Gonna be serious for a moment: mental health

Little late to the thread, but I have basically used two methods to help. Im early 40s and basically had anxiety since teens. I look at it as, over time, my body/psyche has reacted to situations or events millions of times. Those reactions have evolved , in some cases, to triggering anxiety for whatever reason. Does not matter why or "who's fault it is", because if you blame it on someone else, then you will need them to change before you can change, and that is not the answer. So I basically have a scale of 1-10 for whenever I feel anything adverse, whether anxiety, worry, anger, depression - whatever. I get my number and then start taking super deep breaths for a minute or so. Then I ask myself what my number is. It is almost always lower. If it is not, then I continue with the breaths. What that process actually does is remove yourself from the feeling and make you look at it objectively - rather than just reacting and running away from it for whatever reason. Acknowledging the feelings by doing the numbers and breathing will help alleviate it. I do it several times a day. But ignoring the short term benefit for a moment, it actually is re-programming my mind, instance by instance, on how to react in a healthier way, rather than just triggering the anxiety response that I previously conditioned within myself.

Ill come back for second method in a bit if anyone cares.
Best wishes to anyone in this thread.
I too have experienced the low of lows and am here to talk If anyone ever needs it.

My degree is in Psychology, but I’m not a psychologist. My wife has a PhD in Neuroscience and experimental Pharmacology. And I would have a degree in the spiritual world if such a thing was offered, as I spent several years of my life searching for answers after my wife passed away. I was actually a practicing psychic/medium during this time which some from the OB might remember.

What I’m saying is if you have a question I probably have or can easily get you the non-google answer when it comes to mental health. I can not and will not try and diagnose anyone, just a random internet stranger wanting to help in an area I’m intimate with.
Awesome posts/ers in this thread.

There's far more understanding and support expressed here than what I ever experienced when trying the institutionalized "experts" system.

@Thasubliminal -excellent post.
Seems sorta similar, in some respect, to the "Disidentification & Centering Exercises" I've been practicing for a while now.

Now on the subject of "drugs", and obviously just my opinion.

I reckon the artificial concoctions are essentially slow release poisons, designed specifically to temporarily mask some symptoms while creating others.

As well as creating absolutely unnecessary dependancy issues, leading to requiring more potent artificial concoctions and more reliance upon poisons, and thus translating to profit for the big pharma chemical peddling system.

Totally unlike naturally occurring "drugs",...like Cannibis, and Psilocybin/Psilocin mushrooms.

I'm sure it could be argued that these are no different than the big pharma shit, but I would strongly disagree for many reasons, though predominantly based on principles of individual responsibility.

Imo, it is entirely the responsibility of the individual who chooses smoking herb, or dosing shrooms, whether they acknowledge or disregard this inherent duty of self.

Either way, the individual cannot avoid inevitable accountabilities for their own decision whether it be wisely practicing responsibly for beneficial purpose, or instead foolishly/ignorantly abusing and potentially causing negative effects to self, often likely also to/for others too.

One of the most beneficial things I've done, specifically regarding personal mental struggles, is dosing shrooms.

Though I treat it as a sort of yearly sacred practice.

Like, I'll prepare mentally, months in advance of mushroom season, by trying to identify and/or setting intention to delving into the hidden shadow aspects of self.

FYI-Almost shroom season here, so I'll again be doing this within the coming weeks.

The practice: When the time seems right, usually weather dependent, I'll pack a flask of reasonably hot water, some trail mix, drinking water, and nothing else other than wearing sufficient clothing, then I head out to a special native bush reserve in the afternoon.

Once there, I first scope out a sweet spot to meditate, then go for a wander through the bush foraging the local variety of perky light blue shrooms.

Once I've collected enough, usually a good couple of hand fulls, I'll head back to the chosen spot and jam them in the flask of hot water, letting them soak for a bit.

It'll be after sunset by this point, while they soak I'll meditate in preparation, eventually downing the entire flask and simply continuing mediation throughout the night.

Really no point in attempting to describe details of my previous psychedelic experiences, other than to say that these were incredibly profound and immensely beneficial.

Doing this practice for over two decades has enabled me to consciously confront difficult things, including those stemming from childhood that I would have otherwise been ignorant/incapable of, imo due to being deeply repressed, having been caused by severe, prolonged, repetitious abuse/trauma.

Frankly, most of the previous issues I've confronted, I had no prior awareness of, they were just completely blocked/buried far beyond conscious awareness.
Awesome posts/ers in this thread.

There's far more understanding and support expressed here than what I ever experienced when trying the institutionalized "experts" system.

@Thasubliminal -excellent post.
Seems sorta similar, in some respect, to the "Disidentification & Centering Exercises" I've been practicing for a while now.

Now on the subject of "drugs", and obviously just my opinion.

I reckon the artificial concoctions are essentially slow release poisons, designed specifically to temporarily mask some symptoms while creating others.

As well as creating absolutely unnecessary dependancy issues, leading to requiring more potent artificial concoctions and more reliance upon poisons, and thus translating to profit for the big pharma chemical peddling system.

