LNC: Live from the patio

Watching g the sandlot with my kid’s boyscout troop. Gonna head home soon and put them to bed so I can drink and shit post on here!
I hope you broke down all the misogyny and racism buried in that movie. Only one supporting black actor. What a joke. And Benny is clearly a white boy cast as a Spaniard. Pathetic.
Never knew how good life could be until I had a daughter 4 years ago. I spent the day playing tickle fights and swimming in the pool. Gotdamn I love being @REMESSIS.
I wanted boys, but I got twin daughters. Would never have it any other way now. Take them with me whoever I’m running errands and now they have gotten to where the can game a bit. We have been playing the original FF7 together. They can read most of the text and we are having a blast.
I wanted boys, but I got twin daughters. Would never have it any other way now. Take them with me whoever I’m running errands and now they have gotten to where the can game a bit. We have been playing the original FF7 together. They can read most of the text and we are having a blast.

Mine likes to watch random shit with me. She likes Forged in Fire (she says let’s watch it will Keeel daddy) and battle bots which she thinks are fighting vacuums. Wouldn’t have it any other way ... although judging by the shit I’ve done in my life I’ll probably pay dearly for it later lol.
Not to mention bias against dogs!

Mine likes to watch random shit with me. She likes Forged in Fire (she says let’s watch it will Keeel daddy) and battle bots which she thinks are fighting vacuums. Wouldn’t have it any other way ... although judging by the shit I’ve done in my life I’ll probably pay dearly for it later lol.
Awesome stuff. In my experience you are hitting a really fun time to be a dad to a daughter. Mine will be six in a couple months and 5y/o daughters has been the most fun year yet
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