
How da fuq did I just do this??? ....

This is like ... My best fucking thing yet I think???


My brutally honest, scathing attack on todays globalist far left narrative.

Modern globalists simply want to silence any opposition to far left ideologies. A suppression of dissenting voices that challenge or deviate from the dominant far-left propaganda, in essence, a form of intellectual censorship.

Groupthink, social dominance, and the stifling of dissident voices are pressing concerns in today's socio-political climate. Employing ignorant groupthink that any form of dissent or challenge are some form of 'thought crime' imply a pervasive fear of conformity over critical thinking and open dialectical discourse.

The current issues sweeping through the UK and EU - arresting and imprisoning those whose online views do not adhere to the dominant far left's ideology are unsettling reminders of the fragility of free speech and the ease at which our rights to expression can be so easily eroded.

It is simply disturbing to see individuals punished for expressing opinions that deviate from the prevailing narrative or ideology. Fear of repercussions can lead to self imposed censorship, and pose a chilling effect on open discourse and genuine debate.

My own impulsivity and assertive logical mind simply resist to ever yield. I am incapable of submission. Every fibre of my being screaming in agony over the mere thought of being controlled or silenced. My mind is my only tool and weapon against the insanity that prevails in modern society, my resistance not merely or ever a choice, but my own in built and natural defense against today's increasing nonsensical conformity.

I assert that it is ESSENTIAL to cultivate environments where individuals like me can flourish without fear of reprisal or censorship. Our individual autonomy MUST BE Promoted. Preserved. Protected. Respected. We MUST BE ALLOWED to dissent to social and political narratives, for dissent is the lifeblood of progress and innovation!

Without it, we risk stagnation, groupthink, and the erosion of our hard-won civil liberties. We must indeed protect and celebrate the freedom to challenge prevailing narratives, question authority and foster a culture of open inquiry and respectful debate. Only then can we ensure the continued advancement of human knowledge.

We have a collective duty to safeguard this fundamental right and empower others to exercise their agency in shaping the world around them.
The Lilac Rose - a first for me, something poetic written on an impulse plus an online thesaurus for this as I dunno anything about poetry:

The lilac rose doth upon you inspire peace & tranquility. The soft, sweet scent of wonderment, yet bridled with thorns along the stem, natures own dichotomy imbued within such a contrasting semblance of hidden danger adorned with sheer beauty.

The allure we find in natures creatures, from the magnificent, dazzling lines found on a tiger’s coat of fur despite any underlying menace, all the way to the stark contrast of a dolphins seemingly playful demeanor, and broad and wide enigmatic smiles, humans are forever entranced by the majesty we encounter and experience throughout the world we live in.

We bask in the solace we find throughout our lives, in nature’s captivating wonders, both fierce and serene, innocent and malicious, the intent of natures creatures are always considered to us a form of purity, through which we find our emotional escapisms, a tranquility brought to our otherwise troubled and often chaotic minds.

Nature offers upon us, respite. A calming balm, and a sense of balance amidst the turbulence within our lives. We all seek to escape our own turmoils, to find connection to something deeper, more meaningful and peaceful, a stillness to the storms that rage forever on within our mindscapes and personal lives.
In AI speak, I am never aggressive and never need to be.

I'm arrogant and brutally honest to a fault - these are my main negatives that cannot be switched off, and they are more destructive than just shouting and swearing.

I need them to cope with my low sense of self and 'one upmanship', no one can beat me ever in an argument or debate, I always win, no matter what it takes or how far down the degradation rabbit hole I need to go, and I love every second of it.

In normal conversation, the high self assured assertiveness is basically - 'Im right and mostly always right. If you find something to talk about, or spot a flaw in my reasoning, I not only apologise but I love you now for being able to spot any errors and having the balls to challenge me'.

It all stems from needing to be in full control of my own life always, and survivor instinct.
Ah you are one of those fucktards. "Mate" this and "aye" that. Eating fish and chips and smoking fags.

What size shoe do you wear? Ill bet your socks are a bit to long for you.
Allow me to repeat myself to your merriment:

If I were an idiot you ugly, obese, undesirable man pretending to be a woman, then that would make your worthless brain literally non existent.

A fucking single celled amoeba is smarter than you are.

Even fucking mushroom twat is smarter than you are.
Ah you are one of those fucktards. "Mate" this and "aye" that. Eating fish and chips and smoking fags.

What size shoe do you wear? Ill bet your socks are a bit to long for you.
Btw was any of that meant to be an insult? Not one word of it even passed as eliciting the slightest bit of emotional response in me.

You take like 10 whole minutes per word to manage to compose and express a singular thought, and thats the best you can come up with?

Just how much heroin did your skank whore of a mother inject whilst pregnant? And how many times must you have been dropped down the stairs as an infant in order to develop the sheer level of mental retardation that your insignificant brain exhibits?

