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Caught a ghost on camera last night.


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
My Building was built in the late 30s getting ready for World War II. It’s a quadruplex surrounded by a bunch of old rich houses.it was built this for Officers and Pilots at the Naval Base. Yeah I’m a poor, but it is a block from the beach.

There has always been activity in this building, but mainly in the apartment next door.
I always have had weird stuff happen, Nothing scary or dark. Just little things. “There was one night that freaked my gf and I out, but we are so use to it, it doesn’t bother us, and we didn’t realize what had happened until later.
The apartment next door, is creepy and scary. It’s not fun. I’ve been here four years and no one has stayed there the entire lease. They all move out early. I ask them and they all tell the same stories. I have felt and seen some weird stuff both in that apartment and on the deck and in the mud room we share. Stuff I only believe because I’ve seen it. I will not go in that apartment and try to stay away from the back door. (The Back door is always open. Now matter how many times each person locks it when leave it will be wide open when they return). Things got really scary over here once or twice, but I never feel scared. Once I really did, and another time I should have but didn’t. ,

I bough 2 Amazon Blink cameras for my garage and the drive way. I had a chance to install one yesterday, and the other one was turned on but in my kitchen waiting to be installed today.

The camera was face up and in the dark. The camera was focused on a shelf that runs parallel to the bench. keep in mind the light you see Is the infra red light Even though it looks like a light is on, it is not.

When the clip starts, The ghost says something i can’t make out, you see its shadow and then it either says “I’m ok”, or “I’m inside”. (My neighbor who moved out said it was “I’m sorry” because he’s heard it before. Then you see the shadow again , and then the screen goes blank, Then the screen comes back on, and then the clip ends.

Last edited:


Dec 1, 2020
Not convinced the shadow is really anything, but it gave me chills for some reason.

Couple stories I have and I’ll see if I can remember enough details to convey the stories.

1. When I was in college my cousin stayed in an old house right outside campus in Tuscaloosa. We used to rip gravity bongs and play guitar hero all day. One day I was walking through the doorway into the kitchen and a lady flashed in front of me just as I was walking through. She was a young lady and was wearing a dress. It happened so close in front of me I basically walked through her. I didn’t really get spooked by this, but I still remember it very clearly.

2. About 10 years ago I was laying in bed and got this really strange phone call. I picked up the phone and it was this really creepy sounding lady with a raspy voice. She sounded very old It was like she was dying or something.

I said Hello and she responded by asked if I would pick her up something from the store (I think it was toilet paper). She thought I was her son and called me by some name I can’t remember (maybe it was Steven). All I did was tell her I’m not who she thought I was and she went into some kind of hysteria and begged me not to hang up the phone. I told her I was gonna hand up now, and she shrieked “noooo, nobody has talked to me in so long”. I hung up the phone and blocked the number right away. Something about her voice just terrified me. Probably just some demented old lady trying to call her son, but to me it felt like she was pure evil and the call was intended for me specifically. Still makes my hairs stand on end whenever I think about it.


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
Not convinced the shadow is really anything, but it gave me chills for some reason.

Couple stories I have and I’ll see if I can remember enough details to convey the stories.

1. When I was in college my cousin stayed in an old house right outside campus in Tuscaloosa. We used to rip gravity bongs and play guitar hero all day. One day I was walking through the doorway into the kitchen and a lady flashed in front of me just as I was walking through. She was a young lady and was wearing a dress. It happened so close in front of me I basically walked through her. I didn’t really get spooked by this, but I still remember it very clearly.

2. About 10 years ago I was laying in bed and got this really strange phone call. I picked up the phone and it was this really creepy sounding lady with a raspy voice. She sounded very old It was like she was dying or something.

