Joel Osteen ...

I mean, he directly tells you to pray for God to give you specific things. I am sure that will resonate with some people, but I personally don't feel its my place to pray for possessions.

Typically my prayers ask for him (God) to help reveal his plan to me or ask that I may have the strength to see something through.
Surface brother. Should be a lot deeper then that. and Theres a lot more to it. Christ Wants a personal relationship with you. Not a robotic superficial one. Tell me about your prayer time. When you have it, and how often etc. I prayed for a new office that I wanted to purchase specifically and it randomly came up for sale. I also prayed about the price specifically. I bought it. Prayed for a house in a specific area as well.
Prayed for the right vehicle to come about for my 18 year old daughter. Got it. Currently praying for a 2012-2015 Chevy Colorado 4 door for my son. We will move when it is available. Bible says to pray over every decision and and every need. Also say call those things that are not as though they are. Press down shaking together and running over. If you think Jesus died on the cross so we would be poor and not abundantly wealthy I don't know what to say.
He is not suspicious, he is a fraud
Tell me a bout his fraudlant ways. Please. Like facts and evidence. Besides what you interpret his short sunday message to be about. Which is Chase Christ with all your heart and you will find him. When you find him he will work in your life. He has plans for your life. tell me about that please
Dude that’s been pimping Osteen is a piece of work. I’m not sure how he’d ever see anything good or bad in Osteen. He’s so caught up in his own self worth to have any discriminating conversation about anyone else...what an utter tool...
Surface brother. Should be a lot deeper then that. and Theres a lot more to it. Christ Wants a personal relationship with you. Not a robotic superficial one. Tell me about your prayer time. When you have it, and how often etc. I prayed for a new office that I wanted to purchase specifically and it randomly came up for sale. I also prayed about the price specifically. I bought it. Prayed for a house in a specific area as well.
Prayed for the right vehicle to come about for my 18 year old daughter. Got it. Currently praying for a 2012-2015 Chevy Colorado 4 door for my son. We will move when it is available. Bible says to pray over every decision and and every need. Also say call those things that are not as though they are. Press down shaking together and running over. If you think Jesus died on the cross so we would be poor and not abundantly wealthy I don't know what to say.
Surface brother. Should be a lot deeper then that. and Theres a lot more to it. Christ Wants a personal relationship with you. Not a robotic superficial one. Tell me about your prayer time. When you have it, and how often etc. I prayed for a new office that I wanted to purchase specifically and it randomly came up for sale. I also prayed about the price specifically. I bought it. Prayed for a house in a specific area as well.
Prayed for the right vehicle to come about for my 18 year old daughter. Got it. Currently praying for a 2012-2015 Chevy Colorado 4 door for my son. We will move when it is available. Bible says to pray over every decision and and every need. Also say call those things that are not as though they are. Press down shaking together and running over. If you think Jesus died on the cross so we would be poor and not abundantly wealthy I don't know what to say.
I just want to verify something, you do not believe that Prosperity Gospel is the antithesis to Jesus' teachings?
I thought it was especially cool and christ-like when he locked to the doors to his mega church while houston flooded and families had nowhere to go. When I think WWJD? That's it right there.

I also often wonder, if JC was alive today, how big would his mansion be and which exotic luxury car would he drive? Ole JC and is materialistic self. He was always flaunting that shit.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe that in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
If he had promised riches and worldly goods, wouldn’t all believers have them...or are some believers more entitled than others? Anyone that preaches a doctrine of such is a false teacher. Some of the finest and most Christ- like people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing had little in the way of worldly possessions but were full of the Spirit of Christ Jesus. They knew that the only possession that mattered was their salvation through the blood of Jesus.
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19).
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

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