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Considering that the M1 Abrams was designed in the 1970s and everyone still wants these MFers in 2023, it does seem like a great feat of engineering..

Jul 9, 2022
Not as good as the US nuclear navy, but good still.

Amazing that the lead Engineer was a some dumbfuck Auburn grad. He must have had a lot of help.

There comes a time where a tank is a tank, and a gun is a gun...................to be honest, tanks are not that crucial anymore, unless in urban terrain...................

There is no better or worse modern tank they all have advantages and disadvantages.............little known to most, but we have not built a new M1 in 25 years! They are all rebuilt.

Not sure that the Abrams have ever been tested in -50 degree weather though for extended periods of combat usage.............there is that.


Jan 9, 2021
There comes a time where a tank is a tank, and a gun is a gun...................to be honest, tanks are not that crucial anymore, unless in urban terrain...................

There is no better or worse modern tank they all have advantages and disadvantages.............little known to most, but we have not built a new M1 in 25 years! They are all rebuilt.

Not sure that the Abrams have ever been tested in -50 degree weather though for extended periods of combat usage.............there is that.

The design isn't what was good. Its the weapons systems and armor. The tank itself should have been revamped after Desert Storm because of several problems soldiers reported.

The M1 is very high maintenance.

Again, tanks today are obsolete other than in cities where you dont want to be standing next to one

We actually took some of the armor off the Abrams tanks we gave Ukraine because we don't want Russia to have our secrets. The tank was designed to fight against Russian tanks, in Eastern Europe. We initially tried to work with Germany to built a new tank, but the project exceeded budget so we broke away on our own.

I'm sure General Dynamics will give them the upgraded thermal sight, camera, and display. They want to test those in action. We have upgraded versions of this tank, one just developed last year but not yet mass produced.

In a fight where you're on flat terrain with no cover or air superiority, these tanks are deadly. They'll out range almost everything. Using drones and satellites, Ukraine can take out any Russian long range artillery with HIMARS. Then the Abrams can move up at night and use their superior range to kill what they can see using thermal, which will be a lot. One hit quit, too.

You can use this tactic to cut off supply lines if you can punch through the front line. Blitzkrieg method. The only rational move at that point for Russia is to retreat to where they can resupply their army, or risk being encircled.
Jul 9, 2022
We actually took some of the armor off the Abrams tanks we gave Ukraine because we don't want Russia to have our secrets. The tank was designed to fight against Russian tanks, in Eastern Europe. We initially tried to work with Germany to built a new tank, but the project exceeded budget so we broke away on our own.

I'm sure General Dynamics will give them the upgraded thermal sight, camera, and display. They want to test those in action. We have upgraded versions of this tank, one just developed last year but not yet mass produced.

In a fight where you're on flat terrain with no cover or air superiority, these tanks are deadly. They'll out range almost everything. Using drones and satellites, Ukraine can take out any Russian long range artillery with HIMARS. Then the Abrams can move up at night and use their superior range to kill what they can see using thermal, which will be a lot. One hit quit, too.

You can use this tactic to cut off supply lines if you can punch through the front line. Blitzkrieg method. The only rational move at that point for Russia is to retreat to where they can resupply their army, or risk being encircled.
WOW...........thanks for the lesson.......a couple of issues that immediately come to mind.

1.) The "secret" armor used by basically all modern tanks (within the last 35 years) is a clad armor which was developed by the British it is called "Chopham". It is made of several types of metals and ceramics and is part of the "shell" of the tank and cannot be "removed"....reactive armor can be however, niether is a secret to anyone, but you.

2.) At the time of the concept and development of the M1 Abrams..........Germany was not even a country, East and West were........but Germany was 100% dependent on USA for military power along with Japan.......

3.) I am sure that is General Dynamics gave them anything, they would be in big trouble as it against the law...............they cannot give them a thing..........our military can

4.) Tanks get stuck easily in deep mud, and are easily put out of service with mines.........you want to stop 15000 Russian tanks, use mines.........dig a ditch 20' wide 6ft deep........problem solved. This is not the 17th century, no tank commander would take there tank out into an open field with no cover, under almost no circumstances, especially because of pre-mentioned mines. There are many inexpensive ways to destroy or incapacitate a tank, none of which involve another tank. Your explanation of 17h century doctrine is great.

