Only through Jesus.

Timothy Charged to Oppose False Teachers​

3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer 4 or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. Such things promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God’s work—which is by faith. 5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6 Some have departed from these and have turned to meaningless talk. 7 They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.

Titus 3:9 in Other Translations 9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

I wonder, who in the Flood was a descendant of Cain? Why, because everyone other than Noahs family died in the flood. And without speculation, how can it be verified. But like the above, it does not matter.


Timothy Charged to Oppose False Teachers​

3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer 4 or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. Such things promote controversial speculations rather than advancing God’s work—which is by faith. 5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6 Some have departed from these and have turned to meaningless talk. 7 They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.

Titus 3:9 in Other Translations 9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

I wonder, who in the Flood was a descendant of Cain? Why, because everyone other than Noahs family died in the flood. And without speculation, how can it be verified. But like the above, it does not matter.
When people run out of a productive conversation, their bigotry causes them to start quoting swill about false teachers which is projection - nothing more and nothing less.

Science shows that the flood was not worldwide. Noah and his family had no knowledge about what or who was living a thousand miles away. The Chinese knew of Noah; they wrote about him and how that mighty flood affected the Tarim Basin.

God knows his sheep and they follow him. You can choose ignorance over a productive conversation and fool only yourself OR you can join the conversation and tell us what YOU think, using links as some kind of reference point, not your proxy to argue (while not having to be held accountable).
Of course, we are getting off topic..........

If Jesus is the only way, then the Jews of today are condemned to hell, unless they accept Jesus. And any Christian to whom tells this lie, as the truth, are aiding in their condemnation.

If the notion is that there are two ways, or that there is a free pass, then you are not a Christian, and worse you call yourself one, and even worse, you spread false doctrine.

Thanks to all or the participation.
Jesus is the way that Abraham will be saved.

And Jesus is also the way that Rahab will be saved.

Yet none of these believed in Jesus while they lived.

If you are going to insist that salvation is only offered to New Testament believers, then I am dropping my mic and bailing on this insanity.
Jesus is the way that Abraham will be saved.

And Jesus is also the way that Rahab will be saved.

Yet none of these believed in Jesus while they lived.

If you are going to insist that salvation is only offered to New Testament believers, then I am dropping my mic and bailing on this insanity.

  1. Abraham had faith in God and the coming Messiah.
  2. The Messiah was revealed.
Jesus was very clear.

John 14:7, “If you had known me [Jesus], you would have known my Father.”
John 5:23, “Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father.”
John 5:42–43, “I know that you do not have the love of God within you. I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not receive me.”
John 8:42, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here.”
1 John 2:23, “No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also.”
John 6:45, “Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me.”

I don't understand this. It is not even close. Jesus was very, very clear.

Jesus told Jews of His day that did not believe in him that they are not of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus commanded to Repent and Believe the Gospel.
When people run out of a productive conversation, their bigotry causes them to start quoting swill about false teachers which is projection - nothing more and nothing less.

Science shows that the flood was not worldwide. Noah and his family had no knowledge about what or who was living a thousand miles away. The Chinese knew of Noah; they wrote about him and how that mighty flood affected the Tarim Basin.

God knows his sheep and they follow him. You can choose ignorance over a productive conversation and fool only yourself OR you can join the conversation and tell us what YOU think, using links as some kind of reference point, not your proxy to argue (while not having to be held accountable).
The flood was worldwide.

We have documented flood stories of over 200 different cultures across all 6 inhabited continents from the Shawnee, to the Celts, to the Egyptians to the Incans to the Aboriginees.
Jesus is the way that Abraham will be saved.

And Jesus is also the way that Rahab will be saved.

Yet none of these believed in Jesus while they lived.

If you are going to insist that salvation is only offered to New Testament believers, then I am dropping my mic and bailing on this insanity.
They believed in the coming Messiah promised by God, the prophets and the scriptures. They were looking forward. We get to look back and forward.

The cross represents much more than just a man dying for our sins. It was literally how God restored the Fall in the Garden of Eden.

What was the cross? It was a tree. Can you think of any other tree that plays a significant role in the Biblical narrative? Deut. 21:23 Cursed is the man who hangs on the tree.

What did Eve/Adam take the apple with? What happened to Jesus' hands?

Where was Eve created from? Where was Jesus pierced? Isa 53:5 He was pierced for our transgressions. (John 19:34, Matthew 27).

What was the first Messianic prophecy? Gen. 3:15b He will crush your head and you shall bruise his heel. Where was the final spike driven?
Romans 2

13for it is not the hearers of the Law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the Law who will be justified. 14For when Gentiles who do not have the Law instinctively perform the requirements of the Law, these, though not having the Law, are a law to themselves, 15in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience testifying and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, 16on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of mankind through Christ Jesus.

Clearly as he could in such a short paragraph. Paul laid out a plan for salvation for the Gentiles who never knew the law. This salvation will occur on "the day... through Christ Jesus".

This aspect of salvation was part of Paul's doctrine as he referred to it as "my gospel".

I think I will take Paul's words over any of you wankers, and over any vids you post that preach against Paul's gospel.
Romans 2

13for it is not the hearers of the Law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the Law who will be justified. 14For when Gentiles who do not have the Law instinctively perform the requirements of the Law, these, though not having the Law, are a law to themselves, 15in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience testifying and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, 16on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of mankind through Christ Jesus.

Clearly as he could in such a short paragraph. Paul laid out a plan for salvation for the Gentiles who never knew the law. This salvation will occur on "the day... through Christ Jesus".

This aspect of salvation was part of Paul's doctrine as he referred to it as "my gospel".

I think I will take Paul's words over any of you wankers, and over any vids you post that preach against Paul's gospel.
I think your interpretation is off. See the notes below.

