JFK was the last president loyal to the American people and the United States Constitution.
After he was assassinated:
1. LBJ created the leftist "Great Society" which was a mess of public assistance, welfare programs, free shit, and started ballooning the nation's debt.
2. NIxon took us off the silver standard and made the dollar completely fiat
3. Ford was a big business crony capitalist born into family money, who appointed a Rockefeller to be VP who was a big business crony capitalist born into family money. His two primary acts as president was to pardon Nixon and start government propaganda encouraging the American public to spend less (willful impoverishment) in order to combat inflation and thus protect the big money piles of him and his rich friends. The government ran a deficit every year he was in office because children fed with golden spoons don't know how to manage money.
4. Carter sabotaged the USA with a ban on nuclear reprocessing which has set our energy production back by decades, delayed the transition to electric vehicles, and has effectively impeded the advancement of human civilization. On top of that he also ran double-digit inflation and began the practice of multi-billion dollar economic "stimulus packages" which have continued to today.
5. Reagan gave us Reaganomics, which is the open admission of debt manipulation as a matter of national economic policy. This was the beginning of the end. Debt began rising to such extreme levels that the nation couldn't pay it back without severe, crushing austerity that would be political suicide for any administration who would dare to try. Every president who to come afterward has been 100% on board with ballooning debt as a matter of doing business.
After Reagan we got Bush, Clinton, 0bama, and Biden. They are all scum and unworthy of the office they were granted.
Trump is maybe not so bad, but I don't think he could turn the boat around even if he got a second term. All the others are part of the anti-American conspiracy to bankrupt the country.
The World Economic Forum has stated that the USA won't be a superpower by the year 2030. They are right. How will the world's most powerful military be defeated? We have more foreign military bases than all other countries combined. We have a larger defense budget than the next 10 countries combined. We have the largest, most advanced, most powerful military on Earth by a huge degree. Russia and China together couldn't stand against us. How will the USA cease to be the superpower by 2030?
The Pentagon runs wargames all the time. How to win this theoretical scenario? How to defeat that enemy or that combination of enemies?
Has the Pentagon wargamed a scenario where the dollar becomes worthless, the defense budget effectively becomes 0, and the enemy is all the lying, cheating, backstabbing traitors in Washington, DC?