture.

Sadly, there is no justification for a heaven-bound afterlife. Only weak interpretation and/or extrapolation of segments of verses. Yet there is NO direct statement of such a doctrine.
great, but saying heaven is so much quicker and too the point of the post.

so are you a true or false?


Jan 9, 2021
The statement is only half true.

Jesus is the only way to obtain salvation, but the goal of salvation is NOT going to Heaven.

The doctrine of a heaven-bound afterlife, especially one that insists that the saved go immediately to heaven, is a long-held false teaching that goes all the way back to the Greek religions.

The goal of salvation is resurrection unto eternal life, and placement on a New Earth. This is easily proven with Scripture.

Sadly, there is no justification for a heaven-bound afterlife. Only weak interpretation and/or extrapolation of segments of verses. Yet there is NO direct statement of such a doctrine.
I prefer it to being resurrected unto death.
Jul 9, 2022
So I would like to take this in another direction I assume that all who are going to reply have done so already, maybe not. Thank you for participating.

@Hoosier in Mad Town

if I missed someone I apologize.

If accepting Jesus, is the only way to eternal life, salvation, heaven, etc, whatever you want to call it..................why do some still insist that Israeli "Jews" are for whatever reason, worth the blood of 10's of thousands of Christians. "We stand with Israel" is a modern moniker, much like the generation before me was taught from birth to hate the Russians.

Why is the modern state of Israel, better to stand by than any other country, why not "stand with Mozambique" for example. The Jew, of today, and as an example I will use Ben Shapiro (including but not limited to) people who share the same standpoint that Jesus of Nazareth was not the son of God, and just a person in history, or a prophet?

I am not saying "send them to God and let him sort it out", I am saying what is the real reason why, the "stand with Israel" moniker has prevailed today.

If by definition, Jesus, and the belief in him is the ONLY way to salvation, and all other structures other than that are not true, (no longer, ie the New Testament), then by definition, those who do not believe, will not be "granted" everlasting life, this includes ALL non Christian in the modern state of Israel. You cant have it both ways.

If the above is agreed, why do modern people liken Israel (the country) with "Israel" in the bible.?


Sep 22, 2023
So I would like to take this in another direction I assume that all who are going to reply have done so already, maybe not. Thank you for participating.

@Hoosier in Mad Town

if I missed someone I apologize.

If accepting Jesus, is the only way to eternal life, salvation, heaven, etc, whatever you want to call it..................why do some still insist that Israeli "Jews" are for whatever reason, worth the blood of 10's of thousands of Christians. "We stand with Israel" is a modern moniker, much like the generation before me was taught from birth to hate the Russians.

Why is the modern state of Israel, better to stand by than any other country, why not "stand with Mozambique" for example. The Jew, of today, and as an example I will use Ben Shapiro (including but not limited to) people who share the same standpoint that Jesus of Nazareth was not the son of God, and just a person in history, or a prophet?

I am not saying "send them to God and let him sort it out", I am saying what is the real reason why, the "stand with Israel" moniker has prevailed today.

If by definition, Jesus, and the belief in him is the ONLY way to salvation, and all other structures other than that are not true, (no longer, ie the New Testament), then by definition, those who do not believe, will not be "granted" everlasting life, this includes ALL non Christian in the modern state of Israel. You cant have it both ways.

If the above is agreed, why do modern people liken Israel (the country) with "Israel" in the bible.?
Maybe I see the disconnect. The way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ (Yahweh). Yes, but in doing so you must live by biblical commands (the Ten Commandments) is an example. It is not enough to merely believe; one must "earnestly contend for the faith." Jude 3 - 4

BTW, even Jude warned against those who went the way of Cain.

God laid out a specific destiny for his people through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob / Israel. Of Abraham's lineage God decreed:

"3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." Genesis 12: 3

In accepting the Christian Israel truth, I was confronted with a reality. In WWII the United States blessed the Jews above all other people on the face of the earth. We lost upward of half a million men and women in saving the Jews. In just a few short years later, the United States LOST its first war to Godless communists in Korea. I saw two things at play:

Either God lied about the blessings presupposing that Jews were "Israel" OR somebody misidentified God's chosen. Additionally the Jews were NOT doing the things that the Bible said Israel would do. At first I attributed our troubles to the curses that nations receive for rejecting God. Then I had to face other harsh realities.

