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Clown world headlines


May 20, 2024
That is pretty strange
Sure is.

Hey have you ever had a random eyeless hedgehog following ya 'round while mowin' the lawn?

Happened this avo.
Every time I chucked the little cunt over in the neighbors paddock...5 minutes later—💥BOOM!, it'd be back again, dartin' across the yard straight at me, or at the sound of the mower.
Dunno what it's deal is. Rabies perhaps....😂fuck nose, butt I like the idea of having a blind personal attack hedgehog, so I locked it in the shed.
Anyways, gott dang I'm like, mad thirsty right now.....c'ept for some reason ever since this avo I've apparently become terrified of water....🤣


Dec 1, 2020
Sure is.

Hey have you ever had a random eyeless hedgehog following ya 'round while mowin' the lawn?

Happened this avo.
Every time I chucked the little cunt over in the neighbors paddock...5 minutes later—💥BOOM!, it'd be back again, dartin' across the yard straight at me, or at the sound of the mower.
Dunno what it's deal is. Rabies perhaps....😂fuck nose, butt I like the idea of having a blind personal attack hedgehog, so I locked it in the shed.
Anyways, gott dang I'm like, mad thirsty right now.....c'ept for some reason ever since this avo I've apparently become terrified of water....🤣
That’s a pretty good @Rebarcock.

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