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Ok, honest question. Can a fourth grader really know if they are trans or not?


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
At about 9 maybe if it’s dead obvious but give him until puberty. Whatever they are probing now is crooked and dumb as fuck and will lead to either horrible gene manipulations or people dropping dead at 30


Dec 9, 2020
There's still quite the battle going on in Texas. A little boy (and twin brother) is allegedly Trans according to his mother. His dad is fighting to stop the abuse.... with no help from the court.

This is a boy. He knows he's a boy. Mom wants a girl. Mom is a pediatrician and is going to make sure she has a girl.

It's ugly. It's horrific. It's child abuse. And it's seemingly sanctioned by the court. In Texas.

Save James.


Dec 2, 2020
There's still quite the battle going on in Texas. A little boy (and twin brother) is allegedly Trans according to his mother. His dad is fighting to stop the abuse.... with no help from the court.

This is a boy. He knows he's a boy. Mom wants a girl. Mom is a pediatrician and is going to make sure she has a girl.

It's ugly. It's horrific. It's child abuse. And it's seemingly sanctioned by the court. In Texas.

Save James.

It is fucking crazy. I truly believe in a few decades, we will look back on this time in horror, as we encouraged mentally ill people to mutilate themselves. Society cheered them on, and the medical community took care of disfiguring their bodies. Makes me sick.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
Hell no!
It takes a sick adult to plant the thought and begin the process of indoctrination. They could exhibit behavior that would lead one to believe they are homosexual, but not trans - much to complexity for a child that young.
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Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
Posted this in my thread on the topic:

I believe it’s up to parents to raise their children how they deem necessary, however comma, it should be unlawful for children under the age of 18 to undergo any kind of gender reassignment surgery or hormone altering drug or therapy because they simply lack the life experience to know what they truly want. I say 18 because that is the average “legal adult” age. Children that haven’t hit puberty yet are still in a massive learning phase of their life, and teenagers go through changes both physically AND mentally where as like you said, may want one thing one day, and a different thing another. That’s my argument as to why kids shouldn’t have a say in it till they’re 18. Parents shouldn’t have a say in it because they would be robbing an innocent child of the chance for him/her to properly develop physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually....I’m not even going to touch on the moral argument right now, just strictly science.


Dec 1, 2020
Posted this in my thread on the topic:

I believe it’s up to parents to raise their children how they deem necessary, however comma, it should be unlawful for children under the age of 18 to undergo any kind of gender reassignment surgery or hormone altering drug or therapy because they simply lack the life experience to know what they truly want. I say 18 because that is the average “legal adult” age. Children that haven’t hit puberty yet are still in a massive learning phase of their life, and teenagers go through changes both physically AND mentally where as like you said, may want one thing one day, and a different thing another. That’s my argument as to why kids shouldn’t have a say in it till they’re 18. Parents shouldn’t have a say in it because they would be robbing an innocent child of the chance for him/her to properly develop physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually....I’m not even going to touch on the moral argument right now, just strictly science.

Yeah, Im with you on this issue. Child abuse to subject a kid to that. I don't want my kids going to school with trannies. Sorry not sorry. but i don't.

It is not normal to mutilate your body and take drugs to alter your natural birth organs. That is disturbing in the slightest and not behavior that I want to be around, see normalized, or accepted.

If an adult wants to do that I guess its their prerogative, but be like other people and keep your weird shit to yourself. Don't be weird and expect to be accepted as normal by other people. Fucking weirdos

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
Yeah, Im with you on this issue. Child abuse to subject a kid to that. I don't want my kids going to school with trannies. Sorry not sorry. but i don't.

It is not normal to mutilate your body and take drugs to alter your natural birth organs. That is disturbing in the slightest and not behavior that I want to be around, see normalized, or accepted.

If an adult wants to do that I guess its their prerogative, but be like other people and keep your weird shit to yourself. Don't be weird and expect to be accepted as normal by other people. Fucking weirdos
Said perfectly


Apr 22, 2021
Friend of my son was expelled in 8th grade for calling a trans girl a transformer. Mother fought like hell to get him back in school. Took 4 months and he is back. Trans idiot brings it on its self with the attitude.
Okay but should there just be no punishment for hate speech? I'm not trying to be inflammatory, here. I'm really wondering. That kid couldn't just say "I'm bringing a gun to school tomorrow" without repercussions, so why should he be able to bully somebody for who they are and expect nothing to happen?

