Day 2 -- The Thin Red Line Assemble

A new contract with America would be a great idea. What would be some bullet points in the new CWA?

Here is how Newt began

Government and operational reforms[edit]​

On the first day of their majority in the House, the Republicans promised to bring up for vote, eight major reforms:

  1. require all laws that apply to the rest of the country also apply to Congress;
  2. select a major, independent auditing firm to conduct a comprehensive audit of Congress for waste, fraud or abuse;
  3. cut the number of House committees, and cut committee staff by one-third;
  4. limit the terms of all committee chairs;
  5. ban the casting of proxy votes in committee;
  6. require committee meetings to be open to the public;
  7. require a three-fifths majority vote to pass a tax increase;
  8. guarantee an honest accounting of the Federal Budget by implementing zero base-line budgeting.

Many other things but this is one

he Citizen Legislature Act[edit]​

An amendment to the Constitution that would have imposed 12-year term limits on members of the US Congress (i.e. six terms for Representatives, two terms for Senators). H.J.Res. 73 rejected by the U.S. House 227–204 (a constitutional amendment requires a two-thirds majority, not a simple majority), March 29, 1995; RC #277.

Newt was a true guy. He had the right idea and I think now he would have Trump's base and traditional conservatives focused while the left destroys.
So the American Revolution was wrongful and unjustifiable? It would never have been acceptable for people in 1930s Germany to try to take out the Nazis with violence? Or under Stalin in the USSR? Violence should be the last resort only, but depending on the circumstances, it is certainly justified.

Those were not Constitutional Republics.

Violence should not be in our vocabulary. The powers are going to push and push to get this very reaction. Do not give them what they want.
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I’m not making any reaction or advocating any action. I’m discussing general philosophy of government and organization of societies.

Sorry if it came off as accusatorial

What I am seeing is the a start of a Spanish civil type war. One where one side was going to get revenge on the other side not realizing it could get into something horrific. I think we should try to find out who and what we are and go from there.
I looked at some URLs today to find a home page for a political movement. Couldn't find anything I liked in the URLs.

But I like the idea of identifying with: Americans. Not republicans, or democrats or libertarians, just Americans.

Americans that know that something is wrong in this country and we are trying to figure out what it is.

In God we Trust
Someone should take responsibility for this:

insert link on how to charter organization

We need an organization centered around figuring out the source of all the hate and division in this country. We obviously can't trust any that claim they do

If we don't organize ourselves, we will be scooped up one by one by the next bit of mania that moves our spirit.

I'm only suggesting, but if we don't do it ALL ourselves, how can we trust it? Sure there will be some that slip in with the wrong motives, but many of us can vouch for each other after posting together on here for years.

Edit: lol just realized my link was for forming an organization at some school. That was the first one that came up on google
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A very obvious talking point that many will be drawn to is:

"A Public Audit of the Election Process"

Bring in cybersecurity experts to yield transparent evidence to how things worked. We start locally like others have said
Day 3 and Biden already looks weak but the media is going to carry that water.

So I took some advice and am going with Amendment 1 and free speech (freedom of the press). We can talk about words we can say but shouldn't but we have went over and over it again. We have to focus on the big elephant in the room and that is censorship. The Democrats are going to go after us, their media will cover for them and attack us but it all pales in comparison to BIG TECH. Trump should have addressed this problem and didn't. Listening to an expert on this problem and he repeated what Tom Cotton said and that is trying to fight this at a national level is worthless. So we have to rely on the states. Texas and Florida is already looking into it and are going to take action. Hopeful we can get a few more on board and maybe have a regional influence. Also Mexico and Germany were very concerned when they blocked Trump. And Poland is leading the way with laws on free speech and something along the lines of having certain avenues that big tech cannot shut down or it all comes down (Have not read)

So do you think the state solutions are going to work or get shot down in court? I think it goes all the way to SCOTUS

What states can we count on?

How successful will the state solutions be?
Day 3 and Biden already looks weak but the media is going to carry that water.