Totally unlike naturally occurring "drugs",...like Cannibis, and Psilocybin/Psilocin mushrooms.

I'm sure it could be argued that these are no different than the big pharma shit, but I would strongly disagree for many reasons, though predominantly based on principles of individual responsibility.

Imo, it is entirely the responsibility of the individual who chooses smoking herb, or dosing shrooms, whether they acknowledge or disregard this inherent duty of self.

Either way, the individual cannot avoid inevitable accountabilities for their own decision whether it be wisely practicing responsibly for beneficial purpose, or instead foolishly/ignorantly abusing and potentially causing negative effects to self, often likely also to/for others too.

One of the most beneficial things I've done, specifically regarding personal mental struggles, is dosing shrooms.

Though I treat it as a sort of yearly sacred practice.

Like, I'll prepare mentally, months in advance of mushroom season, by trying to identify and/or setting intention to delving into the hidden shadow aspects of self.

FYI-Almost shroom season here, so I'll again be doing this within the coming weeks.

The practice: When the time seems right, usually weather dependent, I'll pack a flask of reasonably hot water, some trail mix, drinking water, and nothing else other than wearing sufficient clothing, then I head out to a special native bush reserve in the afternoon.

Once there, I first scope out a sweet spot to meditate, then go for a wander through the bush foraging the local variety of perky light blue shrooms.

Once I've collected enough, usually a good couple of hand fulls, I'll head back to the chosen spot and jam them in the flask of hot water, letting them soak for a bit.

It'll be after sunset by this point, while they soak I'll meditate in preparation, eventually downing the entire flask and simply continuing mediation throughout the night.

Really no point in attempting to describe details of my previous psychedelic experiences, other than to say that these were incredibly profound and immensely beneficial.

Doing this practice for over two decades has enabled me to consciously confront difficult things, including those stemming from childhood that I would have otherwise been ignorant/incapable of, imo due to being deeply repressed, having been caused by severe, prolonged, repetitious abuse/trauma.

Frankly, most of the previous issues I've confronted, I had no prior awareness of, they were just completely blocked/buried far beyond conscious awareness.
I'm pretty sure the mushrooms in my yard will kill me. Is good when you find something that works for you. Good luck with the dosing ... sounds like you got it down pat. I've done too many different types of trips in the past and or messed myself up bad enough that none of the pharma stuff work on me. I'm into everything you just said although seemingly able to get into such states without the brew. Not quite of course ... but I'm pretty sure my dealings before hand have left an imprint to be sure. I would not have it any other way.
I'm pretty sure the mushrooms in my yard will kill me. Is good when you find something that works for you. Good luck with the dosing ... sounds like you got it down pat. I've done too many different types of trips in the past and or messed myself up bad enough that none of the pharma stuff work on me. I'm into everything you just said although seemingly able to get into such states without the brew. Not quite of course ... but I'm pretty sure my dealings before hand have left an imprint to be sure. I would not have it any other way.
Oh yeah, I hear ya bro, I practice other "drug" free states like "Lucid Dreaming", and my favourite "Astral Projection",...these, I reckon, are primo for certain aspects of expansion.

For myself, shroom induced "trips" are primo for, I guess a simplified way of putting it is kinda like, "loosening ones ego identification sufficiently enough for allowing access to/exploration of repressed memories, and the necessary buffer for limiting the full intensity of re-experiencing traumatic shit".
Not exactly, though I hope that that description does express a vaguely understandable concept.

Oh, and lol, yeah na, I would have to very-strongly caution anyone from pickin random fungi to munch on,...I was fortunate to be taught how to correctly identify what's edible and what's gonna expedite ones ass becoming dead-ible.
Person in my neighborhood committed suicide today. Drove by the house and yellow crime scene tape encircled the lot. Cops and detectives were all over. Wife saw them bring the body out in a body bag. Not sure what happened but I’m sure we will know soon enough.

Take care of yourself TFSF fam.
Unfortunately it seems like this is becoming far too common
May be a long post, but here goes: in 2021 I lost 3 acquaintances aged 45-37 due to heart attack.

Since then every night I can’t sleep. I’m scared I’m going to die in my sleep. I can meditate, I can pray, I can get drunk, high, nothing helps.

Even got sober for a couple months. Still, nothing helps.

I’ve started therapy but they want me to go on meds but my family has a history of addiction (dad 26 years sober from alcohol, many cousins who are drunks but not admitting to it)

I’m scared to go on meds cause I may like em too much and then problem 2 starts.

I have started putting on a playlist I like to try and relax me and put me to sleep, that usually takes 1-2 hours from start to sleep.

Not sure what I’m looking for here other than to vent. Don’t worry, I like living, no negative thoughts in my mind.

If anyone has weird shit in their head, start therapy. It does help. Doesn’t seem like it from my post but instead of sitting alone with your head running wild, seek help.

Anyhoo, if anyone has any ideas for me let me know and if anyone sees this and decides to get help with your head, go for it,

It’s also 2:20am est and here I lay trying to delay sleep cause I’m scared to go to sleep .
Hope you're doing okay. I always felt that church helped get my mind right

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