I said Hello and she responded by asked if I would pick her up something from the store (I think it was toilet paper). She thought I was her son and called me by some name I can’t remember (maybe it was Steven). All I did was tell her I’m not who she thought I was and she went into some kind of hysteria and begged me not to hang up the phone. I told her I was gonna hand up now, and she shrieked “noooo, nobody has talked to me in so long”. I hung up the phone and blocked the number right away. Something about her voice just terrified me. Probably just some demented old lady trying to call her son, but to me it felt like she was pure evil and the call was intended for me specifically. Still makes my hairs stand on end whenever I think about it.
I hope the shadow was nothing. but it wasn’t. Even with all the weird stuff I’ve seen here and felt and other people have seen and felt with me, never felt unsafe are in danger. spooked yes, but not in danger. Next door I have felt a sense of dread and the same feeing on the landing between my front door and the and the apartment next to me. That place is vacant now, the last guy couldn’t take it anymore. He would wake up with scratches and red marks all over his body. And yes I know it sounds far-fetched and crazy and blah blah blah, But the things I’ve seen over there and the things I’ve seen over here let me know it’s all true

but I’ve got one photo where I see a similar type shadow reflected in a mirror. L
Plus that part of my kitchen I’ve had two people tell me they seen “a man in a cowhat“. I have his reflection in another picture I’ve taken on myself and it took me about a year to recognize The oddity in the picture and what exactly oddity was


Dec 1, 2020
I hope the shadow was nothing. but it wasn’t. Even with all the weird stuff I’ve seen here and felt and other people have seen and felt with me, never felt unsafe are in danger. spooked yes, but not in danger. Next door I have felt a sense of dread and the same feeing on the landing between my front door and the and the apartment next to me. That place is vacant now, the last guy couldn’t take it anymore. He would wake up with scratches and red marks all over his body. And yes I know it sounds far-fetched and crazy and blah blah blah, But the things I’ve seen over there and the things I’ve seen over here let me know it’s all true

but I’ve got one photo where I see a similar type shadow reflected in a mirror. L
Plus that part of my kitchen I’ve had two people tell me they seen “a man in a cowhat“. I have his reflection in another picture I’ve taken on myself and it took me about a year to recognize The oddity in the picture and what exactly oddity was
Have you ever thought about trying to dig in more? I guess you are to some degree with the camera. Do you know the history of who lived there over the years


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
We’ve looked, but with it being an 80 year old building with 4 total apartments there is no telling how many people have lived here or if anything else happened. I am also in part of Corpus Christi that even though this neighborhood was built in the 30s or 40s, it would’ve been occupied by some of the first people to move outside of the old city limits or at the very least had working farm land until the turn of the century or later.
When I first moved in it was just simple things like a pair of socks randomly appearing in the middle of the floor, or an iPad disappearing (Still haven’t found that one, the last location is still saying it’s in this apartment and it hasn’t been turned on). The apartment next to store to me is where must the action has happened. People always feel creeped out in one part of the apartment and the back door is always open.
I’ve talk to everybody after they’ve moved out and they told me the same stories, they feel creeped out in the Bedroom, The door is always open, poor people have seen some guy in the Bedroom or bathroom. About a year ago I started to randomly update things. I redid floors, painted both my place and the internal hallway of the building. ( you walk in the front door and to the left and right is an apartment . Across from the front door is a stairway that goes up to a landing, and the stairs going up the other way with two apartments to the left and right during the ones downstairs). When I repainted the hallway that’s when things are really starting to get bad for my neighbor. That’s when you start to get scratches, things would randomly break in his place and they were noises that even I could hear from a completely other opposite side of the building.
When he started to move out I had things really start to happen here. My girlfriend and I saw objects being thrown acrosss the living room, cups and beer bottles would get knocked over in front of us. Things with rearrange themselves when I was asleep etc.
Two days after he moved out I heard constant starting and stopping outside my front door, The woman who lives underneath that apartment heard it as well and complained to me in the morning about it. Things are pretty much settle down he’s been gone about a month and it still vacant. Last night was the first time I’ve noticed anything in a while, and I would’ve noticed if it wasn’t for the camera

