So in the context of actually being sum thing;
If what is assumed from Russian astrophysiology and the moon-
As this movie eludes;
There is sum thing on the moon.
But which moon?
The moon the Chinese blew up?
Or the bat moon that was supposedly chatgpt ai in print form?
The moon that's orbiting earth?
Or the moon that is known to sit in between the clouds and the actual outside of earth?
Or is it the moon that's a hollow alien teleport transported hub?
In all aspects of moon based movies, except Moon with Captain Beetlebrox, the moon is always portrayed as having another life form.
So if this theatric version of a found footage, is as we know, is the truth just rewashed like Metropolis, then which moon are we looking at when discussing such fabrications?
Which moon is actually the moon any nation has fabricated sticking a flag on?
Can we land on the moon that's encompassed within earth?
Do we actually use a c4 aerosol can to get two and from the moon and earth, if again as they have even told us, the technology doesn't exist?
Or does it?
And do said fabricated creatures exist & where?