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Human lives DO have value!


May 20, 2024

This is a personal message and proof to a certain "Mungri" that lives DO matter.😒

Unfortunately Mungri simply doesn't give a toss about anyone or anything butt his-own-infallible-ego-self.
Just like @fschmidt.
Same as @NotoriousOutlawRecords, and probably around 75+% of the fuckwits infesting the internet nowadays.

@Cartoondude135, it would be easier to squeeze honey from a rock that ever reasoning with such arrogant motherfuckers as Mungri, or even fschmidt & NotoriousOutlawRecords, because these three consistently present undeniably clear examples of full blown narcissism, or 'cerebral narcissism' to be more specific.

They each, in their own uniquely narcissistic way, seem to believe they are all knowing, even when proven otherwise as they apparently believe themselves inherently superior to all others, and utterly beyond reproach.

Prove me wrong @Mungri?...without resorting to vacuous excuses, projection, blame shifting, hypocrisy, or any other typically evasive fuckknucklery.

@fschmidt probably won't bother challenging me here because he seems to be the most self-aware of these three.

Whereas if @NotoriousOutlawRecords ever actually had the balls to participate here again, he wouldn't bother either, due to his extreme grandiosity affliction, thus he would simply hijack, derail & thereafter relentlessly spam-troll this thread until everyone abandoned it, which of course he would delusionally consider as therefore proving himself right...🤣

All three of these cunts could actually prove my extremely lazy argument here wrong quite easily, simply by demonstrating that they are capable of self-reflection, openly admitting at least one significant error they've each made and thereafter voluntarily taking FULL FUCKIN' RESPONSIBILITY for such....😂

Yet we'll more than likely again witness Mungri blaming literally everyone else for his shit, while fschmidt likely either saying nothing/or instead attempting to change the subject altogether, whereas if Notorious wasn't such a girlish pussyfart, he'd waste no time turning this thread into an aburdist comedy.

The latter would be pretty fuckin' funny though, since despite Notorious' pervasive narcissism, that feral cunt is, without a doubt, comedically gifted.
Jan 2, 2024
Unfortunately Mungri simply doesn't give a toss about anyone or anything butt his-own-infallible-ego-self.
Just like @fschmidt.
Same as @NotoriousOutlawRecords, and probably around 75+% of the fuckwits infesting the internet nowadays.

@Cartoondude135, it would be easier to squeeze honey from a rock that ever reasoning with such arrogant motherfuckers as Mungri, or even fschmidt & NotoriousOutlawRecords, because these three consistently present undeniably clear examples of full blown narcissism, or 'cerebral narcissism' to be more specific.

They each, in their own uniquely narcissistic way, seem to believe they are all knowing, even when proven otherwise as they apparently believe themselves inherently superior to all others, and utterly beyond reproach.

Prove me wrong @Mungri?...without resorting to vacuous excuses, projection, blame shifting, hypocrisy, or any other typically evasive fuckknucklery.

@fschmidt probably won't bother challenging me here because he seems to be the most self-aware of these three.

Whereas if @NotoriousOutlawRecords ever actually had the balls to participate here again, he wouldn't bother either, due to his extreme grandiosity affliction, thus he would simply hijack, derail & thereafter relentlessly spam-troll this thread until everyone abandoned it, which of course he would delusionally consider as therefore proving himself right...🤣

All three of these cunts could actually prove my extremely lazy argument here wrong quite easily, simply by demonstrating that they are capable of self-reflection, openly admitting at least one significant error they've each made and thereafter voluntarily taking FULL FUCKIN' RESPONSIBILITY for such....😂

Yet we'll more than likely again witness Mungri blaming literally everyone else for his shit, while fschmidt likely either saying nothing/or instead attempting to change the subject altogether, whereas if Notorious wasn't such a girlish pussyfart, he'd waste no time turning this thread into an aburdist comedy.

The latter would be pretty fuckin' funny though, since despite Notorious' pervasive narcissism, that feral cunt is, without a doubt, comedically gifted.
🤔😒 Hmmm... I see.


May 7, 2024
Unfortunately Mungri simply doesn't give a toss about anyone or anything butt his-own-infallible-ego-self.
Just like @fschmidt.
Same as @NotoriousOutlawRecords, and probably around 75+% of the fuckwits infesting the internet nowadays.

@Cartoondude135, it would be easier to squeeze honey from a rock that ever reasoning with such arrogant motherfuckers as Mungri, or even fschmidt & NotoriousOutlawRecords, because these three consistently present undeniably clear examples of full blown narcissism, or 'cerebral narcissism' to be more specific.

They each, in their own uniquely narcissistic way, seem to believe they are all knowing, even when proven otherwise as they apparently believe themselves inherently superior to all others, and utterly beyond reproach.

Prove me wrong @Mungri?...without resorting to vacuous excuses, projection, blame shifting, hypocrisy, or any other typically evasive fuckknucklery.