Oler Ted

Apr 17, 2021
I hope the shadow was nothing. but it wasn’t. Even with all the weird stuff I’ve seen here and felt and other people have seen and felt with me, never felt unsafe are in danger. spooked yes, but not in danger. Next door I have felt a sense of dread and the same feeing on the landing between my front door and the and the apartment next to me. That place is vacant now, the last guy couldn’t take it anymore. He would wake up with scratches and red marks all over his body. And yes I know it sounds far-fetched and crazy and blah blah blah, But the things I’ve seen over there and the things I’ve seen over here let me know it’s all true

but I’ve got one photo where I see a similar type shadow reflected in a mirror. L
Plus that part of my kitchen I’ve had two people tell me they seen “a man in a cowhat“. I have his reflection in another picture I’ve taken on myself and it took me about a year to recognize The oddity in the picture and what exactly oddity was

Oler Ted

Apr 17, 2021
We’ve looked, but with it being an 80 year old building with 4 total apartments there is no telling how many people have lived here or if anything else happened. I am also in part of Corpus Christi that even though this neighborhood was built in the 30s or 40s, it would’ve been occupied by some of the first people to move outside of the old city limits or at the very least had working farm land until the turn of the century or later.
When I first moved in it was just simple things like a pair of socks randomly appearing in the middle of the floor, or an iPad disappearing (Still haven’t found that one, the last location is still saying it’s in this apartment and it hasn’t been turned on). The apartment next to store to me is where must the action has happened. People always feel creeped out in one part of the apartment and the back door is always open.
I’ve talk to everybody after they’ve moved out and they told me the same stories, they feel creeped out in the Bedroom, The door is always open, poor people have seen some guy in the Bedroom or bathroom. About a year ago I started to randomly update things. I redid floors, painted both my place and the internal hallway of the building. ( you walk in the front door and to the left and right is an apartment . Across from the front door is a stairway that goes up to a landing, and the stairs going up the other way with two apartments to the left and right during the ones downstairs). When I repainted the hallway that’s when things are really starting to get bad for my neighbor. That’s when you start to get scratches, things would randomly break in his place and they were noises that even I could hear from a completely other opposite side of the building.
When he started to move out I had things really start to happen here. My girlfriend and I saw objects being thrown acrosss the living room, cups and beer bottles would get knocked over in front of us. Things with rearrange themselves when I was asleep etc.
Two days after he moved out I heard constant starting and stopping outside my front door, The woman who lives underneath that apartment heard it as well and complained to me in the morning about it. Things are pretty much settle down he’s been gone about a month and it still vacant. Last night was the first time I’ve noticed anything in a while, and I would’ve noticed if it wasn’t for the camera
You should be able to search records and find who built it, as well as who owned it through the years


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
This is one thing that I physically noticed that kind of freakd me out but I just went about my business.
I will post one more thing and I’m gonna stop because it’s getting dark I really don’t like to mention the stuff in the sun goes down. Not that I’m frightened, I just don’t like to because sometimes things will manifest at night if you talk about them.
I’ll post some pics later.
I hate having Bulky keys in my pocket. Are usually just have my key fob of ring my house key and my office that’s it. Are usually come in the back door and just set them on the kitchen counter I go about my business.
About two months ago I was working a job at a rig about three hours from here that was North of Laredo on the border. (I’ve seen some interesting things out there but that’s more cartel and drug related). There are a few hotels available that way right now because they’re all being used to house illegals before they ship them to inspect suspecting parts of the country. I will leave my house about four in the morning, and get home every night about 10 or 11 wake up and do it again for about three or four days straight. I was extremely exhausted so I would just come home take a shower ,go to sleep, wake up and do it again.
Every night I will put my keys where are usually do and pick them up in the morning and leave. This entire time I was there I want to hear my girlfriend was at her moms house who lives about an hour and a half south of here between Kingsville and the valley. I was not drinking or drugging because I was so tired I just went to bed. One morning when I woke up instead of looking like my keys always do to keys on one ring to do the fob, Each key was on an individual ring, and the keys was touching each other oddly.
I I knew this was not something I had done because I had come home and went straight to bed. I don’t even know where to find extra key rings, let alone come up with the idea of putting them on my keys. I snapped the picture I found them like that. The other picture is when I took on my keys the next day when I fixed him just to show the difference when I tell the story to people.