So I took some advice and am going with Amendment 1 and free speech (freedom of the press). We can talk about words we can say but shouldn't but we have went over and over it again. We have to focus on the big elephant in the room and that is censorship. The Democrats are going to go after us, their media will cover for them and attack us but it all pales in comparison to BIG TECH. Trump should have addressed this problem and didn't. Listening to an expert on this problem and he repeated what Tom Cotton said and that is trying to fight this at a national level is worthless. So we have to rely on the states. Texas and Florida is already looking into it and are going to take action. Hopeful we can get a few more on board and maybe have a regional influence. Also Mexico and Germany were very concerned when they blocked Trump. And Poland is leading the way with laws on free speech and something along the lines of having certain avenues that big tech cannot shut down or it all comes down (Have not read)

So do you think the state solutions are going to work or get shot down in court? I think it goes all the way to SCOTUS

What states can we count on?

How successful will the state solutions be?
If the censorship continues and the SCOTUS doesn't hear the case, you could start to really hear talks of secession.
It is small and we are just one family, but my wife and I already are putting a list together of books/movies that will be banned and buying them up and downloading the movies to an external hard drive. I will be damned if my kids do not get to watch Blazing Saddles when they get older.
If the censorship continues and the SCOTUS doesn't hear the case, you could start to really hear talks of secession.
It is small and we are just one family, but my wife and I already are putting a list together of books/movies that will be banned and buying them up and downloading the movies to an external hard drive. I will be damned if my kids do not get to watch Blazing Saddles when they get older.

Get home alone 2 because there talk of removing Trump from the movie.

I am really worried about past news articles of Democrats saying things that are not proper today will be removed and we are going to have search engines only with positive left views and negative Conservative ones.
Get home alone 2 because there talk of removing Trump from the movie.

I am really worried about past news articles of Democrats saying things that are not proper today will be removed and we are going to have search engines only with positive left views and negative Conservative ones.
Sadly we watched it on tv over the holidays and his part was already removed.

EDIT: we are looking at quite a few books. Maybe we should group together and put a list of necessary books. Things like 1984, Animal Farm, Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, Catcher in the Rye, etc.
I’m all in to find a way to break the radical left stranglehold on our country right now. The mere fact that they can perpetuate a lie for so long that it becomes a mainstream belief is something to be admired (I guess). The problem that we have is the media. We pretty much have nothing on our side. OAN is considered lunatic fringe by Libs and Newsmax just doesn’t have the traction yet to move the needle. Fox fucked all of us. It’s great to see their ratings tank and I guess there are a lot more like me who have quit watching Fox cold turkey. But damnit we need something to get our message and narratives out there. I think this is where Trump could still help us. He has the money and motivation to fund something like Newsmax to elevate it to big league status.

the Biden administration is literally handing us winning talking points on a SilverPlatter already. We have to pick the ones that we think will resonate most throughout the country and just beat on them day in and day out.
I’m all in to find a way to break the radical left stranglehold on our country right now. The mere fact that they can perpetuate a lie for so long that it becomes a mainstream belief is something to be admired (I guess). The problem that we have is the media. We pretty much have nothing on our side. OAN is considered lunatic fringe by Libs and Newsmax just doesn’t have the traction yet to move the needle. Fox fucked all of us. It’s great to see their ratings tank and I guess there are a lot more like me who have quit watching Fox cold turkey. But damnit we need something to get our message and narratives out there. I think this is where Trump could still help us. He has the money and motivation to fund something like Newsmax to elevate it to big league status.

the Biden administration is literally handing us winning talking points on a SilverPlatter already. We have to pick the ones that we think will resonate most throughout the country and just beat on them day in and day out.

Conservatives has a golden opportunity but its going to be a long hard road. We need to be the alternative to Washington. We have to be clear, concise and empathetic.

Its going to sound silly but ------ say the Democrats were offering people snakes and saying there was no other options. And we offered puppies and you can have snakes but you we have this puppy if you want it.

Its the same concept with all of our policies. If you want to win in talking about economy then we have to stop with the boring debt and deficit. We need to focus on wages. Not national wage standards like $15.00 an hour. Real wage growth. The dems offer you (remember Obama) that this is our new normal and get used to it (snakes) and we say no there is a better way and we want everyone to make more money for the work they do (puppies)
Conservatives has a golden opportunity but its going to be a long hard road. We need to be the alternative to Washington. We have to be clear, concise and empathetic.

Its going to sound silly but ------ say the Democrats were offering people snakes and saying there was no other options. And we offered puppies and you can have snakes but you we have this puppy if you want it.