I would advise you stick to something you know something about.


Jan 9, 2021
WOW...........thanks for the lesson.......a couple of issues that immediately come to mind.

1.) The "secret" armor used by basically all modern tanks (within the last 35 years) is a clad armor which was developed by the British it is called "Chopham". It is made of several types of metals and ceramics and is part of the "shell" of the tank and cannot be "removed"....reactive armor can be however, niether is a secret to anyone, but you.

2.) At the time of the concept and development of the M1 Abrams..........Germany was not even a country, East and West were........but Germany was 100% dependent on USA for military power along with Japan.......

3.) I am sure that is General Dynamics gave them anything, they would be in big trouble as it against the law...............they cannot give them a thing..........our military can

4.) Tanks get stuck easily in deep mud, and are easily put out of service with mines.........you want to stop 15000 Russian tanks, use mines.........dig a ditch 20' wide 6ft deep........problem solved. This is not the 17th century, no tank commander would take there tank out into an open field with no cover, under almost no circumstances, especially because of pre-mentioned mines. There are many inexpensive ways to destroy or incapacitate a tank, none of which involve another tank. Your explanation of 17h century doctrine is great.

I would advise you stick to something you know something about.

@Croot_Overlord who the fuck is this weirdo?

First of all, I'm a vet that worked with weapon systems. I think I'm a little qualified, probably a lot more than you. But even if somehow you've seen more action than I have..

1) You're a fucking moron. The Chobham armor isn't being removed.

2) Sorry I wasn't specific enough for you by calling them West Germany. It was a joint project.


3) Our military gave them the tanks already. They are probably already upgraded but if not who do you think would do the install?

4) If you're such a fucking genius why don't you advise the Russians? Anyway, there are ways to clear mines. Mud season is over at the end of March in Ukraine.

Now go be weird and talk shit to someone else.


Jan 15, 2021
WOW...........thanks for the lesson.......a couple of issues that immediately come to mind.

1.) The "secret" armor used by basically all modern tanks (within the last 35 years) is a clad armor which was developed by the British it is called "Chopham". It is made of several types of metals and ceramics and is part of the "shell" of the tank and cannot be "removed"....reactive armor can be however, niether is a secret to anyone, but you.

2.) At the time of the concept and development of the M1 Abrams..........Germany was not even a country, East and West were........but Germany was 100% dependent on USA for military power along with Japan.......

3.) I am sure that is General Dynamics gave them anything, they would be in big trouble as it against the law...............they cannot give them a thing..........our military can

4.) Tanks get stuck easily in deep mud, and are easily put out of service with mines.........you want to stop 15000 Russian tanks, use mines.........dig a ditch 20' wide 6ft deep........problem solved. This is not the 17th century, no tank commander would take there tank out into an open field with no cover, under almost no circumstances, especially because of pre-mentioned mines. There are many inexpensive ways to destroy or incapacitate a tank, none of which involve another tank. Your explanation of 17h century doctrine is great.

I would advise you stick to something you know something about.

Fuck this communist piece of shit.
Jul 9, 2022
@Croot_Overlord who the fuck is this weirdo?

First of all, I'm a vet that worked with weapon systems. I think I'm a little qualified, probably a lot more than you. But even if somehow you've seen more action than I have..

1) You're a fucking moron. The Chobham armor isn't being removed.

2) Sorry I wasn't specific enough for you by calling them West Germany. It was a joint project.


3) Our military gave them the tanks already. They are probably already upgraded but if not who do you think would do the install?

4) If you're such a fucking genius why don't you advise the Russians? Anyway, there are ways to clear mines. Mud season is over at the end of March in Ukraine.

Now go be weird and talk shit to someone else.
Jul 9, 2022
@Croot_Overlord who the fuck is this weirdo?

