I never got around to re-watching either “The Sopranos” or “The Wire”. Which should I start again?

Start The Sopranos or The Wire again?

  • The Sopranos

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • The Wire

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters


I watched them both religiously making sure I had nothing to do the night each episode came out. For some reason, I never got around to re-watching either.

BTW, still pissed at the animal rights fvckers for not letting “Luck” continue. Great first season.

Which should I go with? Thanks gents.

The spoiler feature isn’t working at the moment for my typical NSFW stuff.
Either is great. I enjoyed the wire better on 2nd watch than sopranos on 2nd watch.
I had missed a couple episodes so that may be why also
Rewatched The Sopranos last year and enjoyed it more than I did originally, many years ago.

I am like the only person who didn't love The Wire, so I obviously voted Sopranos.
I thought the Wire aged better than the Sopranos so this is an easy choice for me, but I love them both so you can't really go wrong.
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