Florrrrrrrrrrrida Man…

Florida is a strange place to live... Amos Moses?


  • Apr 2, 2023

Florida father charged with murder after toddler found in alligator's mouth​

"We are sorry it has had to end this way," the police chief said.

Florida father charged with murder after toddler found in alligator's mouth

Joshua YoungYoungsville North Carolina
Apr 2, 20232 Minute Read

On Friday, the body of 2-year-old Taylen Mosley was found in the mouth of a Florida alligator in Lake Maggiore and the boy's father, 21-year-old Thomas Mosley, has been charged with murder for both the deaths of the boy and his mother, 20-year-old Pashun Jeffrey, who was discovered dead in her apartment on Thursday.

Fox News reports St. Petersburg Police Department Chief Anthony Holloway said, "It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that we found the body of Taylen Mosley. My condolences to his family."

We are sorry it has had to end this way," Holloway added.

Authorities charged Mosley with two counts of first degree murder following a search for the boy after his mother was found fatally stabbed in her apartment on Thursday.

After the mother, Pashun Jeffrey, was discovered both state and federal authorities launched into a manhunt.

Lakes and ponds surrounding the apartment complex were searched by local Tarpon Springs Fire Rescue, Clearwater Fire Rescue, and St. Petersburg Fire Rescue teams. Cadaver dogs were deployed by Search and Rescue of Central Florida.

Fox reports that "evening officers were alerted to an alligator seen with something in its mouth."

When the boy's body was found in the jaws of the alligator, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission were enlisted to help with the animal and the reptile was terminated in the retrieval of the body.

The 2-year-old's cause of death has yet to be officially determined by the medical examiner.

Pashun Jeffrey worked at a local CVS and she had only recently moved into the apartment complex with Thomas Mosley. The mother and son pair were last seen alive by family on Wednesday and when Pashun Jeffrey's mother did not hear from her daughter on Thursday, she called the apartment complex management.

When she was found, Chief Holloway said he discovered "a very violent crime scene."

According to local news, she was stabbed over 100 times.

Neighbors told authorities they heard a fight between Thomas and Pashun on Wednesday. He then went to his mother with cuts on his hands and arms. When he was arrested he was hospitalized for those injuries.


Florida Man Arrested While Trying To Conceal A Stolen Semi Truck By Spray Painting It A Different Color Like On GTA V​

Why can’t a Florida Man find a Pay n’ Spray when he needs one? Reinier Lazaro Perez and Dayanly Cutino Gonzalez were spotted behind the Days Inn in Palm Coast Florida. They were spray painting a Peterbilt semi-tractor in the back corner of the parking lot. The hotel is located just off I95, we’ll get back to that. Someone (who obviously can’t mind they own business) thought that someone spray painting a semi truck in the parking lot of a hotel was suspicious. So they called the cops. When Flagler County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrived the two dropped the cans took off running along Southbound I95. That’s your escape plan?
Dayanly clearly hadn’t been doing her cardio and was quickly captured. Reinier managed to hide in the woods for about 2 hours before they found him.
Let’s keep this thread sacred for all things Florida man. Leave your best headlines and stories we can chuckle at. Damn I love living in this state.

Just one to start…
@shiv what happened with @catreaper

Heard he was completely banned from tMB as well
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