My mother died.

Every time I see stuff like this I automatically think jab. I’ve see so many stories recently of people being healthy after a check up, then getting the jab, and boom, they seemingly hit stage IV overnight. I know it’s just my conspiracy brain but it’s always the first place I go.
My mom passed away on Sept. 22nd, 2018. I still miss her and think about her almost daily.

Shit sucks man. Can't replace that unconditional love only a mother can have for her son.
She was perfectly healthy and got checked for skin cancer twice a year having grown up in Key West in the 50’s before the bridge was built, and spending the last decade on the Texas Gulf coast.
Her last check up was in January and came back all clear. In February a lump was detected in her arm that was determined to be breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes. Afterwards it moved to her bones and spine. 2 months ago she was put into ICU at MD Anderson and 2 weeks later a nursing home in Rockport (TX). After that she went home and was there for 2 weeks before Saturday night when she died.
Apparently the cancer or the chemo (doctors weren’t sure which one) caused dementia to set in. The doctor in Rockport said up until 2 years ago he had only heard of this happening, but now has seen it several times in the small town where my parents live.
The last weeks of her life were spent in a daze not knowing who anyone was or where she was. She lost 30 pounds, and looked like she was 89 instead of 69 and died weighting around 80 pounds.
Sure maybe she got the cancer from her genes because supposedly her grand mother died of breast cancer, maybe she was just unlucky, or maybe it was the second jab her and my father got.

I'll pray she gets to rejoin you in the 1,000 years of Christ on earth.

For the most part cancer isn't passed on through the genes (only in the rare cases where an infant is born with it). Genes just open the door so one would have to be more careful in their lifestyle than others. Cancer comes from thing that are not natural and it comes in the air we breathe, food we eat, water we drink, water with the chemicals we shower in, medications, the clothes we wear, cell phones and the radiation, Wi-Fi, etc. etc.

My grandpa died of lung cancer and at the time I didn't know what caused it. Now I know it was all the toxic medications he was on as the doctors had him downing 20+ pills a day of this garbage.

I have helped 5 people cure cancer just by changing their diet in what they eat and drink. I find the only people that are willing to listen to me is if their cancer is so bad, they have nothing else to try.
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