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Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

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  • No

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Dec 1, 2020
I don’t believe in god in the way that he is depicted in the Bible. wife gives me a hard time about it, but I can’t help what I believe.

while I’m curious of where we came from and how we got here, it’s really not that important to me. I try to be a good person without the threat of being stricken by an unknown power. Seems like a way to control people if you ask me.

Plus, the people who would go out and be an asshole and then go to Chuch Sunday morning and pretend that everything is OK are the worst type of people alive.

As Jimmy Buffet says “there is a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning."
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Jan 9, 2021
I don’t believe in god in the way that he is depicted in the Bible. wife gives me a hard time about it, but I can’t help what I believe.

while I’m curious of where we came from and how we got here, it’s really not that important to me. I try to be a good person without the threat of being stricken by an unknown power. Seems like a way to control people if you ask me.

Plus, the people who would go out and be an asshole and then go to Chuch Sunday morning and pretend that everything is OK are the worst type of people alive.

As Jimmy Buffet says “there is a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.
Correct.. god was created to control the masses.
Stupid people have ruined it for me. Yes, I believe in God, but I don't believe in religion.
My sentiment exactly.


Jan 27, 2021
I do. I have Faith. Was raised a Catholic, but have a hard time with some issues involving the Church. Havent been able to square if that is the devil casting distrust or if there is a real issue.

But I believe in God. Like mentioned above there is just too much to be coincidence. Im big in devine intervention. I should be dead or worse, but somehow ive been guided and protected.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
I believe in a universal god that is pure energy and within all things. As Christ said "the kingdom of God is within." I took me many years to understand that. We are all part of the universal god along with everything in this universe. A quote by Einstein perfectly describes my understanding of god - "I do believe in god but I do not think we can have a personal relationship with him."
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Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021
to the people who voted yes; do you go to church?
I only started believing a few months ago and churches had been closed so no. They are back "open" but require registration, social distancing, etc. so I haven't cared to go though all of that. They do livestream and save them so I occasionally go back and watch.

Saw a YT video the other day that broke down the word church and said it was actually defined as being the body, i.e. we are the church. I found that quite interesting.


Jan 17, 2021
Lord, be with me when the only thing I can even ask for is peace. Be in the big moments, the little moments, the in-between and uncertain moments. Thank you that you are, “…not a God of disorder but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33 NIV) and that Your peace, “transcends all understanding, (and) will guard (our) hearts and (our) minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). Help me to trust in Your word and in this verse. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” ( Romans 15:13). I’m so glad You’re a God who understands—even when the world doesn’t. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Jan 17, 2021

I’m not here to argue. But what do you believe in?

Edit: I didn’t see your reply until now. No need for an explanation since you already gave your opinion.
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Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
to the people who voted yes; do you go to church?

In fact, maintaining any sort of walk with God is impossible outside of a collection of Believers. That doesn't mean you need to go to the West's version of "church", which is not what the church actually looks like in the rest of the world, but gathering with others to read God's word, encourage, rebuke, and support is an absolute necessary to standing firm in the faith.

It's fundamentally why God created a woman to go with man, and why an entire nation (Israel) was created as a necessity for living in God's design.

On a side note, did you know the word "Israel" translates in original Hebrew "to wrestle with God." This is exactly what Jacob did in a dream with God in Genesis 32 before God renamed him Israel.

It's also what the collective Israel = Church does today.

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
Became Catholic 5 years ago, if I'm following the teachings of jc I'm going to join the church he started not one started by man.

The "Catholic" you are referencing doesn't refer to the Roman Catholic church.

It refers to the "universal" church. That is what is meant in the creed.



Jan 8, 2021

We don’t go to an organized church e.g. Baptist, Methodist, etc. I have a lot of problems with organized religion. It’s much better for us being able to congregate with believers at someone’s home

The Roman Catholic Church was started by man. They changed the Ten Commandments so they could have their idols. They also don’t want their masses to read the Bible. They should just take man’s word for it and believe that the pope has permission to change God’s word. Such a crock of shit.

Some of you need to quit expecting Christians to be absolutely perfect then calling them hypocrite because they cannot achieve the impossible I.e. perfection.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
I do. I have Faith. Was raised a Catholic, but have a hard time with some issues involving the Church. Havent been able to square if that is the devil casting distrust or if there is a real issue.

But I believe in God. Like mentioned above there is just too much to be coincidence. Im big in devine intervention. I should be dead or worse, but somehow ive been guided and protected.
I had similar issues as I left the Catholic church and have been attending a new Christian church. The pope is literally an ANTI-CHRIST. I actually believe its all part of the devils plan. Also a big devine intervention believer myself as I have had deja-vu multiple times and also multiple "should be dead" experiences.

Personally, I am of the belief (no I'm not a dooms dayer) that we are seeing the devils incarnation through all the evil going on and that this is the ultimate battle of good vs evil going on presently. Too much evil and crazy going on to be written off as normal.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
to the people who voted yes; do you go to church?
Yes.....why? What is the point of this questions?

