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Do you feel like the place you work could be a TV show?


Jan 8, 2021
I do. I work for a small construction/development company- one active owner. We also have a lot of subs who primarily work for us.

Here’s today’s example:

(Backstory) The owner brought his 24 year old son into work for us this past summer and in short, he is pitifully incapable of almost everything in life and it’s mostly not his fault. Not a bad kid but just very sheltered. He works for someone who works for me.

Anyways, he was checking email for one of the real estate businesses over the weekend (for absolutely no reason) and forgot his password, which ended up in a code being texted to a number ending in 01.

He texted his manager to ask her what her phone number is because he was locked out.
And furthermore, it is his dad’s phone number that ends in 01.

I have countless stories like this.
Jan 9, 2021
I work in a federal prison. Always something crazy going on!


Jan 9, 2021
Bro I was a fireman for 26 years. I had seen some shit that would never see the light of day on TV.

Station 1 had a room called " The Champagne Room " ......you figure it out.

Station 2 guys paid homeless people downtown money to drink urine and have bum fights ( crossed the line IMO but it wasn't me).

Yeah, I have a few stories.....🤣


Feb 4, 2021
Most of the people where I work have worked together for twenty years. We're very good friends. One of the older guys was asking the group, when they do a prostate exam, what are they looking for....Are they feeling the size or are they seeing how painful it is. I don't remember exactly what he said, but at some point in the conversation, I realized he'd tried to check himself. Hardest I'd laughed in some time.


Jan 9, 2021
I work at a place that's already a TV show. I've worked at the local TV station for 31 years. We produce 6.5 hours of live newscasts every day (not as much on the weekends). Believe me when I tell you the movie Anchorman isn't as far removed from reality as you may think. I work with some real weirdos.


Jan 9, 2021
I think mine would be interesting. We see everything from Pro athletes to old ladies with arthritis that would make Qanon seem tame.

the staff themselves also have their own level of drama that would be an underlying theme during the intermittent crazy shit that walks in the door.

Ghost Hawg

Jan 11, 2021
Stories. I want stories
One night I was working 12-8am in the Special Housing Unit. The Special Housing Unit is where the most problematic inmates are housed in order to control their behavior. On the overnight shift it’s usually pretty quiet because all the inmates are sleeping.

This particular night, however, at about 3am a duress alarm, which all inmates have in their cells, kept on going off. At first we were like “oh we’ll go up there and check it out on the next round,” but it would consistently go off again and again after we would reset it! So we start to make our way up to the range of cells to see why this guy was hitting his duress button over and over again!

When we made it up to the cell one of the two occupants was standing at the door looking through the glass window at us as we approached. As soon as I was close enough I said “what the hell do you want?” Not saying anything the inmate steps away from the window where we then see his cell mate laying on the floor covered in a pool of blood and not moving! I could see through the glass that this guy had been stabbed repeatedly in the back of the head with something because there was an open wound with flaps of skin hanging everywhere!

We cuffed the guy who did it up and pulled him out of the cell then called our supervisor who immediately directed us to get a stretcher to carry the guy on the floor down towards the main corridor. Our supervisor ended up calling an ambulance and the inmate was pronounced dead before they even arrived at the hospital. Turned out that the dead guy was trying to read a book and was using a reading light. The guy who killed him was trying to sleep and told him to turn the light off. The guy refused and told the other inmate to fuck off! So he casually got up and stabbed the guy numerous times in the back of the head with a writing pen that he later flushed down the toilet. Good times!!!
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Wait What

Dec 1, 2020
One night I was working 12-8am in the Special Housing Unit. The Special Housing Unit is where the most problematic inmates are housed in order to control their behavior. On the overnight shift it’s usually pretty quiet because all the inmates are sleeping.

This particular night, however, at about 3am a duress alarm, which all inmates have in their cells, kept on going off. At first we were like “oh we’ll go up there and check it out on the next round,” but it would consistently go off again and again after we would reset it! So we start to make our way up to the range of cells to see why this guy was hitting his duress button over and over again!

When we made it up to the cell one of the two occupants was standing at the door looking through the glass window at us as we approached. As soon as I was close enough I said “what the hell do you want?” Not saying anything the inmate steps away from the window where we then see his cell mate laying on the floor covered in a pool of blood and not moving! I could see through the glass that this guy had been stabbed repeatedly in the back of the head with something because there was an open wound with flaps of skin hanging everywhere!

We cuffed the guy who did it up and pulled him out of the cell then called our supervisor who immediately directed us to get a stretcher to carry the guy on the floor down towards the main corridor. Our supervisor ended up calling an ambulance and the inmate was pronounced dead before they even arrived at the hospital. Turned out that the dead guy was trying to read a book and was using a reading light. The guy who killed him was trying to sleep and told him to turn the light off. The guy refused and told the other inmate to fuck off! So he casually got up and stabbed the guy numerous times in the back of the head with a writing pen that he later flushed down the toilet. Good times!!!


Jan 11, 2021
One night I was working 12-8am in the Special Housing Unit. The Special Housing Unit is where the most problematic inmates are housed in order to control their behavior. On the overnight shift it’s usually pretty quiet because all the inmates are sleeping.

This particular night, however, at about 3am a duress alarm, which all inmates have in their cells, kept on going off. At first we were like “oh we’ll go up there and check it out on the next round,” but it would consistently go off again and again after we would reset it! So we start to make our way up to the range of cells to see why this guy was hitting his duress button over and over again!