I’ve seen everything imaginable here from a shapeshifting fly (Yes I know that sounds absolutely insane and made up or drug induced) to my old neighbor being overtaken by one of the entities. (I thought he was just fucking with me until he told me it happened once before with him and my gf. When I asked her about it, what she told me made me know it was 100% true and he had in fact been taken over and not bullshitting) to some things being said through the “Ghost App” on my phone.
And yes, I know how stupid it sounds to say you can use an app on your phone to hear ghosts, Some of the things I heard it say I know we’re not programmed into the app.
Some of the things such as murderer, devil, “am I am dead” I know are just random programmed words and phrases, but when it Says things like “Tyler (my dead brother) daughter Madison “his daughters name” or “Ornament” when Im holding a Christmas ornament I kind of think it may be on to something.
The only thing that made me drop to my knees and pray in fear for God’s protection and sleep with the light on involved “her”. That’s what my gf and I call Santa Muerte. She’s is real. I just learned about her about four months ago, And didn’t put anything into it, However I saw her, And I’m pretty sure I know why she was here and who beckoned her. She is a Really interesting subject matter to study. Until that night she appeared I thought she was just a folk saint that drug dealers and traffickers Pray to since they can’t pray to the Catholic God anymore. In Graduate school my interest was The spread of religion and how it changed and shifted. I quickly when from an intrest in her Ancient Mesoamerican roots to respect of her snd fear of those who worship her. Tell that story another time but not here, Not alone, and not without being spiritually prepared and protected.D6678C90-AB14-4179-A1B3-6F106FD883CD.jpeg49B4ADCA-3E96-40BB-BC37-328F6F79F9D3.jpeg
Jan 8, 2021
Not convinced the shadow is really anything, but it gave me chills for some reason.

Couple stories I have and I’ll see if I can remember enough details to convey the stories.

1. When I was in college my cousin stayed in an old house right outside campus in Tuscaloosa. We used to rip gravity bongs and play guitar hero all day. One day I was walking through the doorway into the kitchen and a lady flashed in front of me just as I was walking through. She was a young lady and was wearing a dress. It happened so close in front of me I basically walked through her. I didn’t really get spooked by this, but I still remember it very clearly.

2. About 10 years ago I was laying in bed and got this really strange phone call. I picked up the phone and it was this really creepy sounding lady with a raspy voice. She sounded very old It was like she was dying or something.

I said Hello and she responded by asked if I would pick her up something from the store (I think it was toilet paper). She thought I was her son and called me by some name I can’t remember (maybe it was Steven). All I did was tell her I’m not who she thought I was and she went into some kind of hysteria and begged me not to hang up the phone. I told her I was gonna hand up now, and she shrieked “noooo, nobody has talked to me in so long”. I hung up the phone and blocked the number right away. Something about her voice just terrified me. Probably just some demented old lady trying to call her son, but to me it felt like she was pure evil and the call was intended for me specifically. Still makes my hairs stand on end whenever I think about it.

#2 just had my hair standing up
Jan 8, 2021
This is one thing that I physically noticed that kind of freakd me out but I just went about my business.
I will post one more thing and I’m gonna stop because it’s getting dark I really don’t like to mention the stuff in the sun goes down. Not that I’m frightened, I just don’t like to because sometimes things will manifest at night if you talk about them.
I’ll post some pics later.
I hate having Bulky keys in my pocket. Are usually just have my key fob of ring my house key and my office that’s it. Are usually come in the back door and just set them on the kitchen counter I go about my business.
About two months ago I was working a job at a rig about three hours from here that was North of Laredo on the border. (I’ve seen some interesting things out there but that’s more cartel and drug related). There are a few hotels available that way right now because they’re all being used to house illegals before they ship them to inspect suspecting parts of the country. I will leave my house about four in the morning, and get home every night about 10 or 11 wake up and do it again for about three or four days straight. I was extremely exhausted so I would just come home take a shower ,go to sleep, wake up and do it again.
Every night I will put my keys where are usually do and pick them up in the morning and leave. This entire time I was there I want to hear my girlfriend was at her moms house who lives about an hour and a half south of here between Kingsville and the valley. I was not drinking or drugging because I was so tired I just went to bed. One morning when I woke up instead of looking like my keys always do to keys on one ring to do the fob, Each key was on an individual ring, and the keys was touching each other oddly.
I I knew this was not something I had done because I had come home and went straight to bed. I don’t even know where to find extra key rings, let alone come up with the idea of putting them on my keys. I snapped the picture I found them like that. The other picture is when I took on my keys the next day when I fixed him just to show the difference when I tell the story to people.