To me you can be just as religious with or without a particular Church.

I have always been taught that it is truly about YOUR personal relationship with God. (FYI: I was raised in Catholic Church and attended Catholic school for Elementary ONLY though).

Basically I don't need a church to pray/talk to God. It is part of my everyday life even without going to church.

I cant decipher if this is truly a question or if its a setup to attack religion as it usually is. (this is a common practice in the media and real life by naysayers.)


Jan 17, 2021
Yes.....why? What is the point of this questions?

To me you can be just as religious with or without a particular Church.

I have always been taught that it is truly about YOUR personal relationship with God. (FYI: I was raised in Catholic Church and attended Catholic school for Elementary ONLY though).

Basically I don't need a church to pray/talk to God. It is part of my everyday life even without going to church.

I cant decipher if this is truly a question or if its a setup to attack religion as it usually is. (this is a common practice in the media and real life by naysayers.)
I’m just interested in hearing other points of view. I don’t attend church. However, I attend bible studies at a church. I just wanted to get a discussion going. My life was saved countless times by God. I shouldn’t be here since the evil one was dictating my life for so long.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
I’m just interested in hearing other points of view. I don’t attend church. However, I attend bible studies at a church. I just wanted to get a discussion going. My life was saved countless times by God. I shouldn’t be here since the evil one was dictating my life for so long.

Thought that was the case as your posting didn't align with Attacking Patriots. BUT those of us that have grown up in the church, have seen that phrasing using to setup attack.


Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
Believe in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit.

Have always felt closer to God in nature settings. Religions are man-made, and therefore corruptible. Some of the most two faced hypocrites always sat in the first few rows. I've found the most spiritual people I've come across weren't regular church-goers.


Dec 9, 2020
For those being overly critical of church attenders, you need to remember this: A local church isn't a place perfect people would be comfortable. It is, however, a place for those who struggle, a spiritual hospital.

I expect that a solid church would be filled with people who have all kinds of issues and hypocrisies seeking help for their spiritual problems.
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Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
For those being overly critical of church attenders, you need to remember this: A local church isn't a place perfect people would be comfortable. It is, however, a place for those who struggle, a spiritual hospital.

I expect that a solid church would be filled with people who have all kinds of issues and hypocrisies seeking help for their spiritual problems.
I'm certainly not condemning churches altogether, or church-goers. Just my own personal perspective on a select few. Plenty of wonderful people who are there every Sunday and Wednesday.


Jan 15, 2021
to the people who voted yes; do you go to church?
I get in the good habit of going to church and then if something breaks that habit I wont go for awhile. For example:
In highschool I went to church every sunday and I went to the highschool youth group every wednesday. When I went to college, out of town, I couldnt find a church I felt "at home" at. I tried to find a church for a year. I eventually just stopped going to church. When I graduated I started going back to church in my new city. I went to the young adults group and the main sermon every week on sunday. When covid happened and churches closed I watched online for a few weeks. That got old really quickly. I stopped doing that and since my church has been back open I havent returned. I have not returned because I am exceptionally busy. I am not of the opinion that you need to go to church every week in order to be a "good believer"


Jan 8, 2021
to the people who voted yes; do you go to church?
Absolutely. And, I have daily quiet times.

I always ask this question - how much research have you done to disprove Jesus? Or, God - you can 100% prove Jesus with secular/Roman Historians - nobody can prove God exists, it takes a leap of Faith, but the data supports it. The question parallels the Higgs-Boson/God Particle. Why did they believe it existed when they couldn’t prove it did? Until it was demonstrated at CERN, a GeV of +/- 126, it was just a theory. The answer? They could “see” glimpses of it in matter. That is how God is in our lives... and scientifically, in our world and its positioning in the galaxy.

When you read about Tolkien and Lewis and Bonhoeffer and Tin Boom... how can you not? Oh, I know many blame hypocrites in the Church, or what they “feel”. That is immaturity on their part. As is the “I’m a good person” “just because”. Historical evidence shows atheistic states always murder. You’re only a “good atheist” because you don’t have power over others.

God is real, Jesus was God in human form, the Holy Spirit/Helper is with us, and we only have hope because of that.


Jan 8, 2021
Believe in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit.

Have always felt closer to God in nature settings. Religions are man-made, and therefore corruptible. Some of the most two faced hypocrites always sat in the first few rows. I've found the most spiritual people I've come across weren't regular church-goers.
Go to Church


Dec 1, 2020

I’m not here to argue. But what do you believe in?

Edit: I didn’t see your reply until now. No need for an explanation since you already gave your opinion.

Somewhere between Agnostic and Atheist. Im not certain what i believe, and I am OK with that.

Do I think the earth was created in 8 days by God? No. Not even close.

I do wonder where we came from? Who created the Big Bang?

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
Absolutely. And, I have daily quiet times.

