Almost any major corporation. Fortune 100 jobs. Government jobs. LEO jobs.What kind of jobs still test for weed these days?
Just curious as I'm not in an industry that tests. Id be more likely to smoke weed with the head of the firm than to be drug tested.
CBD has THC in it. Gummies are usually concentrated so I'm 98% sure that'll show up for 30+ days.CBD itself shouldn’t show up on a drug test, but it really depends on the kind of gummies you’re using. Some of them sneak in a little THC, and if you're taking them often enough, that can build up in your system and pop up on a test.
Almost any headshop.Can't recall the brand. If you buy any fake urine, it will likely work. Buy a cheap test and try some if you want to know for sure. The one my girlfriend used came in a little flask with a hand warmer thingy on it, but do not know the name.
So did you pass or what?On a piss test? I heard they only show up on bloodwork…T or F? I’m looking for a new job and may have to quit for a while
109%correct. If you drug test you get 5-10% discount. But the down side is everyone you hire is a fucking dork loser with no life or friends.I’ve had 3 pre employment drug screens in my life and passed them all with synthetic urine bought online.
Ive been told that employers still do them for workers comp insurance rates.
I've smoked for 36 years and never failed a test. Drink a shit load of water for a couple days. Somehow I passed a blood test too which I have no idea how I did but I got clearance.Starting day one without weed today for the job market.
as far are your hair follicle. Shave your head and your body. Your hair will grow back clean and quick. I’ve never had anyone ask me about my shaved body in the past, but if they do I just tell them my girlfriend like me clean shaven.
Blood is quickest easiest test to passI've smoked for 36 years and never failed a test. Drink a shit load of water for a couple days. Somehow I passed a blood test too which I have no idea how I did but I got clearance.
I did not know that. I always figured it would be most accurate. ThanksBlood is quickest easiest test to pass
I did not know that. I always figured it would be most accurate. ThanksBlood is quickest easiest test to pass
I think the most accurate, is the fingernail test. (goes back 3-6 Months)I did not know that. I always figured it would be most accurate. Thanks
I've come to find out so far as weed goes it is bullshit unless you are fat and lazyI think the most accurate, is the fingernail test. (goes back 3-6 Months)