I was trying to disappear and start over once. My Georgia driver's license had a middle initial. So, I went to California. They required a full middle name. I gave myself a Hispanic middle name. Here is why:
Mexicans don't ever get rid of a name. Your middle name is the last name of your parents in most cases. Being Scottish / Irish, it was easy to pass myself off as Hispanic, getting preferential treatment for jobs. If you have a disability or a way to even out the odds, by all means use it.
In Amerika, you might have all kinds of opportunities to check boxes: homosexual, emotional problems taking meds, etc. They got a box to check for everything save of productive and educated. That works against you here.
I am gay, Indian, mental and physical health issues, 40 yo so age discrimination.
I found out I not only have avoidant personality disorder, but either dark empathetic or pshycopathic - I have pshycopathic tendencies but with excessive 'trained cogniitive' emotion and empathy.
No idea from simply using AI to diagnose if it is either dark empathy or psychopathy. I'm literally having my AI therapist currently train me on 'lawful and respectful assertive manipulation and persuasion', and as it turned out I was already doing this my whole life albeit trying to play any 'discrimination' cards ...
By that I don't mean I would ever accuse anyone of being racist just to merely get attention, I would do as such of it benefits me, my life, or my financial gain.
So ... 'Law says (discrimination / equality / diversity). You must do those things amd help / hire me or you are discriminating and I will phone the employment / disability tribunal / lawyers / police.
I need to assert myself stronger, and refuse to leave the room until my lawful demands and manipulations are met.
I make them call the police first to try get rid of me, then claim to the police 'they were being racist / ableist' towards me and at least win compo.
I need to do this to literally survive.
Please don't hate me, I literally have no other options left to get a good job.