I always ask this question - how much research have you done to disprove Jesus? Or, God - you can 100% prove Jesus with secular/Roman Historians - nobody can prove God exists, it takes a leap of Faith, but the data supports it. The question parallels the Higgs-Boson/God Particle. Why did they believe it existed when they couldn’t prove it did? Until it was demonstrated at CERN, a GeV of +/- 126, it was just a theory. The answer? They could “see” glimpses of it in matter. That is how God is in our lives... and scientifically, in our world and its positioning in the galaxy.

When you read about Tolkien and Lewis and Bonhoeffer and Tin Boom... how can you not? Oh, I know many blame hypocrites in the Church, or what they “feel”. That is immaturity on their part. As is the “I’m a good person” “just because”. Historical evidence shows atheistic states always murder. You’re only a “good atheist” because you don’t have power over others

God is real, Jesus was God in human form, the Holy Spirit/Helper is with us, and we only have hope because that.
God has always asked us for faith, but not coldly.

In the Garden of Eden, God gave us this beautiful place with everything we needed. He only asked that we don't eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This was a first test of faith.

We failed.

And we continue to fail in the same fashion. The challenge remains the same.

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
No. Attended Catholic school all the way up to High School. Got way too political for me but I think I still have credit built up since I attended church almost every day for 10 years.
Have you ever read the Bible?

I only ask because I too attended Catholic school through high school, but never actually had read the Bible.


Jan 8, 2021
I can connect with God anywhere, anytime. Don't need to be in a building, or have mediator to connect me to Him.

I did go to Easter service to celebrate Christ. However, due to cOvId.....they weren't doing the Eucharist. Dumb.
Okay. I was just pointing that isn’t a Biblical thought process and doesn’t match what is written.


Jan 9, 2021
Some folks don't believe in God.........until they get into one of life's storms. Then there is a whole lot of believin going on.

I prefer to believe before the descent into the valley.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
to the people who voted yes; do you go to church?
No. I used to go "religiously" but once I began to realize that there were so many contradictions in the bible, especially the exclusivity of Christianity in that if you don't believe like we do, you are going to hell
I began studying eastern religion from buddhism to zen to hinduism. The best way to describe how I see god now is this - "One mountain. Many paths." Everything we need comes from within. The problem is believing that and allowing then power of the universe to flow through you instead of around you.
I only started believing a few months ago and churches had been closed so no. They are back "open" but require registration, social distancing, etc. so I haven't cared to go though all of that. They do livestream and save them so I occasionally go back and watch.

Saw a YT video the other day that broke down the word church and said it was actually defined as being the body, i.e. we are the church. I found that quite interesting.
In Christianity there is a house of God, but the Church is the body of Christ's believers. The somewhat enigmatic quote of Christ that says "the house of God is within" and "he who has seen me has seen the father" and "I can accopmplish nothing of myself except for the Father who lives within me."

Christ embodied the benevolent and loving power of the universe. If one reads the Nag Hammadi Scriptures you will find things not in the Bible, and you will see that they represent a range of attitudes and beliefs in Gnostic Christianity and include everything from competing gospels to apocalyptic revelations, all assert the primacy of spiritual and intellectual knowledge over physical action and material well-being.

Christ was a mystic alien being who came to open the hidden knowledge of the universe to all of man kind. But, as we all know, "the church," and especially the Catholics, conspired to modify the books of the Bible and completely change who Christ really was, for the most part. To sum it all up, Christ said "look buddy, if you will wake the hell up, you could move a mountain and heal the blind just like me."

I grew up in the church, but I grew out of it, and now I am growing up in the truth.


Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
Okay. I was just pointing that isn’t a Biblical thought process and doesn’t match what is written.
Okay. I'm just pointing out where I feel the presence of God more than in a building. Considering arguably the greatest sermon to ever happen occurred on the side of a mountain, I don't see how I'm wrong on feeling that. My wife and I talk about God regularly, we praise Him for the blessings He brings to our life. That's church, too.


Feb 4, 2021
Croot Overlord has talked to me about doing a podcast for the forum on grace. I believe the Bible. I believe everything the Bible says. It took me until my fifties to shun the Baptist, Methodist, traditional condemnation of never being able to do enough. I understand now the meaning of "Grace and Truth came through Christ Jesus." It's not hard to live the Christian life. It's impossible. That's why Christ came. He did it for us. I spent the majority of my life feeling condemned for my thoughts and deeds. I've finally been freed.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I do. I have Faith. Was raised a Catholic, but have a hard time with some issues involving the Church. Havent been able to square if that is the devil casting distrust or if there is a real issue.

But I believe in God. Like mentioned above there is just too much to be coincidence. Im big in devine intervention. I should be dead or worse, but somehow ive been guided and protected.
There is a devil and evil is real. Same boat different river. We arent dead for a reason bestowed upon us that we do not yet know.

God is real and we are all part of God.
Everything is granted by God. Including evil.

Imagine a big time poker game you were not invited to attend.
That is us here

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