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New Article on CrootNews: "Culture of Blame"


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
Excuses are for people that don't have the I.Q. to understand the difference between omission and commission. In short, worthless and incompetent. If you're not sure what those kind of people look like, just keep your eye on the squad and Joe Blow Biden, Nancy "dripping" Peelosi, Chuck "likes to swallow" Schumer and Jerry "no neck" Nadler. And AOC (Another Outrageous Cunt). Thanks @Cyberty @Croot_Overlord


Jan 10, 2021
Excuses are for people that don't have the I.Q. to understand the difference between omission and commission. In short, worthless and incompetent. If you're not sure what those kind of people look like, just keep your eye on the squad and Joe Blow Biden, Nancy "dripping" Peelosi, Chuck "likes to swallow" Schumer and Jerry "no neck" Nadler. And AOC (Another Outrageous Cunt). Thanks @Cyberty @Croot_Overlord
To grow and improve, one must take ownership. Even if it was because of someone else’s stupidity. One must always ask why their own behavior put them near that situation. Bad choices in friends? Bad choices in location?

The first step is to find how your choices got you to that result. The most important step, rarely accomplished, is to change your own behavior. Fire a friend? Fire a family member?

Once you own it, you can’t be owned.
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