The founders of communism were ...surprise
The people who invented the atom bomb / fission bomb... surprise
Man who founded the Illuminati ... surprise
The man who infiltrated the Freemasons... yep
Man who penned the first Humanist Manifesto ... another surprise
The people who founded the ACLU ... are we seeing a theme yet?

The people who were the most influential in destroying the world and waging war on white Christians all shared a commonality. I wasn't looking for someone to hate; I was looking for a way to make the Bible make sense.

Salvation was not going to be earned by rewarding the people that brought death, destruction and genocide to the white Christians. History has proven that. The more we've done for Canaanites, the worse this country has gotten. Yet, as Christians we have to do good works. That shows that we are obedient to the charge we have as biblical Israel. But, good works alone are worthless. Hope that helps answer your question from my perspective.
Jul 9, 2022
Maybe I see the disconnect. The way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ (Yahweh). Yes, but in doing so you must live by biblical commands (the Ten Commandments) is an example. It is not enough to merely believe; one must "earnestly contend for the faith." Jude 3 - 4

BTW, even Jude warned against those who went the way of Cain.

God laid out a specific destiny for his people through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob / Israel. Of Abraham's lineage God decreed:

"3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." Genesis 12: 3

In accepting the Christian Israel truth, I was confronted with a reality. In WWII the United States blessed the Jews above all other people on the face of the earth. We lost upward of half a million men and women in saving the Jews. In just a few short years later, the United States LOST its first war to Godless communists in Korea. I saw two things at play:

Either God lied about the blessings presupposing that Jews were "Israel" OR somebody misidentified God's chosen. Additionally the Jews were NOT doing the things that the Bible said Israel would do. At first I attributed our troubles to the curses that nations receive for rejecting God. Then I had to face other harsh realities.

The founders of communism were ...surprise
The people who invented the atom bomb / fission bomb... surprise
Man who founded the Illuminati ... surprise
The man who infiltrated the Freemasons... yep
Man who penned the first Humanist Manifesto ... another surprise
The people who founded the ACLU ... are we seeing a theme yet?

The people who were the most influential in destroying the world and waging war on white Christians all shared a commonality. I wasn't looking for someone to hate; I was looking for a way to make the Bible make sense.

Salvation was not going to be earned by rewarding the people that brought death, destruction and genocide to the white Christians. History has proven that. The more we've done for Canaanites, the worse this country has gotten. Yet, as Christians we have to do good works. That shows that we are obedient to the charge we have as biblical Israel. But, good works alone are worthless. Hope that helps answer your question from my perspective.
It makes no difference to the point. NO one get to the father, accept through the son. NO ONE.

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
So I would like to take this in another direction I assume that all who are going to reply have done so already, maybe not. Thank you for participating.

@Hoosier in Mad Town

if I missed someone I apologize.

If accepting Jesus, is the only way to eternal life, salvation, heaven, etc, whatever you want to call it..................why do some still insist that Israeli "Jews" are for whatever reason, worth the blood of 10's of thousands of Christians. "We stand with Israel" is a modern moniker, much like the generation before me was taught from birth to hate the Russians.

Why is the modern state of Israel, better to stand by than any other country, why not "stand with Mozambique" for example. The Jew, of today, and as an example I will use Ben Shapiro (including but not limited to) people who share the same standpoint that Jesus of Nazareth was not the son of God, and just a person in history, or a prophet?

I am not saying "send them to God and let him sort it out", I am saying what is the real reason why, the "stand with Israel" moniker has prevailed today.

If by definition, Jesus, and the belief in him is the ONLY way to salvation, and all other structures other than that are not true, (no longer, ie the New Testament), then by definition, those who do not believe, will not be "granted" everlasting life, this includes ALL non Christian in the modern state of Israel. You cant have it both ways.

If the above is agreed, why do modern people liken Israel (the country) with "Israel" in the bible.?
Modern Jews are no different than anyone else who is lost.

We should evangelize them just like we should Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, Cultural Christians, etc....

That should be done in love.


Aug 16, 2021
Not to spend a lot of time on this, but you went from "Jesus is the only way to the Father" to "Belief in Jesus is the only way to get eternal life."

I do not accept the latter statement as a global truth. Eternal life can be given to believers and non-believers, Jews and Gentiles, those who heard the gospel and those who did not.

Select members of all of these groups will inherit eternal life and obtain entry into the eternal Kingdom: all whose names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
Last edited:
Jul 9, 2022
Not to spend a lot of time on this, but you went from "Jesus is the only way to the Father" to "Belief in Jesus is the only way to get eternal life."

