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Is Dr. Fauci the 'Father of the Pandemic?'


Dec 2, 2020
Good article to share(from a good source) with folks who might think you are a nut if it was from somewhere like the gatewaypundit or something. No crazy stuff in there, just some basic facts that should make anyone want to know more about fauci & his shady dealings. Again, if only we had a legit press in this Country...


Jan 12, 2021
With as intent as they seem on sweeping the virus' origin story under the rug, it would not surprise me that it was a result of gain-of-function research. Basically, if the most incompetent and potentially harmful policy possible turns out to be reality, I would assume Fauci is behind it.

Think of it this way - by the time anyone bothered to even to look into it, thousands of people had already been sickened. It is completely implausible that investigators would have been able to pinpoint the jump from animal to human to a specific interaction that had occurred months prior in a wet market. That's the kind of deux ex machina you'd see in a SyFy movie. The only two possible answers were: we don't know, or we fucked up. Anything else is pure propaganda, making "we fucked up" seem a lot more likely.


Dec 2, 2020
With as intent as they seem on sweeping the virus' origin story under the rug, it would not surprise me that it was a result of gain-of-function research. Basically, if the most incompetent and potentially harmful policy possible turns out to be reality, I would assume Fauci is behind it.

Think of it this way - by the time anyone bothered to even to look into it, thousands of people had already been sickened. It is completely implausible that investigators would have been able to pinpoint the jump from animal to human to a specific interaction that had occurred months prior in a wet market. That's the kind of deux ex machina you'd see in a SyFy movie. The only two possible answers were: we don't know, or we fucked up. Anything else is pure propaganda, making "we fucked up" seem a lot more likely.

I am no doctor, but do have some general medical knowledge and common sense. Even many of my doctor friends agree that there are some things that are just weird about this virus, that might lend credence to the theory that it came from the lab where they were doing gain of function research, or whatever.

If what they claim about asymptomatic spread is true, that is unusual and obviously would be something that someone researching potential biological weapons.

It is also strange, maybe unnatural, that a respiratory virus can cause diarrhea and blood clots. Blood clots have been a huge problem with covid patients. Just a weird virus alltogether. I 100% think it was made and released on purpose, but am sure that will never be proven, at least to most people.


Jan 12, 2021
I am no doctor, but do have some general medical knowledge and common sense. Even many of my doctor friends agree that there are some things that are just weird about this virus, that might lend credence to the theory that it came from the lab where they were doing gain of function research, or whatever.

If what they claim about asymptomatic spread is true, that is unusual and obviously would be something that someone researching potential biological weapons.

It is also strange, maybe unnatural, that a respiratory virus can cause diarrhea and blood clots. Blood clots have been a huge problem with covid patients. Just a weird virus alltogether. I 100% think it was made and released on purpose, but am sure that will never be proven, at least to most people.
I dunno, it seems like it's a particularly virulent respiratory virus. Not a doc either, but the empirical data shows a lot of textbook behavior. The flu is a respiratory virus, and causes diarrhea. When the data infects your body's systems, those systems go haywire, doesn't feel too far fetched to me.

Remember, gain-of-function research is most commonly advocated by ethically-flexible scientists (Fauci) whose dreams of creating world-saving vaccines shut out the possibility of bad things happening. The reason it is so roundly rejected by the non-mad wing of science is specifically because the scenario we've seen unfold with COVID can very easily happen. It's why that type of research is done in China, because they're the only ones who are willing to risk a world-ending event for a couple million bucks. Personally, I don't think it was intentionally released on the world. Probably just an accident, because the average worker in China is not very competent and simply doesn't give a fuck. We don't get poison in our dog food, lead in our kids' toys, etc. because the Chinese workers are malicious, they just don't give a fuck. Oops I spilled arsenic in the baby food vat. Oh well, time for lunch. Probably some lab worker infected himself due to poor practices, decided "fuck it, I feel fine," and went about his day.


Jan 9, 2021
With as intent as they seem on sweeping the virus' origin story under the rug, it would not surprise me that it was a result of gain-of-function research. Basically, if the most incompetent and potentially harmful policy possible turns out to be reality, I would assume Fauci is behind it.

Think of it this way - by the time anyone bothered to even to look into it, thousands of people had already been sickened. It is completely implausible that investigators would have been able to pinpoint the jump from animal to human to a specific interaction that had occurred months prior in a wet market. That's the kind of deux ex machina you'd see in a SyFy movie. The only two possible answers were: we don't know, or we fucked up. Anything else is pure propaganda, making "we fucked up" seem a lot more likely.
I've wondered if Trump wouldn't have cut off funding for it in this country would the dems have just gone ahead and released it in the US?
We know this was all about taking Trump down.


Dec 2, 2020
I dunno, it seems like it's a particularly virulent respiratory virus. Not a doc either, but the empirical data shows a lot of textbook behavior. The flu is a respiratory virus, and causes diarrhea. When the data infects your body's systems, those systems go haywire, doesn't feel too far fetched to me.

Remember, gain-of-function research is most commonly advocated by ethically-flexible scientists (Fauci) whose dreams of creating world-saving vaccines shut out the possibility of bad things happening. The reason it is so roundly rejected by the non-mad wing of science is specifically because the scenario we've seen unfold with COVID can very easily happen. It's why that type of research is done in China, because they're the only ones who are willing to risk a world-ending event for a couple million bucks. Personally, I don't think it was intentionally released on the world. Probably just an accident, because the average worker in China is not very competent and simply doesn't give a fuck. We don't get poison in our dog food, lead in our kids' toys, etc. because the Chinese workers are malicious, they just don't give a fuck. Oops I spilled arsenic in the baby food vat. Oh well, time for lunch. Probably some lab worker infected himself due to poor practices, decided "fuck it, I feel fine," and went about his day.

Fair points, all around. Good point on the flu, also. The blood clots seems especially strange, as does the asymptomatic spread to a lesser extent
It is just a strange disease. Again though, I am no expert.

As far as intentional release vs accidental, my reasoning for thinking intentional is pretty simple. I see China openly trying to dominate the world and overtake America in any way they can, often in dirty ways. Trump is their biggest opponent here, and Biden the opposite. At the most opportune time to hurt Trump, cripple our thriving economy, and so many other things, this virus starts infecting people in Wuhan. China hid this, and shut down travel within their own country, yet let people fly out of China, internationally. They lied about everything the entire time, while the WHO (Seemingly under chinese communist control) seemed to back them up and made recommendations that all hurt the U.S. I could go on, but you catch my drift. To me, occam's razor and my cynicism tell me it had to be intentional.

Or maybe I spend too much time in the fraqqle thread lol.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
Excellent article @BLatta12 - I will not mince words here - Fauci is an old fool who let his ego take him prisoner and turned him into the perfect puppet for the "China is Innocent" crowd. It is easy to lose one's objectivity when your 15 minutes of fame turns into 15 months. It took some time, but Fauci gradually developed a taste for his own shit. The more he ate, the he was manipulated. He was SAYING AND DOING ANYTHING HE HAD TO DO TO GET CAMERA TIME.

The poor old sick fuck. Give him a glass of Chinese lab water to drink and get his sagging shit covered ass out of the United States of America. We might be bruised a bit, but by God were still the ones that can kick anybody's ass. The problem is that we have feckless, deranged sycophants looking for the next cock to suck 24/7. Right now it appears their favorite flavor is "Chinese Covid."
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