My opinion is that we can all say whatever we want, sure, but there should be an expectation of a negative outcome if you're a complete a-hole to someone.


Feb 4, 2021
Okay but should there just be no punishment for hate speech? I'm not trying to be inflammatory, here. I'm really wondering. That kid couldn't just say "I'm bringing a gun to school tomorrow" without repercussions, so why should he be able to bully somebody for who they are and expect nothing to happen?

My opinion is that we can all say whatever we want, sure, but there should be an expectation of a negative outcome if you're a complete a-hole to someone
I totally agree. You should always be willing to accept retaliation for what you say, pussy.

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
Okay but should there just be no punishment for hate speech? I'm not trying to be inflammatory, here. I'm really wondering. That kid couldn't just say "I'm bringing a gun to school tomorrow" without repercussions, so why should he be able to bully somebody for who they are and expect nothing to happen?

My opinion is that we can all say whatever we want, sure, but there should be an expectation of a negative outcome if you're a complete a-hole to someone.
Bullying has happened since the beginning of time. If you’re just gonna lay down and get bullied then you deserve it, stand the fuck up for yourself, defend yourself, develop some personal courage and grow from it.

edit: let me say this, I was bullied like a mother fucker at one point in time for several years. Did I bring a gun to school? No because I’m not weak, I finally had enough, and did something about it! Never got bullied again.


Jan 15, 2021
Yeah, Im with you on this issue. Child abuse to subject a kid to that. I don't want my kids going to school with trannies. Sorry not sorry. but i don't.

It is not normal to mutilate your body and take drugs to alter your natural birth organs. That is disturbing in the slightest and not behavior that I want to be around, see normalized, or accepted.

If an adult wants to do that I guess its their prerogative, but be like other people and keep your weird shit to yourself. Don't be weird and expect to be accepted as normal by other people. Fucking weirdos

We are backwards on this issue. Most European countries you have to be 18, and where there are earlier ages in certain countries, you need a psych evaluation and doctor recommendations. We have none of that, it’s up to parents who think it’s awesome to have a accessory like a transgendered kid. It’s helps with their woke status. Pretty detestable.


Apr 22, 2021
Bullying has happened since the beginning of time. If you’re just gonna lay down and get bullied then you deserve it, stand the fuck up for yourself, defend yourself, develop some personal courage and grow from it.

edit: let me say this, I was bullied like a mother fucker at one point in time for several years. Did I bring a gun to school? No because I’m not weak, I finally had enough, and did something about it! Never got bullied again.
What about those who can't stand up for themselves? Not everybody is so big and macho (coughcoughtoxic). Some people need help. Where do they get that help from when nobody around them will stand up for them?

You're probably one of those who scream and cry about how much we need police officers, but the moment a school stands up to help a student, you talk about how the student should fend for herself.

I totally agree. You should always be willing to accept retaliation for what you say, pussy.
@yankmenoodle I'm not responding to this. I am just trying to have a conversation here.

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
What about those who can't stand up for themselves? Not everybody is so big and macho (coughcoughtoxic). Some people need help. Where do they get that help from when nobody around them will stand up for them?

You're probably one of those who scream and cry about how much we need police officers, but the moment a school stands up to help a student, you talk about how the student should fend for herself.
You right about the first part, not everyone can defend themselves. In those cases, I think it’s fine for the kid to seek help in another way I.e. counseling, parents, a teacher. But your second part, I don’t even know what the hell you’re trying to say. Of course we need police officers, and of course the school resources need to be able to help. All I’m saying is that at SOME point in life, you have to stand up for YOURSELF. Because in the real world, nobody gives a flying fuck about your feelings.

edit: and yes, I am big and bad and macho


Apr 22, 2021
You right about the first part, not everyone can defend themselves. In those cases, I think it’s fine for the kid to seek help in another way I.e. counseling, parents, a teacher. But your second part, I don’t even know what the hell you’re trying to say. Of course we need police officers, and of course the school resources need to be able to help. All I’m saying is that at SOME point in life, you have to stand up for YOURSELF. Because in the real world, nobody gives a flying fuck about your feelings.

edit: and yes, I am big and bad and macho
I mean, good for you, I guess? My point is that if you're willing to have cops step in and stop bad people from doing bad things, why on earth is it bad that the school steps in and puts an end to hate and bullying? I don't see a difference.