I do not accept the latter statement as a global truth. Eternal life can be given to believers and non-believers, Jews and Gentiles, those who heard the gospel and those who did not.

Select members of all of these groups will inherit eternal life and obtain entry into the eternal Kingdom: all whose names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
So, non Christians?


Aug 16, 2021
Yes. Read the first few chapters of Romans. Paul refers to Israel and some Old Testament Gentiles as being saved.

I would caution against asserting that the Lord of this creation has to follow a simplistic set of men’s rules as describing what He will do or not do.
Jul 9, 2022
Yes. Read the first few chapters of Romans. Paul refers to Israel and some Old Testament Gentiles as being saved.

I would caution against asserting that the Lord of this creation has to follow a simplistic set of men’s rules as describing what He will do or not do.
then, Jesus is not the only way?


Sep 22, 2023
Wow this thread died when confronted with the truth and the hypocrisy of the moniker.......and structure behind it.
This is constructive criticism FWIW:

Believers have weighed in and there is no comment beyond agreeing with you

Unbelievers don't give a rip

The only disconnect that I saw is that the Bible doesn't apply to every human being on the face of the earth since others may have a destiny separate from that of the elect in Christ of whom the Bible is written to, for and about.


Jan 9, 2021
Yes. Read the first few chapters of Romans. Paul refers to Israel and some Old Testament Gentiles as being saved.

I would caution against asserting that the Lord of this creation has to follow a simplistic set of men’s rules as describing what He will do or not do.

Is that you John Hagee?

Saved by what?

Paul spent intense energy trying to save his Jewish brothers and was concerned for their souls. I don't know how Paul could have been more clear.

Johnny Mac has a good sermon combatting this.

Also, John Piper addressed this:

"And so, let me just give a few of those, because they are really the very essence of the matter.

John 14:7, “If you had known me [Jesus], you would have known my Father.”
John 5:23, “Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father.”
John 5:42–43, “I know that you do not have the love of God within you. I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not receive me.”
John 8:42, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here.”
1 John 2:23, “No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also.”
John 6:45, “Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me.”
It is just hard to imagine how Jesus could make himself clearer that to reject him and wait for another Messiah is to show you do not have a saving relationship with God."
Last edited:


Aug 16, 2021
The problem with having these discussions is that most think of salvation in binary terms: saved/unsaved, life/death, heaven/hell.

But there are two resurrections and two judgements predicted, and the New Jerusalem is depicted as a city (figuratively called Israel) ruling over Nations (figuratively called Gentiles).

With 2 judgements, there will be 4 outcomes: 1) unsaved who suffer the second death 2) the Nations who, while having eternal life, need the leaves of the tree of life for their healing 3) the royal priesthood who will rule over the Nations, and get to eat the fruit of the tree of life 4) the Bride, who is joined to the Lamb.

We Christians have the chance at Bridehood, whereas others will unlikely obtain that level of salvation. But to condemn them to hell is very shortsighted, putting grace and mercy aside just so that we can have the excuse of hating Jews today.

To deny the Jews salvation because their hearts are stubborn is to put God's complex plan into too tidy of a little box. In many places in the Prophets, the stubborn Jews are promised a future salvation, where their hearts of stone will be replaced with hearts of flesh.


Jan 9, 2021
The problem with having these discussions is that most think of salvation in binary terms: saved/unsaved, life/death, heaven/hell.

But there are two resurrections and two judgements predicted, and the New Jerusalem is depicted as a city (figuratively called Israel) ruling over Nations (figuratively called Gentiles).

With 2 judgements, there will be 4 outcomes: 1) unsaved who suffer the second death 2) the Nations who, while having eternal life, need the leaves of the tree of life for their healing 3) the royal priesthood who will rule over the Nations, and get to eat the fruit of the tree of life 4) the Bride, who is joined to the Lamb.

We Christians have the chance at Bridehood, whereas others will unlikely obtain that level of salvation. But to condemn them to hell is very shortsighted, putting grace and mercy aside just so that we can have the excuse of hating Jews today.

To deny the Jews salvation because their hearts are stubborn is to put God's complex plan into too tidy of a little box. In many places in the Prophets, the stubborn Jews are promised a future salvation, where their hearts of stone will be replaced with hearts of flesh.
That's not Biblical, Pastor Hagee. There are Sheep and Goats.

