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Here is the MSM telling you who you want for president


Nov 15, 2022

GOP voters say Trump retains support but believe controversies distract from issues​

Recent polls show most Americans do not want a 2020 rematch of Biden versus Trump​

hile Trump has yet to announce whether he will attend the first GOP primary debate, which will be moderated by Fox News Channel anchors Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier on Aug. 23, Republican voters in key swing states had differing opinions on whether he should be their nominee.

Deb Ludwig, an Ohio voter, told "The Story" Trump did a "pretty good job" in his four years as president, but she would like to see a candidate like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis go up against President Biden.

"I would prefer [Trump] did not run. I'd like to make the election about the people and about the country," she said.

Fuck these people.

I for one, would love to see Trump in office again.

The only reason they are pushing DeSantis is because he has billionaire mega-donors like Ken Griffin backing him. DeSantis is going to be a puppet of the deep state if he takes office.

Griffin is probably angling to become treasury secretary so he can safely leave his hedge fund Citadel Securities and not be prosecuted for the 65 billion dollars of naked shorting that it about to bankrupt it. Naked shorting is illegal, he's committed billions of dollars worth of fraud and as a billionaire short-seller he has enriched himself by short-selling American businesses into bankruptcy.

It works great until you target the wrong company and they don't go bankrupt. Then you have to buy all your shorts back. We've been waiting years for Griffin to close his. Why is he still a free man? Because when a poor goes into debt, the system will step on you, liquidate your assets, and absolutely impoverish you to make sure you pay back your debts. When a billionaire like Ken Griffin goes into debt, they sweep it under the rug and the whole system looks the other way.

Fuck Griffin and fuck DeSantis. He was great as the governor of Florida. But as soon as he got involved in DC politics he turned into a weasel.


Nov 15, 2022
^ That's with 25% of the float removed from the DTCC via DRS.

Shares booked with the transfer agent cannot be traded on the open market. They've been removed from circulation.


Nov 15, 2022
Audit the DTCC!

Infinite liquidity defrauds shareholders. Naked shorting is theft. How many shares has the DTCC oversold this company? How common is this practice? Have other companies been massively oversold?


Nov 15, 2022
What does naked shorting mean?

Short selling = selling stock you don't own with the promise you will buy that stock later. Think of it like a loan. The idea is you make money if the stock drops in value when you close the short. So if you short sell when a stock is $40 a share, and it's $30 a share when you close, you keep $10.

Naked short selling = selling stock to the point where the stock sold exceeds the number of shares issued by the company. So if a company issues 100 million shares to be publicly traded, and short sellers short 200 million shares worth of stock, that is naked short selling.

It means when they inevitably have to close out their positions, there won't be enough stock available for them all to close their shorts. (some of them will be left naked)

In theory that leads to a short squeeze. They are obligated to close so they have to go to the market and buy a share at any price. Once all the shares dry up, it's way too much demand for too little supply. The price skyrockets and the shorts who close last lose huge amounts of money.

In reality the DTCC has infinite liquidity. They are perfectly happy to sell any number of shares to anybody, and short squeezes pretty much never happen. Short selling is rampant and it's how billionaires make their billions. This is to the detriment of investors who buy shares and expect them to increase in value over time because as liquidity increases, it dilutes the stock.

Because of infinite liquidity, short sellers will roll over their shorts instead of closing them at a loss. They will buy to close but short even more so they walk away with more money. This causes huge amounts of shares to enter circulation which drives down the price through stock dilution.

Which is why we need to audit the DTCC. The only people authorized to issue shares for a company are the company. The DTCC is only authorized to sell existing shares they may not issue new shares.
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Nov 15, 2022
Short sellers make money when the stock drops in value
Short selling causes a stock to drop in value
Short sellers don't have to close their shorts if the company they're shorting goes bankrupt

This is the most obviously corrupt, wicked act of fraud in the history of mankind. Anyone who is honest that learns how it works will say it's wrong.

But it's completely legal in the USA.

For the record, many other countries have banned short selling entirely because they're not as corrupt as the USA is.


Nov 15, 2022
A company called Viragen was working on a cure for cancer and they foolishly launched an IPO looking for investors for their startup company. They developed a drug called Omnipheron and could have developed even better drugs, if they had remained in business.

They were short sold into bankruptcy by competing big pharma companies.

And that's why we don't have a cure for cancer. A cure for cancer would cost big pharma billions of dollars a year in cancer treatments.

Lesson to be learned: if you are working on a wonder drug or some kind of wonder technology, do not launch an IPO and leave your business at the mercy of the stock market. The billionaires who feel threatened by your technology will destroy you.
Mar 8, 2023
A Mexican guy I met who knows how corruption works swears RD is bought and paid for
Every candidate is going to have dirty money backing them. In trumps last run Ken griffin was trumps buddy, bet no one brought that up.
I don’t know if desantis is bought, just like none of you do. But take a look back at everyone who was backing trump last go around (maybe even this one when we’re able to look back) and you’ll find some unsavory people.

Bottom line is anyone who gets to this point is a complete piece of shit. That’s why they’re there, because they’ve fucked so many people over and have no moral compass. Some of them do, however, know how to tell certain people what they want to hear better than others.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021

Fuck these people.

I for one, would love to see Trump in office again.

The only reason they are pushing DeSantis is because he has billionaire mega-donors like Ken Griffin backing him. DeSantis is going to be a puppet of the deep state if he takes office.

Griffin is probably angling to become treasury secretary so he can safely leave his hedge fund Citadel Securities and not be prosecuted for the 65 billion dollars of naked shorting that it about to bankrupt it. Naked shorting is illegal, he's committed billions of dollars worth of fraud and as a billionaire short-seller he has enriched himself by short-selling American businesses into bankruptcy.

It works great until you target the wrong company and they don't go bankrupt. Then you have to buy all your shorts back. We've been waiting years for Griffin to close his. Why is he still a free man? Because when a poor goes into debt, the system will step on you, liquidate your assets, and absolutely impoverish you to make sure you pay back your debts. When a billionaire like Ken Griffin goes into debt, they sweep it under the rug and the whole system looks the other way.

Fuck Griffin and fuck DeSantis. He was great as the governor of Florida. But as soon as he got involved in DC politics he turned into a weasel.
Larry Fink of black Rick's runs everything. He Funda control more than all country's gdp except America and Chyna.
Vanguard, Blackrock is and 3 others control 88%of the S&P 500 an 70% plus or minus on the dow. They instituted esg


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021

Fuck these people.

I for one, would love to see Trump in office again.

The only reason they are pushing DeSantis is because he has billionaire mega-donors like Ken Griffin backing him. DeSantis is going to be a puppet of the deep state if he takes office.

Griffin is probably angling to become treasury secretary so he can safely leave his hedge fund Citadel Securities and not be prosecuted for the 65 billion dollars of naked shorting that it about to bankrupt it. Naked shorting is illegal, he's committed billions of dollars worth of fraud and as a billionaire short-seller he has enriched himself by short-selling American businesses into bankruptcy.

It works great until you target the wrong company and they don't go bankrupt. Then you have to buy all your shorts back. We've been waiting years for Griffin to close his. Why is he still a free man? Because when a poor goes into debt, the system will step on you, liquidate your assets, and absolutely impoverish you to make sure you pay back your debts. When a billionaire like Ken Griffin goes into debt, they sweep it under the rug and the whole system looks the other way.

Fuck Griffin and fuck DeSantis. He was great as the governor of Florida. But as soon as he got involved in DC politics he turned into a weasel.
I'll ne Trump vice president and make him the emperor every election going forward.
Then we need King Vivek Swamibramsway
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