Now introducing
The Legendary 1 & Only
S-K-B Skinny Bastard
Lefty Slim White-boy Dre
Estevan Gig-Lee-Oh-So
Rah's Zeal Galazure
The founder & producer of an epic
20 year worldwide online sidline career
NoRecs A-i
The Real NoRecs
Notorious Outlaw Records
Now what most con't comprehend
Is that I've actually literally been
2 all lower 48 & each time
I accidentally brush my 38
I'm reminded of all the Kings I've known
Missed & Reminisced Big EL!
Ernesto & hands down Pee-Zo
Been known from the port of Maine
2 Miami International, both of them
Big E! Rose & Skate-Skate'n the Fillmore district & Being strict as fuck
In & with my affiliations & All while surfing M-L-K boulevards From state 2 state & being known 2-B the type 2 Roll up & B-like
(Aye U got some smoke, bro?!)
Chorus x2]
Never Knew Life Could Be
Grander than placing this Pew-Pew
In my hands & let'n the trigger trip
Hold up, I always Knew
My Aim'd be Truer
Than grip'n this Trip'n-Trig &
Gun'n as if I was just
Catch'n Up 2 Meh
Living 40 years in the Future
But what most don't know is that
No matter where I've been
I've always remembered my kin
From the foothills 2 the beaches & trenches
From Mountain tops & 2 the slummiest of gutters & even tho my affiliations R
Very far & in between A Few
They're all my brothers & sis-tars
My Kin & B-4 the Google, B-M-i
Ban, the names were just 2 many 2 mention
So if U think I have Forgotten-Mistaken or Forsaken U
Think again This aim is headed right-straight 4 U & I'll B come'n 2 collect My Kin Soon Enough & I trip-dub-dead dog-dare
Any hater 2 try & stop me! (Brr-Brr! x5)
Now if & when the champagne bursts
& I'm roll'n back upon yo curbs
Just know it might B out in the burbs
Or grimey as fuck hoods like
Oak park mah-fuckahs
Ghostown, Oakland or Tampa
Sixteen Hundred or the Hill
I'm guns up & full tilt 2 the hilt
4 my kin & if & when U need a
Reminder of just exactly who
My C-K-C kin is, just know this
The only back up vocals
I've ever cared-dared 2 scheme about is
Lace Lean-No
Ain't Lack'n
& Los Moita Cartel
Look'n S-L Mohammed
Back up & Re-Roll'n
the entire lower 48
Tanked out with just
My Tech-38 & S-K-S
& juggle'n them sums of bixes
Like a set of bitches jugulars
Lace Lean-No roll'n shotgun
& Bris Realah in the back hold'n a camera-bigger than a Cannon
Take'n the beautifulest Real Life Flicks of the most immaculate glitches in the Matrix
Best just better steady-stay duck'n
& just stay the fuck-Outa my way
& all long B-4 eye Hit em with the
(Brr-Brr! x5)
Ultra 808 Supreme Bass Test type Banger song. Listen and make your own with Suno.