Liquid Reigns
Many individuals seeking entry have exploited the asylum system, often presenting fabricated claims to delay deportation. To combat this issue, immigration enforcement must increase operations to round up those who obtained temporary protections through fraudulent means, prioritizing their removal as part of a broader effort to safeguard national security and restore integrity to the immigration process. These actions underscore the government's commitment to addressing illegal entry and maintaining lawful borders while ensuring that the asylum system is reserved for those with legitimate claims of persecution. The US must follow International Law, denying asylum seekers that have not followed proper protocol in order to obtain asylum. They must apply for asylum in the first country they enter outside of their home country, if denied they can proceed to the next country.
Does DHS have authority to find, stop, detain, and then deport these individuals since DHS has authority within 100 miles of the surrounding US border and over 70% of the US population lives within that 100 mile border area?
Does DHS have authority to find, stop, detain, and then deport these individuals since DHS has authority within 100 miles of the surrounding US border and over 70% of the US population lives within that 100 mile border area?