Is this our legal sustem

I guess you're asking sarcastically and like a fool I respond.
The truth is I have been targeted by police and proseccuters with malice.
If nothing else I would expect a hungry lawyer to see opportunity in my words.
Thank you for your time are asking for financial help.
No I'm not I'm asking for people who know the law to drop in their advice. Honestly if I can prove the setup why wouldn't I be sue.
So “Hypothetically speaking of course”…

I get paid to give said advice for a living…
New guy (YOU) come on the board and ask for the advice I’m paid to give…..for nothing. How again are you not asking for financial help? Frankly you should sue yourself!
About 8 yrs ago the Reagan County police department kicked in seven doors. My home was one of those. Of the seven people arrested I was the only one to win my case. Good news you would think nut it only led to hatred and more attacks. That morning I wS arrested based on an outstanding traffic ticket. It wS that warrant that was used to kick in my door. I was put in solitary and was not given the opportunity to speak to a lawyer for 47 days. I honestly and it still upsets me to think about how I had to survive. With no correspondence because I would not receive envelopes or writing paper in my commissary even tho I filed the three step grievances..I actually starved myself for 16 days to gain a voice. Through this action I was able to gain the ear of a female officer who snuck me an envelope and allowed me to send a letter on toilet paper to a lawyer. 47 days after being arrested after a raid that produced no drugs, no firearms or any wrong doing whatsoever did I finally get to speak to a lawyer. This whole time I had no charges but still spent 9 months in county and several more months outside on bail to beaT this case. Only so thT 6 months later they could come back and say they had found a certain amount of drugs there and rearressted me again. The officer that supposedly made the find over a year early during the illegal raid was also the grand juror on the grand jury that indicted me. Well I beat thT case eventually. Again only to receive more punishment. After that I was involved in a stop in which all participant besides me were on the same page. Which is a case I. Strughling with now. What can I this case is over four yrs old . I have an altered video which I believe if not altered would prove a setup. All this time I have not been allowed to function as a normal person or received any compensation. I'm down to nothing. My lawyer which was a great lawyer Orlando decoys passed away and since then I've been forced to accept a public defender which In My opinion has had 5 months and has not even been able to look at my video.
Any chance i could check out the video?
PM me if ya like.

i take it the previous lawyer representing your case was the now deceased Orlando Dehoyos, from Ozona, Crockett County?

Did a little searching online and seems like there's some pretty blatant corruption running rampant amongst Texan officials.

Here's a random YT vid, for anyone interested, as an example:
Any chance i could check out the video?
PM me if ya like.

i take it the previous lawyer representing your case was the now deceased Orlando Dehoyos, from Ozona, Crockett County?

Did a little searching online and seems like there's some pretty blatant corruption running rampant amongst Texan officials.

Here's a random YT vid, for anyone interested, as an example:

Wow, a couple of those officers look like power hungry little bitches. Gives the good police a bad name. And wtf are they harassing people over a burnt out taillight on the trailer for anyway? Seems like the resources could be put to much better use.
About 8 yrs ago the Reagan County police department kicked in seven doors. My home was one of those. Of the seven people arrested I was the only one to win my case. Good news you would think nut it only led to hatred and more attacks. That morning I wS arrested based on an outstanding traffic ticket. It wS that warrant that was used to kick in my door. I was put in solitary and was not given the opportunity to speak to a lawyer for 47 days. I honestly and it still upsets me to think about how I had to survive. With no correspondence because I would not receive envelopes or writing paper in my commissary even tho I filed the three step grievances..I actually starved myself for 16 days to gain a voice. Through this action I was able to gain the ear of a female officer who snuck me an envelope and allowed me to send a letter on toilet paper to a lawyer. 47 days after being arrested after a raid that produced no drugs, no firearms or any wrong doing whatsoever did I finally get to speak to a lawyer. This whole time I had no charges but still spent 9 months in county and several more months outside on bail to beaT this case. Only so thT 6 months later they could come back and say they had found a certain amount of drugs there and rearressted me again. The officer that supposedly made the find over a year early during the illegal raid was also the grand juror on the grand jury that indicted me. Well I beat thT case eventually. Again only to receive more punishment. After that I was involved in a stop in which all participant besides me were on the same page. Which is a case I. Strughling with now. What can I this case is over four yrs old . I have an altered video which I believe if not altered would prove a setup. All this time I have not been allowed to function as a normal person or received any compensation. I'm down to nothing. My lawyer which was a great lawyer Orlando decoys passed away and since then I've been forced to accept a public defender which In My opinion has had 5 months and has not even been able to look at my video.
😅Spent fuckin ages searching for a downloadable PDF of 'Blacks Law Dictionary 11th Edition', coz it's definitely advantageous to be informed of the sly alternative legalese definitions of certain words.

Was even gonna buy it, yet just can't seem to find any PDF version available to download, apparently only physical copies.[¿?]
Fuck knows, i'm probably just too cabbage,...😂

•However i did already have the 4th Edition PDF, so, here ya go:

•Plus a couple of other random PDFs that may be of some interest:

•And some further info:
•Theres several more pages, will add in the following post.
About 8 yrs ago the Reagan County police department kicked in seven doors. My home was one of those. Of the seven people arrested I was the only one to win my case. Good news you would think nut it only led to hatred and more attacks. That morning I wS arrested based on an outstanding traffic ticket. It wS that warrant that was used to kick in my door. I was put in solitary and was not given the opportunity to speak to a lawyer for 47 days. I honestly and it still upsets me to think about how I had to survive. With no correspondence because I would not receive envelopes or writing paper in my commissary even tho I filed the three step grievances..I actually starved myself for 16 days to gain a voice. Through this action I was able to gain the ear of a female officer who snuck me an envelope and allowed me to send a letter on toilet paper to a lawyer. 47 days after being arrested after a raid that produced no drugs, no firearms or any wrong doing whatsoever did I finally get to speak to a lawyer. This whole time I had no charges but still spent 9 months in county and several more months outside on bail to beaT this case. Only so thT 6 months later they could come back and say they had found a certain amount of drugs there and rearressted me again. The officer that supposedly made the find over a year early during the illegal raid was also the grand juror on the grand jury that indicted me. Well I beat thT case eventually. Again only to receive more punishment. After that I was involved in a stop in which all participant besides me were on the same page. Which is a case I. Strughling with now. What can I this case is over four yrs old . I have an altered video which I believe if not altered would prove a setup. All this time I have not been allowed to function as a normal person or received any compensation. I'm down to nothing. My lawyer which was a great lawyer Orlando decoys passed away and since then I've been forced to accept a public defender which In My opinion has had 5 months and has not even been able to look at my video.
Wow, a couple of those officers look like power hungry little bitches. Gives the good police a bad name. And wtf are they harassing people over a burnt out taillight on the trailer for anyway? Seems like the resources could be put to much better use.
There was one particular site, didn't bookmark it though, it detailed a bunch of ex-police officers from Reagan County who'd been caught out doing all sorts of dodgey as shit, roughly between 2000-2015ish.

One had apparently arrested a woman he'd pulled over for some supposed minor traffic violation, however the reason for the arrest was a load of horseshit he made up.

Turns out he'd gone full spazz coz she refused to put out a cigarette.

She ended up dying(*read too much tonight and can't recall exactly why sorry, might've been physical injuries¿?) while locked up.
They apparently made out she killed herself.

Some of the other ex-police were into shit like drug smuggling, one was even caught pretending to still be an active officer after already being booted for drugs 'n' shit.

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