I’ve seen everything imaginable here from a shapeshifting fly (Yes I know that sounds absolutely insane and made up or drug induced) to my old neighbor being overtaken by one of the entities. (I thought he was just fucking with me until he told me it happened once before with him and my gf. When I asked her about it, what she told me made me know it was 100% true and he had in fact been taken over and not bullshitting) to some things being said through the “Ghost App” on my phone.
And yes, I know how stupid it sounds to say you can use an app on your phone to hear ghosts, Some of the things I heard it say I know we’re not programmed into the app.
Some of the things such as murderer, devil, “am I am dead” I know are just random programmed words and phrases, but when it Says things like “Tyler (my dead brother) daughter Madison “his daughters name” or “Ornament” when Im holding a Christmas ornament I kind of think it may be on to something.
The only thing that made me drop to my knees and pray in fear for God’s protection and sleep with the light on involved “her”. That’s what my gf and I call Santa Muerte. She’s is real. I just learned about her about four months ago, And didn’t put anything into it, However I saw her, And I’m pretty sure I know why she was here and who beckoned her. She is a Really interesting subject matter to study. Until that night she appeared I thought she was just a folk saint that drug dealers and traffickers Pray to since they can’t pray to the Catholic God anymore. In Graduate school my interest was The spread of religion and how it changed and shifted. I quickly when from an intrest in her Ancient Mesoamerican roots to respect of her snd fear of those who worship her. Tell that story another time but not here, Not alone, and not without being spiritually prepared and protected.View attachment 85601View attachment 85604

Just moved into a old house I remodeled. I’m a little scared now tbh


Dec 1, 2020
Not convinced the shadow is really anything, but it gave me chills for some reason.

Couple stories I have and I’ll see if I can remember enough details to convey the stories.

1. When I was in college my cousin stayed in an old house right outside campus in Tuscaloosa. We used to rip gravity bongs and play guitar hero all day. One day I was walking through the doorway into the kitchen and a lady flashed in front of me just as I was walking through. She was a young lady and was wearing a dress. It happened so close in front of me I basically walked through her. I didn’t really get spooked by this, but I still remember it very clearly.

2. About 10 years ago I was laying in bed and got this really strange phone call. I picked up the phone and it was this really creepy sounding lady with a raspy voice. She sounded very old It was like she was dying or something.

I said Hello and she responded by asked if I would pick her up something from the store (I think it was toilet paper). She thought I was her son and called me by some name I can’t remember (maybe it was Steven). All I did was tell her I’m not who she thought I was and she went into some kind of hysteria and begged me not to hang up the phone. I told her I was gonna hand up now, and she shrieked “noooo, nobody has talked to me in so long”. I hung up the phone and blocked the number right away. Something about her voice just terrified me. Probably just some demented old lady trying to call her son, but to me it felt like she was pure evil and the call was intended for me specifically. Still makes my hairs stand on end whenever I think about it.

#2 = nope nope nope nope nope


Dec 2, 2020
Spookiest things you’ve come across
Dreaming of a place I’d never been to before being shot at, then that next day being invited on an investigation and sitting in the chair in my dream. Found what appeared to be bullet holes in the wall of another room in the house.

After my wife died I felt her hands on my shoulder’s which sent me flying across the house.