Oh I see, more like your mom tried to coathanger abort you and failed, yet instead caused severe irreparable damage to your foetal self. Sucks to be you with a brain full of durr.
ust how much heroin did your skank whore of a mother inject whilst pregnant?
not much that I know of, she was not a needle kind of girl, cocaine and scotch on the rocks was her thing
And how many times must you have been dropped down the stairs as an infant in order to develop the sheer level of mental retardation that your insignificant brain exhibits?
Still have the scars. Once i fell out of the shopping cart as a kid.
Oh I see, more like your mom tried to coathanger abort you and failed
No, but my grandmother did. See would tell stories about it. She was a prostitute back in the 30s WV.
not much that I know of, she was not a needle kind of girl, cocaine and scotch on the rocks was her thing

Still have the scars. Once i fell out of the shopping cart as a kid.

No, but my grandmother did. See would tell stories about it. She was a prostitute back in the 30s WV.

Fucks sake don't tell me you also have a degradation fetish.

You ever been pushed to the brink of full 'sub drop', and being made to feel like such a worthless pathetic whore that you get full blown depression for weeks?

Eh, your brain is probably too shit to ever feel bad about being used and abused by others, given your tendency to need everyone else to tell you what to think.

Boy I could probably merely gaslight you into believing you are gay then jackhammer your butthole as much as I desired, using you like the worthless slag that you are.

Maybe pass you around between hundreds of brutal burly disgusting men to go at you too no matter how much you scream for mercy.

(The above post assumes that the worthless cunt in question is of legal fuckable age).
You ever been pushed to the brink of full 'sub drop', and being made to feel like such a worthless pathetic whore that you get full blown depression for weeks?
no, not for weeks, actually since about 15 years ago
given your tendency to need everyone else to tell you what to think.
Nice psych eval. I have been curious for a long time about the wretched nature of names, and what they mean. To convey themselves as a devil or a monster is an interesting dichotomy. Of course no one sees themselves as a bad guy, unless they are, in fact, good. Chew on that a bit
no, not for weeks, actually since about 15 years ago

Nice psych eval. I have been curious for a long time about the wretched nature of names, and what they mean. To convey themselves as a devil or a monster is an interesting dichotomy. Of course no one sees themselves as a bad guy, unless they are, in fact, good. Chew on that a bit
Erm, I literally am a satanist lol. I openly admit I bring chaos and destruction, and am impulsive and arrogant with no forethought and brutally honest.

None of these are 'good' things. I am simply openly honest and admit the correct negatives I have. These things are part and parcel with my ASD.

My positives are things like 'Assertive, direct, clear, logical, rational, communicative, open honesty and empathetic'.

These are all things that together sit me in the middle of 'positive and negative'. I enjoy the full spectrum of positive to negative discussions.
Alright mate, settle down now aye.

Deep breaths.

Think of something relaxing, like perforating mother fuckers with your favorite Kalashnikov.


Feeling a lot better now aren't we.

weaponoffreedom: "NO"

Fantastic. Now stow that shit and listen up.

Your orders:

1. Register

2. Look for the big [Create/Promo] button.

3. Hit that big [Create/Promo] button.

4. Create a half decent promotion thread for your instructional firearms YT channel.

4a.I will take care of shit from there.

5. Continue creating & uploading instructional firearms videos to your YT channel.

6. Go see a gott damned therapist about those bloody hysterical outbursts of yours asap.

6a. Righto, now I best not hear any lip from you, I'd recommend only the best treatment money can't buy.

6b. Head on over and you'll possibly find DR Yemum lurking around

6c. If he ain't there, simply post a few antagonistic messages @Yemum, and prepare for imminent...."therapy".

6d. Tell 'em I sent ya for the treatment...😂
Alright mate, settle down now aye.

Deep breaths.

Think of something relaxing, like perforating mother fuckers with your favorite Kalashnikov.


Feeling a lot better now aren't we.

weaponoffreedom: "NO"

Fantastic. Now stow that shit and listen up.

Your orders:

1. Register

2. Look for the big [Create/Promo] button.

3. Hit that big [Create/Promo] button.

4. Create a half decent promotion thread for your instructional firearms YT channel.

4a.I will take care of shit from there.

5. Continue creating & uploading instructional firearms videos to your YT channel.

6. Go see a gott damned therapist about those bloody hysterical outbursts of yours asap.

6a. Righto, now I best not hear any lip from you, I'd recommend only the best treatment money can't buy.

6b. Head on over and you'll possibly find DR Yemum lurking around

6c. If he ain't there, simply post a few antagonistic messages @Yemum, and prepare for imminent...."therapy".

6d. Tell 'em I sent ya for the treatment...😂
I really dont have any aspiration to have firearm instructional videos on YT, at least on the regular. I just did that for some guys on a nother website, so they could see what I was talking about. But thanks.

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