2:14 - Divine law is written in the hearts of mankind. That is why it is normal for them to do some good and shun evil. This indicates some knowledge of the Law of God. That knowledge will testify AGAINST them on the Day of the Lord.

2: 15 - Paul goes in further on the on the divine law.

2:16 - Paul is not referencing a second personal Gospel. He is referencing the divinely-revealed message of Jesus Christ. This is the same Gospel that Paul references all over Romans.
That's not Biblical, Pastor Hagee. There are Sheep and Goats.

There is a wide and narrow path. Two paths only.

There is one olive tree that includes both Jew and Gentile.

There is no salvation outside Jesus for both Jew and Gentile.

Gentiles need Christ, Jews need Christ. It is clear in the Bible. Anything outside of that is orthodox (small o) Christianity.
That passage refers to "sheep", "goats", and the Lord's "brothers".

If you are saying that the sheep are believers, then who are the brothers who are helped by the sheep?

Nay, this is a judgement of the unbelievers at the advent of Jesus, in which those who do good will be rewarded. The sheep, who did not choose God, are chosen by God nonetheless.

They are those of whom Paul described in Romans 2. They will make up the "Nations" who will be ruled over by the Christians. This is why I caution against a binary interpretation of salvation.

Yes, Jesus is the way, but there is more than one way. One way is preferred over the other, but there still is a second way.
The flood was worldwide.

We have documented flood stories of over 200 different cultures across all 6 inhabited continents from the Shawnee, to the Celts, to the Egyptians to the Incans to the Aboriginees.

The Chinese wrote about it because they were affected by it, but it did not wipe out everybody. Even your own post documents that fact.
Of course, we are getting off topic..........

If Jesus is the only way, then the Jews of today are condemned to hell, unless they accept Jesus. And any Christian to whom tells this lie, as the truth, are aiding in their condemnation.

If the notion is that there are two ways, or that there is a free pass, then you are not a Christian, and worse you call yourself one, and even worse, you spread false doctrine.

Thanks to all or the participation.

Everybody is wrong; you have a monopoly on truth and understanding and this thread is a wrap.
One can repent and accept Jesus and be born again a new person
One can live by the mosaic law and the 10 commandments perfectly or do lots of burnt offerings.
Or one can get gods favor and a chariot could whisk you away to heaven and you will never know an earthly death.

But I do believe that Jesus done away with the Mosaic requirements and that NO MAN gets to the father except through the son JESUS.

So as far as i can gather is 1 sure way to heaven=Jesus and 1 very very rare way that only happened once=Being favored by God [Elijah] and brought straight to heaven.
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One can repent and accept Jesus and be born again a new person
One can live by the mosaic law and the 10 commandments perfectly or do lots of burnt offerings.
Or one can get gods favor and a chariot could whisk you away to heaven and you will never know an earthly death.

But I do beleive that Jesus done away with the Mosaic requirements and that NO MAN gets to the father except through the son JESUS.

So as far as i can gather is 1 sure way to heaven=Jesus and 1 very very rare way that only happened once=Being favored by God and brought straight to heaven.

You are entitled to your opinion. I don't agree, but respect your Right to believe whatever you want.

I had a man working for me, preaching the same message as you. I've had experiences with dozens, but this guy stands out because he would double down on the message like most that believe that false doctrine.

He was all about love and forgiveness; acceptance and toleration (except when others opposed his message). A few weeks after he finished working on my house, I was in the basement trying to do a job. Just about every tool that I was looking for was missing. I did an inventory of the stuff in my basement. That guy had taken most everything of real value, leaving me with a few Chinese made tools and bigger items that would have been missed by a walk through of the basement. I don't need to post all the details, but his former room-mate (who was with him) admitted that the guy stole my stuff. I say that for a reason.

When you have people that don't find it necessary to obey the laws of God, they will steal from you, lie to you and in general screw you over. Sin is the transgression of the law and if there is no law, there is no way on earth to transgress that which was done away with. You can't have it both ways. Jesus said:

" If ye love me, keep my commandments." John 14: 15

When you read that, read it all the way to verse 31 and reread verse 26 a couple of times.
Simply acknowledging Jesus is insufficient.
One can live by the mosaic law and the 10 commandments perfectly or do lots of burnt offerings.
sure, but a pretty high mark, in fact only one person ever lived up to them, and that was Jesus
But I do believe that Jesus done away with the Mosaic requirements and that NO MAN gets to the father except through the son JESUS.
That is what the book says.
Yes, Jesus is the only way.

During His 1000-year kingdom, there will be four groups of people.

1) Glorified Christians, ruling and reigning with him
2) Resurrected Israel, ultimately glorified via exposure to His presence
3) Living members of the Nations, who inherited entrance by their actions and Jesus will grant them eternal life
4) Those who are imprisoned in the Outer Darkness (the Abyss)

After the 1000 years, there will be a second resurrection and judgement.

1) Those released from the Abyss, including imprisoned demons and angels
2) Resurrected members of the Nations.

Out of these two groups, some will be forgiven and granted entrance to the New Earth.
One can repent and accept Jesus and be born again a new person
One can live by the mosaic law and the 10 commandments perfectly or do lots of burnt offerings.
Or one can get gods favor and a chariot could whisk you away to heaven and you will never know an earthly death.

But I do believe that Jesus done away with the Mosaic requirements and that NO MAN gets to the father except through the son JESUS.

So as far as i can gather is 1 sure way to heaven=Jesus and 1 very very rare way that only happened once=Being favored by God [Elijah] and brought straight to heaven

One of the commandments of the Law is to love God perfectly.

No one outside of Jesus has done that for even 1 second in their entire life.

Jesus is the way.
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