Farewell Esso Club

Long story short: Esso has apparently abandoned The African Free Speech Forum.


Honestly, I have no idea why, and he apparently isn't keen to tell me either.

For the past week Esso has been repeatedly requesting I help him sort out a place for him and his 60+ members.

Now I don't know what the fuck I'm expected to do and this is not even my fuckin' responsibility anyway.

And yet I am here again, one final time, attempting to help Esso and his 60+ followers by trying to encourage Esso's followers to get proactive if they hope to continue having Esso Club around.

If 60 of ya'z threw in $1 a month....

...Esso Club could actually host his own entire XF forum complete with 50 gigabytes of data storage capacity.
(Xenforo's Basic Plan @$60/month)

However frankly I don't know that Esso would be up to the task of maintaining administration responsibilities.

So alternatively, I propose instead that either nzfsf.nz or TFSF.com ~COULD~ potentially upgrade our respective XF plans to accommodate data storage capacities required for hosting Esso Club content.

I do not know of the TFSF storage situation nor XF plan, but the situation @nz is that we've already used over 50% of our available data storage on the $60/month Basic Plan, and simply cannot host Esso without upgrading to the next Xenforo Plan @250/month.

To do this upgrade specifically for Esso Club, mean that I would have to assume paying an additional $190/month—for Esso Club and his followers benefit only.

Esso apparently has 60+ followers.

If 38 of them would throw in $5/month, then—💥—that's the full $190/month covered—💥—Esso Club be rollin'.

Whether Esso Club continues or instead ceases to be, is entirely in your guys hands.

As I said at the beginning, this is my final attempt to help the Esso Club community.

If ya'z don't want to deal with me for whatever reasons, that is fine and I don't care anyway. I am sure @shiv would be willing to assist as an intermediary.

Either DM @shiv or me if any of ya'z would like to discuss the Esso Club situation further.

This poll should give us a rough idea whether or not there's sufficient support for Esso Club.
Decided to quickly check the forum @nz this morning, before fuckin' off to the city.

Low and behold, some cheeky bugger-(who we shall simply refer to as Mr Club, to conceal Esso's identity)-had apparently posted a bunch of NSFW threads in one of the general forums overnight.

Ended up having to delete them.

I also gave him the hard word.

Thought he'd be bummed out after that...

...butt instead he responded and proved he's even cheekier than me.

🤣Honestly, don't know why he doesn't participate in regular discussions more often coz he's actually bloody funny af!
So, in the unlikely event we can sort out some way to achieve Esso Club's goal of $190/month, here's a plan:

•1) Upgrade the Xenforo plan @nz.

•2) Set-up discreet Esso Club forum.

•3) Set-up Esso Club members support fund~via~account upgrade options, ranging from $1/month~to~$5/month—monthly goal set at $190.

•4) That's basically it. Esso can freely get down to business.
Where you@Esso Club?

We've got just over 6 days left to get the ball rollin' and judging by the deafening silence so far....😂it's lookin' like we are going to need all the help we muster if we ever hope to stand any chance of sortin' this shit out once and for all mate.

Ain't even my thing.
@Esso Club over here cuz...

Prior to the Māoris eventually eating all the large NZ native species into extinction. These giant Haast eagle's used to soar through the skies, with a wingspan of up to 3 metres... and occasionally swooping down, plucking up unsuspecting Māoris or other larger animals for dinz.

@Esso Club

😂Fuck sakes mate, tagged ya over a dozen times now, here and at 2 other sites as well as providing links directly to this thread.

Where you at?

Where's the 60+ Esso followers at?

Ain't nothin' else I can do to help ya'z, and especially if ya'z can't even be bothered showing up for a fuckin' simple poll...🤣jfc!

Ahh well, at least I tried to help...😎

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