There is a wide and narrow path. Two paths only.

There is one olive tree that includes both Jew and Gentile.

There is no salvation outside Jesus for both Jew and Gentile.

Gentiles need Christ, Jews need Christ. It is clear in the Bible. Anything outside of that is orthodox (small o) Christianity.


Sep 22, 2023
That's not Biblical, Pastor Hagee. There are Sheep and Goats.

There is a wide and narrow path. Two paths only.

There is one olive tree that includes both Jew and Gentile.

There is no salvation outside Jesus for both Jew and Gentile.

Gentiles need Christ, Jews need Christ. It is clear in the Bible. Anything outside of that is orthodox (small o) Christianity.

And you still keep coming up against one problem with your interpretation.

Sometimes the rendering of "Jew" is a term meaning those who descended from Judah
Sometimes the rendering of "Jew" is a geographic term that means Judeans
Sometimes the rendering of the word "Jew" means someone that was a religious Jew having adopted a religion that has Canaanite origins

And when you say Gentile it too has connotations. Which nations is the text referring to?
Jul 9, 2022
But to condemn them to hell is very shortsighted
But it is true.
To deny the Jews salvation because their hearts are stubborn
But it is true, sad but true
The problem with having these discussions is that most think of salvation in binary terms: saved/unsaved, life/death, heaven/hell.
splitting hairs, simply put, you accept Jesus or you do not, and that is the determining factor in salvation, nothing else
Jews are promised a future salvation,
they were, it was Jesus, and his sacrifice


Jan 9, 2021
But it is true.

But it is true, sad but true

splitting hairs, simply put, you accept Jesus or you do not, and that is the determining factor in salvation, nothing else

they were, it was Jesus, and his sacrifice
It is almost like people don't know that Jesus told people of his day that they were of their father the devil.

39 They answered him, m“Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, n“If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works Abraham did, 40 but now oyou seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth pthat I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. 41 You are doing the works your father did.” They said to him, q“We were not born of sexual immorality. We have rone Father—even God.” 42 Jesus said to them, s“If God were your Father, you would love me, for tI came from God and uI am here. vI came not of my own accord, but whe sent me. 43 xWhy do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot ybear to hear my word. 44 zYou are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. aHe was a murderer from the beginning, and bdoes not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. cWhen he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. 46 Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? 47 dWhoever is of God hears the words of God. eThe reason why you do not hear them is that fyou are not of God.”


Sep 22, 2023
It is almost like people don't know that Jesus told people of his day that they were of their father the devil.

39 They answered him, m“Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, n“If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works Abraham did, 40 but now oyou seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth pthat I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. 41 You are doing the works your father did.” They said to him, q“We were not born of sexual immorality. We have rone Father—even God.” 42 Jesus said to them, s“If God were your Father, you would love me, for tI came from God and uI am here. vI came not of my own accord, but whe sent me. 43 xWhy do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot ybear to hear my word. 44 zYou are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. aHe was a murderer from the beginning, and bdoes not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. cWhen he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. 46 Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? 47 dWhoever is of God hears the words of God. eThe reason why you do not hear them is that fyou are not of God.”

The scribes and Pharisees were the descendants of Cain (who was a murderer from the beginning). The scribes and Pharisees had never been in bondage to any man. They were not and are not biblical Israel. You can't make Romans 9 apply to them (or any non-Israelite group of people) no matter how hard you try.



Jan 9, 2021
The scribes and Pharisees were the descendants of Cain (who was a murderer from the beginning). The scribes and Pharisees had never been in bondage to any man. They were not and are not biblical Israel. You can't make Romans 9 apply to them (or any non-Israelite group of people) no matter how hard you try.


Jul 9, 2022
The scribes and Pharisees were the descendants of Cain (who was a murderer from the beginning). The scribes and Pharisees had never been in bondage to any man. They were not and are not biblical Israel. You can't make Romans 9 apply to them (or any non-Israelite group of people) no matter how hard you try.

Timothy Charged to Oppose False Teachers​

3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer 4 or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. Such things promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God’s work—which is by faith. 5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6 Some have departed from these and have turned to meaningless talk. 7 They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.

Titus 3:9 in Other Translations 9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

I wonder, who in the Flood was a descendant of Cain? Why, because everyone other than Noahs family died in the flood. And without speculation, how can it be verified. But like the above, it does not matter.
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