When we made it up to the cell one of the two occupants was standing at the door looking through the glass window at us as we approached. As soon as I was close enough I said “what the hell do you want?” Not saying anything the inmate steps away from the window where we then see his cell mate laying on the floor covered in a pool of blood and not moving! I could see through the glass that this guy had been stabbed repeatedly in the back of the head with something because there was an open wound with flaps of skin hanging everywhere!

We cuffed the guy who did it up and pulled him out of the cell then called our supervisor who immediately directed us to get a stretcher to carry the guy on the floor down towards the main corridor. Our supervisor ended up calling an ambulance and the inmate was pronounced dead before they even arrived at the hospital. Turned out that the dead guy was trying to read a book and was using a reading light. The guy who killed him was trying to sleep and told him to turn the light off. The guy refused and told the other inmate to fuck off! So he casually got up and stabbed the guy numerous times in the back of the head with a writing pen that he later flushed down the toilet. Good times!!!

Do you think if you had responded sooner this guy's life could have been saved?


Jan 8, 2021
One night I was working 12-8am in the Special Housing Unit. The Special Housing Unit is where the most problematic inmates are housed in order to control their behavior. On the overnight shift it’s usually pretty quiet because all the inmates are sleeping.

This particular night, however, at about 3am a duress alarm, which all inmates have in their cells, kept on going off. At first we were like “oh we’ll go up there and check it out on the next round,” but it would consistently go off again and again after we would reset it! So we start to make our way up to the range of cells to see why this guy was hitting his duress button over and over again!

When we made it up to the cell one of the two occupants was standing at the door looking through the glass window at us as we approached. As soon as I was close enough I said “what the hell do you want?” Not saying anything the inmate steps away from the window where we then see his cell mate laying on the floor covered in a pool of blood and not moving! I could see through the glass that this guy had been stabbed repeatedly in the back of the head with something because there was an open wound with flaps of skin hanging everywhere!

We cuffed the guy who did it up and pulled him out of the cell then called our supervisor who immediately directed us to get a stretcher to carry the guy on the floor down towards the main corridor. Our supervisor ended up calling an ambulance and the inmate was pronounced dead before they even arrived at the hospital. Turned out that the dead guy was trying to read a book and was using a reading light. The guy who killed him was trying to sleep and told him to turn the light off. The guy refused and told the other inmate to fuck off! So he casually got up and stabbed the guy numerous times in the back of the head with a writing pen that he later flushed down the toilet. Good times!!!

So when I said I wanted stories, it was more along the lines of inmates getting caught dressing up as women and trying to escape using a plastic spoon and empty tissue box


Jan 20, 2021
Well, it certainly doesn't stack up to murdering a cell mate with a pen over a nightlight disagreement on the scale of human drama, but out of college I worked at a massive health club; like the largest one on the east coast.

Lots of fucking going on between staff and members. I was 23-25 and ran through about half the female personal trainers there along with a few other employees. Was propositioned by an attractive woman in her 40's who wanted me to fuck her in front of her husband (I declined that one and now regret it). Caught a guy fucking his wife in the hot tub in the men's locker room, which was bananas since it was a rather long walk to get this woman back to the hot tub in front of dozens of guys.

Anyhoo, there's plenty of other Coke fueled tales from that place that I'll be happy to share when we run out of horror stories from the prison.

Ghost Hawg

Jan 11, 2021
So when I said I wanted stories, it was more along the lines of inmates getting caught dressing up as women and trying to escape using a plastic spoon and empty tissue box
Do you think if you had responded sooner this guy's life could have been saved?

So when I said I wanted stories, it was more along the lines of inmates getting caught dressing up as women and trying to escape using a plastic spoon and empty tissue box

Oh right, right! My bad! Yeah you get a lot of the dressing up as women stuff also.


Feb 4, 2021
Saw a guy at work I hadn't seen in close to a year. He had on a ball cap, which I'd never seen him wear. When I got closer I could see his eyelashes and eyebrows were growing back, so I assumed he had cancer. Trying to be supportive, I asked if he got to close to the grill. Turns out his wife had cancer. (she survived) Her biggest concern was losing her hair. One afternoon, this guy shaved his head and eyebrows to show her it wouldn't be that bad. He said when he looked in the mirror, he looked so horrid his knees almost buckled.


Jan 8, 2021
Today at work our owner told us that we shouldn’t be working on any more complicated jobs.

5 minutes after saying this, he told us to put a bid together for what would be the most complicated project we have ever done.

This shit happens every goddam day.


Jan 8, 2021
Yesterday our owner also told us that he is going to hold people accountable and that we are having an all staff meeting today after lunch to discuss this.

He just called me and told me that he is on the way to the beach and that we would just have the meeting at some point next week.


Jan 8, 2021
Here's today's grammy winning episode:

Backstory- I wen to Fla for in early February for vacation and when I was driving home, the owner's wife texted me that I had to get a Covid test before coming back in to work. She had even gone so far as to call the Urgent Care and tried to make an appointment for me, but couldn't do so because she didn't have my DOB. She did relay all available times though. I told the owner that this was bullshit- I had no symptoms and by the time I could take a rapid test, I would be 7 days out anyways. He explained to me that it was the son who was very anxious. He then told me just to lie to his wife and son and say I had taken the test, which I did, and it all sort of went away.

Fast forward to today: On Monday, the owner and his wife took their daughter and roommates out to dinner. He called to tell me this morning that he wouldn't be in because as it turns out that the roommate who sat next to the wife at dinner and behind the owner in the car tested positive. When I asked him when he was getting tested, he told me that they weren't because they felt fine and it had been 5 days.

Final kicker- He then called back a few minutes later and told me not to tell any of this to the son when the boy arrives to the office this morning.
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