First of all, I'm a vet that worked with weapon systems. I think I'm a little qualified, probably a lot more than you. But even if somehow you've seen more action than I have..

1) You're a fucking moron. The Chobham armor isn't being removed.

2) Sorry I wasn't specific enough for you by calling them West Germany. It was a joint project.


3) Our military gave them the tanks already. They are probably already upgraded but if not who do you think would do the install?

4) If you're such a fucking genius why don't you advise the Russians? Anyway, there are ways to clear mines. Mud season is over at the end of March in Ukraine.

Now go be weird and talk shit to someone else.
Why are you asking @Croot_Overlord who I am?

...........I clearly destroyed your truthless post with questions, directly from your own words.

WOW your a Veteran who worked with "weapon systems"................a truthless post is a truthless post, "veteran" or not.

To an uneducated mind, your post looks great, and influential, but to the one that recognise the BS and the agenda behind it..........it is easy to call out as untruth.

Plus I see that you roll with @BigBucnNole , the faggot with the really dumb screen name.........which is bad.


Dec 10, 2020
We actually took some of the armor off the Abrams tanks we gave Ukraine because we don't want Russia to have our secrets. The tank was designed to fight against Russian tanks, in Eastern Europe. We initially tried to work with Germany to built a new tank, but the project exceeded budget so we broke away on our own.

I'm sure General Dynamics will give them the upgraded thermal sight, camera, and display. They want to test those in action. We have upgraded versions of this tank, one just developed last year but not yet mass produced.

In a fight where you're on flat terrain with no cover or air superiority, these tanks are deadly. They'll out range almost everything. Using drones and satellites, Ukraine can take out any Russian long range artillery with HIMARS. Then the Abrams can move up at night and use their superior range to kill what they can see using thermal, which will be a lot. One hit quit, too.

You can use this tactic to cut off supply lines if you can punch through the front line. Blitzkrieg method. The only rational move at that point for Russia is to retreat to where they can resupply their army, or risk being encircled.
Weird that the US and Germany are both telling Ukr not to go on offensives and to conserve and defend until fall. It's almost like the news is bullshit and Russia is winning.


Jan 9, 2021
Weird that the US and Germany are both telling Ukr not to go on offensives and to conserve and defend until fall. It's almost like the news is bullshit and Russia is winning.

I don't watch cable news.

Russia is making small gains, but they're paying a price they can't afford. Conservative estimates have them losing 3k (it's 300 I can't read graphs apparently) men a day. I'm not sure what your definition of "winning" is, but I don't think anyone outside of Russia thinks this is a winning effort. Except this board for some reason.

It's a stalemate. Each side will make small gains here or there. No one is pulling away right now.
Last edited:


Jan 8, 2021
Engineering like the M-16 or the F-16? The brass in the military with their post-retirement jobs with Lockheed et al, don't want to K.I.S.S. They want whistles and bells that need repairs and new parts all the time at outrageous prices.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I don't watch cable news.

Russia is making small gains, but they're paying a price they can't afford. Conservative estimates have them losing 3k men a day. I'm not sure what your definition of "winning" is, but I don't think anyone outside of Russia thinks this is a winning effort. Except this board for some reason.

It's a stalemate. Each side will make small gains here or there. No one is pulling away right now.
How many biolabs are still operating? There were 168.
How much more land have they lost. Not according to abc,nbc,CBS?

I agree that it is a stalemate now. But they'll not get oblast or Crimea back.
I don't believe anything I read from either side.
Russia is going to ramp it up and start WW3 imo.
We wouldn't let Russia get in to Cuba (Bay of pigs) why would Russia allow nato on their border either?


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Weird that the US and Germany are both telling Ukr not to go on offensives and to conserve and defend until fall. It's almost like the news is bullshit and Russia is winning.


Jan 9, 2021
How many biolabs are still operating? There were 168.
How much more land have they lost. Not according to abc,nbc,CBS?

I agree that it is a stalemate now. But they'll not get oblast or Crimea back.
I don't believe anything I read from either side.
Russia is going to ramp it up and start WW3 imo.
We wouldn't let Russia get in to Cuba (Bay of pigs) why would Russia allow nato on their border either?

