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Christmas gifts for the wife


Dec 1, 2020
Hey there! I know this post is from a while ago, but I wanted to chime in for anyone else who might be looking for gift ideas for their wife. Last Christmas, I was struggling with what to get my wife, but I wanted it to be something special. I ended up getting her a trip to the SPA, and she absolutely loved it!
I too tried to take my wife to Southern Pennsylvania after Christmas, but she ended up divorcing me over it
Jun 22, 2022
Hey there! I know this post is from a while ago, but I wanted to chime in for anyone else who might be looking for gift ideas for their wife. Last Christmas, I was struggling with what to get my wife, but I wanted it to be something special. I ended up getting her a trip to the SPA, and she absolutely loved it! She came back feeling so relaxed and rejuvenated. It was a great way to show her how much I appreciate all that she does for our family.
If you're in the market for a SPA gift, I recently discovered a great place called Raw Beauty Aesthetics (rawbeautyaesthetics.com). They have a variety of treatments to choose from, including facials, fillers, and even massages. My wife loved the facial she got there and raved about how professional and friendly the staff was.
You do realize, along with the rest of the miscreants ITT, you're wives are taking Alabama Black Snake when you leave for work

And I'm sure your wife "loved the facial".
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