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
I mean, good for you, I guess? My point is that if you're willing to have cops step in and stop bad people from doing bad things, why on earth is it bad that the school steps in and puts an end to hate and bullying? I don't see a difference.
I don’t care if they do or not, MY whole point was that expulsion for that scenario was fucking stupid! Detention sounds about right.


Dec 9, 2020
I mean, agree to disagree... but thanks for the convo.
Transformer person has been outspoken on respect my choice, and will get in other kids faces and try to start issues.....it is looking for a way to draw attention to itself. So when friend had had enough he used the transformer comment. Admin was never going to do anything to the attention drawing transformer, but "had" to do something when it was retaliated on.

So by your measure because one considers themselves different and outspoken they can say whatever they want and be part of a protected class because the powers that be have deemed them something to be accepted, and by that logic you never get to fight back because you just aren't woke enough....


Apr 22, 2021
Transformer person has been outspoken on respect my choice, and will get in other kids faces and try to start issues.....it is looking for a way to draw attention to itself. So when friend had had enough he used the transformer comment. Admin was never going to do anything to the attention drawing transformer, but "had" to do something when it was retaliated on.

So by your measure because one considers themselves different and outspoken they can say whatever they want and be part of a protected class because the powers that be have deemed them something to be accepted, and by that logic you never get to fight back because you just aren't woke enough....
It sounds to me like those kids she was confronting were probably misgendering her or making her feel bad in the first place. How would you react if somebody constantly told you you weren't a man? You'd probably get a little heated and confrontational, right? Try to see through somebody else's eyes for once.

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
It sounds to me like those kids she was confronting were probably misgendering her or making her feel bad in the first place. How would you react if somebody constantly told you you weren't a man? You'd probably get a little heated and confrontational, right? Try to see through somebody else's eyes for once.
Dude he JUST said the tranny tries to instigate stuff all the time. Moral of the story is: if you’re a woke dipshit, just be cool and don’t try to force feed your faggotry wokeness on everybody else!

I was trying to have a mature convo about this with you but you just lost me. GTFOH with your bullshit


Apr 22, 2021
Dude he JUST said the tranny tries to instigate stuff all the time. Moral of the story is: if you’re a woke dipshit, just be cool and don’t try to force feed your faggotry wokeness on everybody else!

I was trying to have a mature convo about this with you but you just lost me. GTFOH with your bullshit
Yeah, don't worry. I'm officially done with this conversation.


Jan 9, 2021
It sounds to me like those kids she was confronting were probably misgendering her or making her feel bad in the first place. How would you react if somebody constantly told you you weren't a man? You'd probably get a little heated and confrontational, right? Try to see through somebody else's eyes for once.
If I wasn't a man I wouldn't get heated or confrontational.


Dec 9, 2020
It sounds to me like those kids she was confronting were probably misgendering her or making her feel bad in the first place. How would you react if somebody constantly told you you weren't a man? You'd probably get a little heated and confrontational, right? Try to see through somebody else's eyes for once.
Not at all. They were in class and it was pulling its standard bullshit. Gender hand to even been brought up because it isn’t something the kids talk about. They honestly don’t care. It was attacking him verbally and he shot back with the comment punctuated with the word transformer.

my son tells me about the girls who are all gay because it is cool, and the furries in school. They all just go about their business till someone wants to be an asshole and then it’s on.


Apr 22, 2021
Why...verbal back and forth is a lost art. Welcome to the board. Support and defend your position is all that is asked.
I'm not against verbal back and forth. But I feel like it's pointless when you keep calling that poor girl an "it" and others just use all this inflammatory language. I don't see a point in verbal back and forth unless we are hearing each other, and I don't think that's happening.
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