I do not know if man has an impact of climate; if he does not then this whole topic is a non-issue and should be dropped. The rest of this opinion assumes that he does.
Prior to man advancing to the point where there’s billions of us dumping tons of carbon into the atmosphere the Earth’s climate has fluctuated since there was an atmosphere. We have gone through major changes where the Earth was a frozen snowball to a fiery hell. We also have many smaller fluctuations where there were general warming periods coupled with ice ages. There are many theories as to why these fluctuations occurred; the reasons are irrelevant, the fact that they occurred is not.
The period we are in now is generally warming and has been since the last ice age ended around 10,000 years ago. The concern now is that man is artificially accelerating this warming, and that the end game will be catastrophic.
During the prior ice age around 17,000 years ago New York City was covered with ice about a mile thick. If we were to experience this climate again the net effect would be to render everything past 35 degrees latitude to be pretty much non-farmable and generally uninhabitable. The result would be squeezing the world’s population into the now much cooler tropics, resulting in tremendous overcrowding. It would also remove a high percentage of arable land forcing even greater overcrowding since much of the remaining land would be required to produce food.
If it is determined that we are entering into a cool down would we start dumping Carbon into the atmosphere? Do we know what we are doing here? Do we think we can micro-manage the Earth’s climate?
If we were to compare the impact of global warming to global cooling the impact of cooling would be much more catastrophic than warming. It seems that we should be doing what we can to ensure we do not enter a cooling phase rather than handwringing about potential warming.
Prior to man advancing to the point where there’s billions of us dumping tons of carbon into the atmosphere the Earth’s climate has fluctuated since there was an atmosphere. We have gone through major changes where the Earth was a frozen snowball to a fiery hell. We also have many smaller fluctuations where there were general warming periods coupled with ice ages. There are many theories as to why these fluctuations occurred; the reasons are irrelevant, the fact that they occurred is not.
The period we are in now is generally warming and has been since the last ice age ended around 10,000 years ago. The concern now is that man is artificially accelerating this warming, and that the end game will be catastrophic.
During the prior ice age around 17,000 years ago New York City was covered with ice about a mile thick. If we were to experience this climate again the net effect would be to render everything past 35 degrees latitude to be pretty much non-farmable and generally uninhabitable. The result would be squeezing the world’s population into the now much cooler tropics, resulting in tremendous overcrowding. It would also remove a high percentage of arable land forcing even greater overcrowding since much of the remaining land would be required to produce food.
If it is determined that we are entering into a cool down would we start dumping Carbon into the atmosphere? Do we know what we are doing here? Do we think we can micro-manage the Earth’s climate?
If we were to compare the impact of global warming to global cooling the impact of cooling would be much more catastrophic than warming. It seems that we should be doing what we can to ensure we do not enter a cooling phase rather than handwringing about potential warming.