It looks like Russia is going to take Bakhmut. That town is of little strategic importance though. They're just pushing the front line back and taking territory so they can claim a victory after so many setbacks. Both sides are taking heavy losses. I don't think Ukraine thought there would be a massive offensive during the Winter considering the mud and how difficult it is to navigate the landscape with vehicles right now. You essentially can't take a vehicle off a road without it getting stuck. Ukr definitely underestimated how willing Russia is to send massive amounts of men to their death. I watched a video of Russians crossing an open field, hundreds of them. Ukraine fired artillery at them, and about half of them dropped after an air burst. None of them made it across.

It's clear that the Biden admin doesn't want Ukraine to win until election season. Both the US and Russia have elections in 2024. The Biden admin wants a stalemate until Summer 24' so they can use Ukrainian success to win the election.

I doubt there's much of an election in Russia, but if Ukraine has success leading up to it, the current Russian regime could use it as an excuse to get rid of Putin. Putin can't turn around now, he's already walked too far. The only way Russia could pull out of Ukraine and save some face is if Putin's successor pulls out and blames the fiasco on Putin.

It's pretty crazy watching Ukrainians fight via their go pros. One video I was watching yesterday, a Ukrainian soldier was clearing a house. He pulled out a grenade to toss in a window that had been shot out, and it took him 20 seconds or so to figure out the grenade had a safety pin. They have equipment from all over the world, it's impossible to train effectively on all of it. They took out a house full of Spetsnaz, then as a last ditch effort to save themselves, the Spetsnaz called in an artillery strike on their own position. All Russians dead, and I think most of the Ukrainians were put out of action with about half of them being KIA.

It's an insane war. I think Ukraine has the initiative and moral is on their side, which is why I favor them once the spring offensives start. Russian supply lines are in peril, especially considering how heavily they rely on rail. It could be a reverse Stalingrad for Russia, because if their supply lines are cut they'll have to retreat again.
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Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
sounds a lot like a revived Roman Empire.

I am speaking of NATO.
Yeah we spent trillions and they are still a bunch of pussies. Without out tech and gear Russia would have walked the dog.
I only want to see Russia win to expose the secrets. Buy that never happens

Emma tenywa

Oct 14, 2021
It looks like Russia is going to take Bakmut. That town is of little strategic importance though. They're just pushing the front line back and taking territory so they can claim a victory after so many setbacks. Both sides are taking heavy losses. I don't think Ukraine thought there would be a massive offensive during the Winter considering the mud and how difficult it is to navigate the landscape with vehicles right now. You essentially can't take a vehicle off a road without it getting stuck. Ukr definitely underestimated how willing Russia is to send massive amounts of men to their death. I watched a video of Russians crossing an open field, hundreds of them. Ukraine fired artillery at them, and about half of them dropped after an air burst. None of them made it across.

It's clear that the Biden admin doesn't want Ukraine to win until election season. Both the US and Russia have elections in 2024. The Biden admin wants a stalemate until Summer 24' so they can use Ukrainian success to win the election.

I doubt there's much of an election in Russia, but if Ukraine has success leading up to it, the current Russian regime could use it as an excuse to get rid of Putin. Putin can't turn around now, he's already walked too far. The only way Russia could pull out of Ukraine and save some face is if Putin's successor pulls out and blames the fiasco on Putin.

It's pretty crazy watching Ukrainians fight via their go pros. One video I was watching yesterday, a Ukrainian soldier was clearing a house. He pulled out a grenade to toss in a window that had been shot out, and it took him 20 seconds or so to figure out the grenade had a safety pin. They have equipment from all over the world, it's impossible to train effectively on all of it. They took out a house full of Spetsnaz, then as a last ditch effort to save themselves, the Spetsnaz called in an artillery strike on their own position. All Russians dead, and I think most of the Ukrainians were put out of action with about half of them being KIA.