Its the same concept with all of our policies. If you want to win in talking about economy then we have to stop with the boring debt and deficit. We need to focus on wages. Not national wage standards like $15.00 an hour. Real wage growth. The dems offer you (remember Obama) that this is our new normal and get used to it (snakes) and we say no there is a better way and we want everyone to make more money for the work they do (puppies)
Yes it will be a long hard road. But we have time. And we need to start NOW. It starts with locating a medium to utilize and go through. And then starting the drumbeat there. You cannot tell me that most democrat women are for trannies being able to compete against girls. Start chipping away there. Womens rights? #metoo? this is low hanging fruit for us. We just have to act. Start replaying the "we are not going to ban fracking" videos. And start hammering the fact that literally on day 1 it was among the first things Biden did. Shit like that. There is plenty more ammunition for us. But we need to start right away.
Conservatives need to fight like the left does. What would the left do right now if the tables were turned? They would do what they did last year and try to crater the economy. Tie all the tax raises and regulations to the left and watch the economy crater. Keep reminding people in the center and left about rising fuel, food, lumber, items at WalMart/Amazon prices. Big government will only have one answer and that is to print and hand it out which will cause more inflation. I think conservatives should be loading up on gold and silver in the meantime.

Unemployment will remain high for the next 4 years. Obama's biggest mistake coming out of the '08 crash was his bashing of business during a time when we needed businesses hiring and investing. Add the millions of migrants that are about to swarm the US and the unemployed will have stiff competition for jobs. Tie this to the left every time you talk to someone.

Chronic unemployment, high fuel prices and less purchasing power by everyday Americans will be so bad the media won't be able to hide it. This might wake up enough people.
If the censorship continues and the SCOTUS doesn't hear the case, you could start to really hear talks of secession.
It is small and we are just one family, but my wife and I already are putting a list together of books/movies that will be banned and buying them up and downloading the movies to an external hard drive. I will be damned if my kids do not get to watch Blazing Saddles when they get older.
Yep I have been collecting as many books as I can the last few years.

Absurd I've even had to think that way, but just the reality of things right now.
You guys believe me or not, but I am taking the responsibility for delivering a platform. We have an incredible concept.

I just got my technical lead on board today. 40+ years tech experience. He's the guy that would be called in for problems no one else would be able to solve.

I've got the platform, you guys work the messaging.
Conservatives need to fight like the left does. What would the left do right now if the tables were turned? They would do what they did last year and try to crater the economy. Tie all the tax raises and regulations to the left and watch the economy crater. Keep reminding people in the center and left about rising fuel, food, lumber, items at WalMart/Amazon prices. Big government will only have one answer and that is to print and hand it out which will cause more inflation. I think conservatives should be loading up on gold and silver in the meantime.

Unemployment will remain high for the next 4 years. Obama's biggest mistake coming out of the '08 crash was his bashing of business during a time when we needed businesses hiring and investing. Add the millions of migrants that are about to swarm the US and the unemployed will have stiff competition for jobs. Tie this to the left every time you talk to someone.

Chronic unemployment, high fuel prices and less purchasing power by everyday Americans will be so bad the media won't be able to hide it. This might wake up enough people.

The left never loses a fight. They pause and regroup. The ends justify the means. Its a long game strategy but moving forward is their way.

The right usually loses the fight and abandons the field to the left (Conservation vs environmentalism). Winning without morals is not worth it. its a right now attempt to block not moving away from a position.

The one positive thing Trump really did was hit back but he wasn't always smart about it. We need to read rules for radicals because we are the radicals.

Finally we need to give up the talk of the silent majority. Its a way of wishing/hoping what is going to happen in elections. Like @Croot_Overlord said we need to be for all Americans. We need to be where they see an alternative to insanity.
The left never loses a fight. They pause and regroup. The ends justify the means. Its a long game strategy but moving forward is their way.

The right usually loses the fight and abandons the field to the left (Conservation vs environmentalism). Winning without morals is not worth it. its a right now attempt to block not moving away from a position.

The one positive thing Trump really did was hit back but he wasn't always smart about it. We need to read rules for radicals because we are the radicals.

Finally we need to give up the talk of the silent majority. Its a way of wishing/hoping what is going to happen in elections. Like @Croot_Overlord said we need to be for all Americans. We need to be where they see an alternative to insanity.
Man, you and I are on completely the same page (note my underline above).