Deleted member 2886

New years eve, 2006.

Myself, some mates and our gfs all got on the piss at my gfs place to celebrate. I'd been boarding there in the sleepout for a few weeks and recently had to share with my gfs wayward 16yo brother.

That night we had a great time pissed as fuck, blazing joints, music, laughing and carrying on. At some point, and without a word, the wayward brother randomly marched off to the sleepout and closed the door. We thought nothing of it and I slept inside with gf that night instead of the sleepout.

I was self employed at the time, so the following day groggily worked til 17:30. When I got home and tried to get in the sleepout, I found it locked.
There was no answer to my knocking and requests to open the door, shortly after was told by the gfs family that he'd not come out all day. WTF.

So I immediately checked the windows, but couldn't see him in there at first. Eventually I found an awkward angle to peer through a small gap and saw what he'd done.
Turns out the door had been heavily barricaded as well as locked, I didn't know this until all the stacked junk exploded across the room when I'd shoulder barged my way in.

The kid had eventually hung himself, though in an excessively horrific manner.

Now fast forward roughly a week later, the night before the funeral;
It was mid summer here and as the family held a 'wake', the house was thick with corpse smell.
There were about 30 people sleeping throughout the house that last night, and it was muggy as fuck.
Gf and I were sleeping in a room at the end of the hallway. At around 3-4am, I was suddenly awoken and sat up to look around trying to figure out what had woken me.
It was fuckin weird, coz there was nothing I could see, though it felt like a, I guess a presence was in the room.
The thick muggy air quickly became chilly, almost like a walk in freezer, which was extremely alarming, I didn't know what was happening.

Within less than a minute since initially waking and noticing the drastic temperature shift, something fuckin aggressively ¿tackled/landed? on me, pinning me with immense force, I couldn't move.
I couldn't see whatever was doing this, and despite the brief struggle my gf didn't wake. No idea how but in seconds I became completely paralyzed, except for my eyes.
Fuck this experience was terrifying, looking around and seeing nothing.
Then the pain began.
Started in my right shoulder and spread quickly.
Sorta like the freshly broken bone type of intense pain, though I couldn't do anything but look around while fully conscious of the ferocious agony searing throughout my body.

After probably about thirty seconds of this, it stopped, the paralysis was gone, the chill rapidly shifted back to the thick humid state.

I sat up in shocked confusion, everything seems normal again.
What the fuck was this?
That sleep paralysis phenomena?
I really don't know, and it has happened once more,... though very differently.


Jan 9, 2021
I actually have a video, but it disturbed me so badly that I'm gonna spoiler it. If you have problems with things like this that will give you nightmares DO NOT WATCH THIS. It will haunt you.



Mar 14, 2022
My Building was built in the late 30s getting ready for World War II. It’s a quadruplex surrounded by a bunch of old rich houses.it was built this for Officers and Pilots at the Naval Base. Yeah I’m a poor, but it is a block from the beach.

There has always been activity in this building, but mainly in the apartment next door.
I always have had weird stuff happen, Nothing scary or dark. Just little things. “There was one night that freaked my gf and I out, but we are so use to it, it doesn’t bother us, and we didn’t realize what had happened until later.
The apartment next door, is creepy and scary. It’s not fun. I’ve been here four years and no one has stayed there the entire lease. They all move out early. I ask them and they all tell the same stories. I have felt and seen some weird stuff both in that apartment and on the deck and in the mud room we share. Stuff I only believe because I’ve seen it. I will not go in that apartment and try to stay away from the back door. (The Back door is always open. Now matter how many times each person locks it when leave it will be wide open when they return). Things got really scary over here once or twice, but I never feel scared. Once I really did, and another time I should have but didn’t. ,

I bough 2 Amazon Blink cameras for my garage and the drive way. I had a chance to install one yesterday, and the other one was turned on but in my kitchen waiting to be installed today.

The camera was face up and in the dark. The camera was focused on a shelf that runs parallel to the bench. keep in mind the light you see Is the infra red light Even though it looks like a light is on, it is not.

