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My dispute towards "spam"

Jan 2, 2024
What exactly is their definition of "spam" anyways? I made the post ONLY ONCE on THEIR site or domain!

Ok, have you ever heard of job applications? Or even seeds of plants? This is what I mean: TRY EVERYWHERE/ALL OF THEM until you yield a satisfactory result. This facility may not accept your application, so you have to try everywhere until a place acepts your application. This same measure applies to plant seeds; some seeds don't always spawn into a plant; some may be duds. So sow as many seeds and hope one of them spawns into a plant. Or how about bomblets of cluster bombs? Some bomblets of cluster bombs don't always explode upon impact! That's what I mean by duds!

One place banned me for "known spammer" and when I got a reply from that site's admin, they claimed it's because I made the same post elsewhere on the internet. Are these nuts expecting me to post this message on only one site and wait and hope for the best? Then they're nuts! That's going to be time consuming!
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Nov 15, 2022
Agree. Their definition of spam would by necessity have to include all forms of advertising. If they punish the little people for spamming resumes, then the little people should be able to punish the rich for spamming ads.

I suggest we punish them with .30-06 Springfield!
Jan 2, 2024
Agree. Their definition of spam would by necessity have to include all forms of advertising.
All it took was that post I made ONLY ONCE on that site for them to slap a permanent ban on me from using their site again for the reason "spam"!
Jan 2, 2024
Is there a rule on their sites that's not published that mentions "you may not ask the same question or make the same post elsewhere"? If there is, then that's nuts! Have you ever watched Family Feud? See the reactions different people exhibit when given the same question to ask?

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