I am working hard. We are gonna start the design process Feb 1. It's going to be a very powerful platform
2 things real quick

Biden has some E&Os today -- the 3 main take aways are

Increasing access to nutrition programs -food stamps. (we need to support this by the way but more on that later)

workers have the right to turn down work if they feel hazardous to their health and still get benefits -- I can see it in certain cases but we know it will be abused

reverse Trump's E&Os if they hurt collective bargaining or limited protections for civil servants.

Most of the other language really effects what Biden can control and that is federal employees.

So really nothing for us to even concern ourselves over. Bigger fish to fry
The crazy first day EOs are the ones that we can really exploit. They are the ones that show the loony and basically nonsensical platforms that most mainstream Americans cannot possibly get behind. And these were the things that the libs could not wait to push forward. Literal first day things. They are teeing it up and daring us to take our best swing because they (rightfully)believe that they have the best defense in the world on their side....the MSM.
2 things real quick

Biden has some E&Os today -- the 3 main take aways are

Increasing access to nutrition programs -food stamps. (we need to support this by the way but more on that later)

workers have the right to turn down work if they feel hazardous to their health and still get benefits -- I can see it in certain cases but we know it will be abused

reverse Trump's E&Os if they hurt collective bargaining or limited protections for civil servants.

Most of the other language really effects what Biden can control and that is federal employees.

So really nothing for us to even concern ourselves over. Bigger fish to fry
On food stamps, sure we need to provide them to some level. However, they should only be allowed to be used on unprocessed foods. The shit being purchased with them now are mostly processed foods and high fructose corn syrup water which leads to higher Medicare bills down the road.
I’ll put a pin in my thoughts on violence in order to better facilitate discussion for the purposes of this thread, although I believe that there are some assumptions around the use of violence that OP is making and asking responders here to accept that are not rooted in reality.

First, I would suggest everyone to follow Jack Murphy on whatever platform you use. His assertions on the path forward, right now, and for at least the short term, seem to me to be the most well grounded among the right and, more generally, free thinkers.

Basically, it’s obvious that big tech, specifically social media and google, have been on a censorship mission for years now. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment of the January 6th events and fallout, but it’s been going on for years. These corporations just finally have a legitimate justification for their actions and the backing of the WH and legislative branch. Additionally, it’s apparent from the last two presidential elections (yes, even 2016), that our election infrastructure is wholly inadequate to fend off foreign and domestic tampering. These two factors, when applied in conjunction, make it nearly impossible to imagine a path forward where any wing of any party (not just Rs) that isn’t in lockstep with or furthering a goal of the establishment will be able to make any real headway on a national level. We only got our glimmer of hope that an outsider could prevail because the establishment wasn’t ready for it. Not because Trump was a mastermind or any other reason.

Now, I could go on a diatribe about how the counter party will respond to this. If the past is any indicator, then the Republican Party will fall right back into its comfort zone of being the opposition party. It won’t offer any new or actionable ideas that gets a broader base to coalesce around it, rather it will spend its time prognosticating on the evils of the Dems and the uncontrolled spending and the hypocrisy of the left yada yada yada. Or it may very well embrace populism, broaden its base, pull itself up by the bootstraps and get to work. I highly doubt it will do such a thing.

Where does that leave guys like us? Our voices will be silenced, our elections will be compromised, the establishment will have no true competition. We have to create private networks. This website is a great start. But it’s not enough. We’ve got to bring it to real life. We need private forums to talk to likeminded men. We need community and shared values. Unfortunately, for there to be any change, men like us are going to have to be the catalysts. We can either lead that charge in our communities or sit on our couch watching commercials that depict men as subservient and the like and bitch while Rome burns.
The first and most important thing in all of this is to get a handle on vote harvesting. Either get it banned, or get the right to find a freaking way to do it. Vote harvesting has essentially canceled out the intent of the EC by allowing for 5 metro areas to essentially control a national election via legal/illegal ballot harvesting.

Second, with reapportionment coming, the republican state legislatures need to get on the ball, and gerrymander the fuck out of the new districts to secure seats demographically for the next decade. NC, FL, TX are super important here. There are currently 10 house seats separating republican control of the house. Dem states lose 5, Rep states gain 5, we are deadlocked in 2 years.
As for vote harvesting, I say go full bore like the left does because I'd rather not rely on any laws actually being enforced.

