ITT we keep a Running List of Survival Items:

Here we can share items that we may haven't thought of yet. I can't remember which thread I read it in, but there was a story by a guy from Bosnia who had to survive with his family for over a year In the 90s, and didn't have the amenities we are so used to having.

I figured we could keep a running list of important items that we need to stock up on for when SHTF. if I put amounts, they are based on 6 months to a year.

FWIW, I'm starting with defense and security items. Of course the human body needs food and water to survive, but how are you going to get said food and water and everything else if you don't have a good offense/defense?


Weapons and Ammo - not going to say what all I have on here but every family should own at least one of each of the following: a tactical rifle, long rifle, shotgun, probably 2 handguns. I think the minimum amount of ammo should be 2K rounds per weapon system.

Razor wire and sand bags for home defense.


Carpentry tools
Mechanic tools

Food & water:

Canned goods
Various seeds for planting
55 gal barrels for collecting rainwater
Water filtration system
Gas stove with ample amounts of cooking gas (butane probably for camping stoves)

Hygiene & medical:

Rubber gloves
Trash bags
Kerosene (learn to make)
Toilet paper
Body and foot powder
Various medicines

Trade Goods (this is how you will survive, by bartering. Money will not be good anymore):


These are just the basic items you should have in the event we have to survive on our own. Of course there are many others and that’s why I created this thread, so we can all share our own thoughts.

Listen, all of this is great, but if you don’t know how to USE said items, it’s time you start learning; how to garden, how to dial in a scope on a rifle, how to clean/ maintain your weapons and tools, how to purify water, how to clean an animal, etc…

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. Be safe my
How does one MAKE Kerosene??????

I haven't read the entire thread yet but I'd add soap/shampoo/hygiene products. If you have females in the house, make sure to have feminine hygiene products available. Tampons also can serve as great fire starters or ways to plug a bullet wound.
I have made a homemade camp shower out of some basic supplies from Lowes. It ain't gonna be as hot as the wife likes it but you can wash your ass. I'm BIG on being clean.

I have lots of 550 cord, hand tools, nails and screws, duct tape, multiple ways to make a fire,

I've printed up old US Army field manuals on field hygiene and ways to make shelters. I have a metric shit ton of old medications (antibiotics, pain relievers, fever reducers, anti-inflammatories etc), Even expired meds can have a positive therapeutic effect.

Cutting tools- axes, machetes, knives.
A box of candles from the wife's days of selling them. A couple of clay pots to make a room heater.

Hell, I even have my son's old BB gun to shoot small game.

Its tough to store all this shit in a townhouse where you've got limited storage. I can only box up so much stuff.
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