When the clip starts, The ghost says something i can’t make out, you see its shadow and then it either says “I’m ok”, or “I’m inside”. (My neighbor who moved out said it was “I’m sorry” because he’s heard it before. Then you see the shadow again , and then the screen goes blank, Then the screen comes back on, and then the clip ends.

nice video editing. but ghosts do not exist. thanks for the lol though


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
This is one that I had used as a Facebook profile for a while. Months later I noticed there was something over my shoulder. When I zoomed in I saw what it was, it is the “man in the hat” his reflection is in a white gurgle pot I had on my mantle for a bit.F7B30203-CF88-48CC-A4D5-7B2130564A24.jpegC1268755-CE2F-42BC-87BE-6DC4818A3792.jpeg2CDF45AC-790C-4801-9E57-A3F94BB58235.jpeg


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
Here is the same picture as it appears on FB uploads, because I know some will think I edited this like the video.

That’s a screen shot I just took from my uploaded videos


  • CF01057D-BF37-4CCA-9DE8-5757A5A5035E.jpeg
    1.7 MB · Views: 16

Oler Ted

Apr 17, 2021
Dreaming of a place I’d never been to before being shot at, then that next day being invited on an investigation and sitting in the chair in my dream. Found what appeared to be bullet holes in the wall of another room in the house.

After my wife died I felt her hands on my shoulder’s which sent me flying across the house.


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
Does anybody have any audio editing software?
Some chick is moving in next-door apparently, I sent the doorbell clip to a friend to show her, and she noticed a whispering under the girls talking. You definitely hear whispering. I can make out “I know”.
I’m gonna fuck around with free software and see if I can isolate it Or make it louder but there might be people on here who know what they’re doing with it. I think I can make out “I know” at the end, and maybe “oh my God” when they are walking up the stairs”

Is there a way to get a video from my phone directly to this message, or do I have to upload through YouTube ? I don’t really want to do that because these are people I don’t know I’m not worried about being on here that much but I don’t want it on YouTube because if anybody ever makes my videos the next sensation on CNN, I don’t wanna get sued.


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
I guess i cant attach a video file? I tried on phone, ipad, and then email it computer.

From there I could attach, and it showed it attached, but when i saved the file it wasnnt on my post

Oler Ted

Apr 17, 2021
Does anybody have any audio editing software?
Some chick is moving in next-door apparently, I sent the doorbell clip to a friend to show her, and she noticed a whispering under the girls talking. You definitely hear whispering. I can make out “I know”.
I’m gonna fuck around with free software and see if I can isolate it Or make it louder but there might be people on here who know what they’re doing with it. I think I can make out “I know” at the end, and maybe “oh my God” when they are walking up the stairs”

Is there a way to get a video from my phone directly to this message, or do I have to upload through YouTube ? I don’t really want to do that because these are people I don’t know I’m not worried about being on here that much but I don’t want it on YouTube because if anybody ever makes my videos the next sensation on CNN, I don’t wanna get sued.
You can upload it to YouTube unpublished so only the people that have a direct link (from this thread) can see it


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
Says the guy who doesn’t have to sleep here. I didn’t even noticed the voices. It’s like pictures that I have, I don’t know the stuff on there till I go back looking for it.
Whats weird is I went back and looked at every recording I have from that hallway, and there’s a couple with me and the dog, A couple of the Amazon guy, and 2 with some guy who bought something from me on craigslist. There was no whispers heard on those clips.
I’ll mess with isolating the sound tomorrow. Those are outside my apartment, which means they’re probably bad spirits and I’m not going to do anything to draw attention to them and have them come in here. It’s weird enough with the good ones in here. I think I’m going to get some more holy water tomorrow, Put it outside my door and I probably need to go spread salt around the building. Someone says that helps

I feel so sorry for that little girl. I can’t tell her because:
1. It’s so unbelievable and I don’t want her to think the dude who lives next-door is bat-shit crazy.
2. Maybe This is all in my head and they’re not real.
3. Maybe they will leave her alone.
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