One thing I'd like to see but will never happen is for every voter to have to present a valid government ID and validly issued SS#......multifactor authentication if you will. A man can dream.
I’ll put a pin in my thoughts on violence in order to better facilitate discussion for the purposes of this thread, although I believe that there are some assumptions around the use of violence that OP is making and asking responders here to accept that are not rooted in reality.

First, I would suggest everyone to follow Jack Murphy on whatever platform you use. His assertions on the path forward, right now, and for at least the short term, seem to me to be the most well grounded among the right and, more generally, free thinkers.

Basically, it’s obvious that big tech, specifically social media and google, have been on a censorship mission for years now. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment of the January 6th events and fallout, but it’s been going on for years. These corporations just finally have a legitimate justification for their actions and the backing of the WH and legislative branch. Additionally, it’s apparent from the last two presidential elections (yes, even 2016), that our election infrastructure is wholly inadequate to fend off foreign and domestic tampering. These two factors, when applied in conjunction, make it nearly impossible to imagine a path forward where any wing of any party (not just Rs) that isn’t in lockstep with or furthering a goal of the establishment will be able to make any real headway on a national level. We only got our glimmer of hope that an outsider could prevail because the establishment wasn’t ready for it. Not because Trump was a mastermind or any other reason.

Now, I could go on a diatribe about how the counter party will respond to this. If the past is any indicator, then the Republican Party will fall right back into its comfort zone of being the opposition party. It won’t offer any new or actionable ideas that gets a broader base to coalesce around it, rather it will spend its time prognosticating on the evils of the Dems and the uncontrolled spending and the hypocrisy of the left yada yada yada. Or it may very well embrace populism, broaden its base, pull itself up by the bootstraps and get to work. I highly doubt it will do such a thing.

Where does that leave guys like us? Our voices will be silenced, our elections will be compromised, the establishment will have no true competition. We have to create private networks. This website is a great start. But it’s not enough. We’ve got to bring it to real life. We need private forums to talk to likeminded men. We need community and shared values. Unfortunately, for there to be any change, men like us are going to have to be the catalysts. We can either lead that charge in our communities or sit on our couch watching commercials that depict men as subservient and the like and bitch while Rome burns.
You guys have given me $25,000 in donations. Trust me, this thing is coming to life like you will not be able to imagine. Just keep working on growing the community and working on our messaging.

We the People
On food stamps, sure we need to provide them to some level. However, they should only be allowed to be used on unprocessed foods. The shit being purchased with them now are mostly processed foods and high fructose corn syrup water which leads to higher Medicare bills down the road.

I agree totally . Our "food stamp" program needs to be one that relies on nutrition rather than welfare for Walmart and junk food.

And I didnt know if you came over or not. Sure glad your here.
I looked at some URLs today to find a home page for a political movement. Couldn't find anything I liked in the URLs.

But I like the idea of identifying with: Americans. Not republicans, or democrats or libertarians, just Americans.

Americans that know that something is wrong in this country and we are trying to figure out what it is.

In God we Trust
Yup. We don't gotta reinvent the wheel. AMERICA 1st!

Canada's system would be perfect for the US and you can skip trying to get people to believe in the tech (let alone understand it).
Our free speech needs to be good free speech. Daily thousands of minds are being manipulated to thinking we are evil incarnate. While the left enjoys accolades in school and then affirmed in the media.

I believe the essence of speech to a Conservative is everyone has protections of free speech under the constitution.

That is warm puppy kisses to all Americans.

I will also say Conservatives believe not all speech is construction and while we personally hate it will protect it under the constitution.

This will get the left riled but I feel once you go into the land of curbing speech there is no stopping it.

Feel free to disagree or add to it. Remember is has to be broad for all Americans , clear to all Americans and be an unmovable position to all Americans
Our free speech needs to be good free speech. Daily thousands of minds are being manipulated to thinking we are evil incarnate. While the left enjoys accolades in school and then affirmed in the media.

I believe the essence of speech to a Conservative is everyone has protections of free speech under the constitution.

That is warm puppy kisses to all Americans.

I will also say Conservatives believe not all speech is construction and while we personally hate it will protect it under the constitution.

This will get the left riled but I feel once you go into the land of curbing speech there is no stopping it.

Feel free to disagree or add to it. Remember is has to be broad for all Americans , clear to all Americans and be an unmovable position to all Americans
Stop thinking of yourself as a conservative or describing things as such. You open yourself up to their branding and division that way.

We are Americans. Americans believe in free speech.

Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

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