My 9/11 theory

The buildings were damaged so badly they had become dangerous and unstable. There was concern something catastrophic might happen if no action was taken. Reluctantly, a controlled demolition was initiated in order to prevent the situation from becoming even worse.

And then conspiracy theorists find out about the controlled demolition and say that's what was planned all long.

It's basically plausible deniability. The genius of a properly-planned conspiracy is no one can ever really tell if it's a conspiracy or just a natural event.
The buildings were damaged so badly they had become dangerous and unstable. There was concern something catastrophic might happen if no action was taken. Reluctantly, a controlled demolition was initiated in order to prevent the situation from becoming even worse.

And then conspiracy theorists find out about the controlled demolition and say that's what was planned all long.

It's basically plausible deniability. The genius of a properly-planned conspiracy is no one can ever really tell if it's a conspiracy or just a natural event.
I see where you are coming from. I've never been able to understand the physics of how these buildings where hit so high up, yet they collapsed straight downward
Reluctantly, a controlled demolition was initiated in order to prevent the situation from becoming even worse.
That would make sense, to someone who does not understand controlled demolition. One cannot..... all opon a sudden, make a decision to demo a building in that way. It cannot happen in the manner that you, and Silverstein suggest.
The genius of a properly-planned conspiracy is no one can ever really tell if it's a conspiracy or just a natural event.
This is very true, and the main reason the truth eludes most today.
There was no time to setup a "controlled" demolition after the planes hit.

Sure it was a "controlled" demolition, but it was setup before 9/11 lol.

My generation has paid for that day more than any other. 20 years of warfare, over a damn false flag.... That's over half of our lives if not more the younger Millennials go.

Same shit different decade though.... Gulf of Tonkin and Vietnam.... One could even argue that Pearl Harbor were the Japanese being setup to get us in WW2.
How would there be controlled demo? youre dumb

The skyscraper's steel frame wouldn't collapse straight down into its own footprint unless demolition charges were carefully placed to do exactly that.

In the absence of a carefully planned demolition if any part of the frame buckled the entire skyscraper should have tilted over and crashed down onto all the other buildings in downtown Manhatten.

A plane hitting it would have only damaged part of the frame, and created asymmetric stress on it, with damage on one side but not the other.

Even if rocket fuel poured into the elevator shafts, they were located in the center of the tower and not the outside edge where much of the frame is. Even if the rocket fuel weakened the frame, each floor wouldn't have collapsed onto the next top down all the way down to the ground. The fuel would have weakened the frame at one stress point and made it collapse and topple at that point.

What we saw was clearly and obviously a controlled demolition.
I read a theory that the towers had a failsafe built in to collapse them straight down if they were ever structurally compromised, to prevent them from toppling down on top of other buildings, causing an even larger disaster.

Which raises the question - do other skyscrapers have such failsafes? The Empire State building? The Sears tower? Others?

Who gets to decide when to activate the failsafe? Is there a big red button they push?

It raises implications about terror attacks. Why bother bringing bombs into these skyscrapers if they are already rigged with bombs? Could a hacker take control of the failsafe?

I'm not sure what to think about that. It's plausible, and if it was a failsafe they would cover it up because SIlverstein was banking on a huge insurance payout. Bringing the towers down deliberately would not be covered by insurance.
Pearl Harbor were the Japanese being setup to get us in WW2.
10 years prior, there was a training exercise that mapped the whole thing out. Of course, that would be a logical move, since Pearl Harbor was our most western base, and of huge strategic advantage.
The skyscraper's steel frame wouldn't collapse straight down into its own footprint unless demolition charges were carefully placed to do exactly that.
What we saw was clearly and obviously a controlled demolition.
That is what some evidence shows for sure
I read a theory that the towers had a failsafe built in to collapse them straight down if they were ever structurally compromised
Which is bullshit. What you are referring to is a "crush zone". It is built into modern cars, not buildings. In engineering a building, typically a factor of 10 is used. Meaning if a floor is rated to support 100 lbs, it will fail at 1000lbs, just to give a perspective or the strength of such a building.
do other skyscrapers have such failsafes?
10 years prior, there was a training exercise that mapped the whole thing out. Of course, that would be a logical move, since Pearl Harbor was our most western base, and of huge strategic advantage.


That is what some evidence shows for sure

Which is bullshit. What you are referring to is a "crush zone". It is built into modern cars, not buildings. In engineering a building, typically a factor of 10 is used. Meaning if a floor is rated to support 100 lbs, it will fail at 1000lbs, just to give a perspective or the strength of such a building.

Link to the 10 year old training exercise please and thank you.
1.) Jevvs did it
2.) Jevvs told us they were going to do it for decades via TV, video games, magazines, their own currency, etc.
3.) No planes, pre set bombs
4.) Thousands of Jevvs didn't show up to work that infamous day (if they worked at the Trade Center or within a close proximity). All of them were messaged and told not to go to work on that day.

-Note: I love everybody and everything I say is for comedic purposes only. Hilary Clinton is an angel
Pro cutting off penises
pro killing unborn babies
annnnnd don't sue me bro
Yeah, building 7 probably that happened. If you read WWII history, the Soviets learned to rig all their buildings with bombs long beforehand, so when they fell, the last action was to set a time detonator, so after the Nazis moved in it would come down on top of them. Most US buildings would not have this, but when intelligence community is there, special buildings may. CIA was on floor 25 and others.

But man, that was a BS time. Oh look, catastrophic bullshit and now we need war in the middle east.
If you read WWII history, the Soviets learned to rig all their buildings with bombs long beforehand, so when they fell, the last action was to set a time detonator, so after the Nazis moved in it would come down on top of them
This is not true.

The tactic is known as "scorched earth". And while yes, the Soviets did use the tactic to starve the Germans during their invasion......there were no "pre rigged explosives" used to destroy the buildings in western USSR.

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