It's an insane war. I think Ukraine has the initiative and moral is on their side, which is why I favor them once the spring offensives start. Russian supply lines are in peril, especially considering how heavily they rely on rail. It could be a reverse Stalingrad for Russia, because if their supply lines are cut they'll have to retreat again.
Please share the links to some of these vids,they seem worth it


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Please share the links to some of these vids,they seem wor

Dude searching isn't hard. I agree @PeytonMooning would be cool to post what he sees but I don't post 10%of what I see or read.
You wanna see shit? Go find and dig it up like he did
I mean no disrespect Emma Tenywa. I agree w you but also can say get off your ass if you wanna see some video. You know how to do it. If you don't start at twitter.com and search Russia blowing up Ukraine and move on from there


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
It looks like Russia is going to take Bakmut. That town is of little strategic importance though. They're just pushing the front line back and taking territory so they can claim a victory after so many setbacks. Both sides are taking heavy losses. I don't think Ukraine thought there would be a massive offensive during the Winter considering the mud and how difficult it is to navigate the landscape with vehicles right now. You essentially can't take a vehicle off a road without it getting stuck. Ukr definitely underestimated how willing Russia is to send massive amounts of men to their death. I watched a video of Russians crossing an open field, hundreds of them. Ukraine fired artillery at them, and about half of them dropped after an air burst. None of them made it across.

It's clear that the Biden admin doesn't want Ukraine to win until election season. Both the US and Russia have elections in 2024. The Biden admin wants a stalemate until Summer 24' so they can use Ukrainian success to win the election.

I doubt there's much of an election in Russia, but if Ukraine has success leading up to it, the current Russian regime could use it as an excuse to get rid of Putin. Putin can't turn around now, he's already walked too far. The only way Russia could pull out of Ukraine and save some face is if Putin's successor pulls out and blames the fiasco on Putin.

It's pretty crazy watching Ukrainians fight via their go pros. One video I was watching yesterday, a Ukrainian soldier was clearing a house. He pulled out a grenade to toss in a window that had been shot out, and it took him 20 seconds or so to figure out the grenade had a safety pin. They have equipment from all over the world, it's impossible to train effectively on all of it. They took out a house full of Spetsnaz, then as a last ditch effort to save themselves, the Spetsnaz called in an artillery strike on their own position. All Russians dead, and I think most of the Ukrainians were put out of action with about half of them being KIA.

It's an insane war. I think Ukraine has the initiative and moral is on their side, which is why I favor them once the spring offensives start. Russian supply lines are in peril, especially considering how heavily they rely on rail. It could be a reverse Stalingrad for Russia, because if their supply lines are cut they'll have to retreat again.
Historically, Russia has always tried to overwhelm w numbers.
If Russia can keep the air and blow a shot at the tank and armour coming from others soon I think it'll go til Biden loses to Trump in horrible fashion.
This is a path less traveled. USA is the new version of Britain. We need a change back. I'm not in to dark arts or deviants being able to prey on innocence.
But look at this from 100kft.
Something big is always about to happen


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
IDK the first thing about that shit.

Figure this out dickweed
@Emma tenywa
That is how you do it


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Please share the links to some of these vids,they seem worth it
If you link something you find you keep this thread going. We are training to win time. Warriors for God. Ot is disturbing what is happening to many Christians but I think many of us probably told them to look out and they did not.
You don't want to smell dry feet?what about sniffing wet feet. I can get investors


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021

Figure this out dickweed
@Emma tenywa
That is how you do it
No shit @TopHook I got lost at least a half dozen times trying to figure it out.
Maybe dimensions are associated with nueral growth. When we were worms the world was 2D.


Dec 10, 2020
I don't watch cable news.

Russia is making small gains, but they're paying a price they can't afford. Conservative estimates have them losing 3k men a day. I'm not sure what your definition of "winning" is, but I don't think anyone outside of Russia thinks this is a winning effort. Except this board for some reason.

It's a stalemate. Each side will make small gains here or there. No one is pulling away right now.
You think Russia is losing 3000 men per day and still in this fight? LOL. How many men do you think they have in Ukraine? LOL. Fucking A hell that is insane that you believe that.
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