Jake Broe Stan
Companies wouldn’t need employees because they wouldn’t be seeking any products. Nobody would be buying anything because they would have no jobs and businesses would constantly be making less money on maintained sales.Much ado about nothing.
First, they wouldn't control ALL the money, and secondly you act as though those banks and corporations wouldn't need any employees.
If there are employees, the people will have money.
....and people would also go into business for themselves.
The point is to have something to help keep the gov on the straight and narrow. It was set up that way by the Founders. Constitution says that States may only make gold and silver coin as a tender of payment of debt.
....and you said you love the Constitution, right? You just don't like that part, right?
The Constitution says what it say, not what any of us might wish it said.
The proper way to have gone off the gold standard would have been via a Constitutional Amendment altering what States could use as payment of debt.
Instead, they played games using a fabricated emergency. Why? Because they knew that the People would have never went for an Amendment changing that. So used subterfuge to do it.
The gold standard worked fine for intra country trade until the gov and fed debased our currency.
Furthermore, banks would have no incentive to loan money because they couldn’t get collateral. Any asset would go down in value while the bank also needed to account for the “loss” it would incur by loaning the money. So no more mortgages and car loans.
Again, deflation means no economic activity of any kind. It’s a nation killer.