@fschmidt probably won't bother challenging me here because he seems to be the most self-aware of these three.

Whereas if @NotoriousOutlawRecords ever actually had the balls to participate here again, he wouldn't bother either, due to his extreme grandiosity affliction, thus he would simply hijack, derail & thereafter relentlessly spam-troll this thread until everyone abandoned it, which of course he would delusionally consider as therefore proving himself right...🤣

All three of these cunts could actually prove my extremely lazy argument here wrong quite easily, simply by demonstrating that they are capable of self-reflection, openly admitting at least one significant error they've each made and thereafter voluntarily taking FULL FUCKIN' RESPONSIBILITY for such....😂

Yet we'll more than likely again witness Mungri blaming literally everyone else for his shit, while fschmidt likely either saying nothing/or instead attempting to change the subject altogether, whereas if Notorious wasn't such a girlish pussyfart, he'd waste no time turning this thread into an aburdist comedy.

The latter would be pretty fuckin' funny though, since despite Notorious' pervasive narcissism, that feral cunt is, without a doubt, comedically gifted.
If I was a narcissist, I would have increased executive function, ambition and drive for materialistic gains, and get anyone I wanted with manipulative love bombing.

I exhibit none of these traits.

What I have is full disdain and hatred of humanity, and I have never hidden that.

Do consider why on this entire forum, you alone have chosen to side with mushroom twat. Not one other user can stand him.

I do not consider myself better, I ponder why others never get better than they are. Everyone I do meet consider me better for my speech, to which IDGAF. I do it to mask and function in societal settings.

I have by now, this year alone, met over a hundred autistic adults IRL. Not one of them exhibit the behaviours that Mushroom shit does.

He does not have autism. The shutdown of the prefrontal cortex causes emotional stunting / dysregulation. The cognitive functions take over and make us logical thinkers. People without pre frontal lobe function cannot think emotionally, as per the common ASD symptom of alixythemia. Cartoon turd thinks entirely emotionally, self absorbed to a fault, all about him and his delusions, blaming everyone else for his issues.

This absolutely 100% is not ASD behaviour.

Also to further defeat your pathetic argument, both narcs and autists exhibit arrogance - outwards from feeling superior for narcs, inward self assurance for autists. Cartoon fucker triggers my aggressive meltdowns.
Last edited:


May 20, 2024
😂 One of the funniest things about narcissism, is that the behavior of afflicted individuals is quite often stunningly predictable.


Mar 20, 2021
Unfortunately Mungri simply doesn't give a toss about anyone or anything butt his-own-infallible-ego-self.
Just like @fschmidt.
Same as @NotoriousOutlawRecords, and probably around 75+% of the fuckwits infesting the internet nowadays.

@Cartoondude135, it would be easier to squeeze honey from a rock that ever reasoning with such arrogant motherfuckers as Mungri, or even fschmidt & NotoriousOutlawRecords, because these three consistently present undeniably clear examples of full blown narcissism, or 'cerebral narcissism' to be more specific.

They each, in their own uniquely narcissistic way, seem to believe they are all knowing, even when proven otherwise as they apparently believe themselves inherently superior to all others, and utterly beyond reproach.

Prove me wrong @Mungri?...without resorting to vacuous excuses, projection, blame shifting, hypocrisy, or any other typically evasive fuckknucklery.

@fschmidt probably won't bother challenging me here because he seems to be the most self-aware of these three.

Whereas if @NotoriousOutlawRecords ever actually had the balls to participate here again, he wouldn't bother either, due to his extreme grandiosity affliction, thus he would simply hijack, derail & thereafter relentlessly spam-troll this thread until everyone abandoned it, which of course he would delusionally consider as therefore proving himself right...🤣

All three of these cunts could actually prove my extremely lazy argument here wrong quite easily, simply by demonstrating that they are capable of self-reflection, openly admitting at least one significant error they've each made and thereafter voluntarily taking FULL FUCKIN' RESPONSIBILITY for such....😂

Yet we'll more than likely again witness Mungri blaming literally everyone else for his shit, while fschmidt likely either saying nothing/or instead attempting to change the subject altogether, whereas if Notorious wasn't such a girlish pussyfart, he'd waste no time turning this thread into an aburdist comedy.

The latter would be pretty fuckin' funny though, since despite Notorious' pervasive narcissism, that feral cunt is, without a doubt, comedically gifted.
While I wouldn't help cockroaches or modern scum, I would help decent animals and people. I gave quite generously to my local Islamic school (even though I am not Muslim) to help protect Muslim children from vile modern culture.


May 7, 2024
Antagonisation, a hallmark behaviour of paranoid schizos.

You now displaying this, Cartoon fucker doing it every time he makes a thread.

Drawing others into abusing you from your own shitty behaviour, and then playing the victim.

I expected better from you, seems like I was wrong.

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