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Biden asked to step down, still says he is running for POTUS


Apr 18, 2024

Biden appears to be in a lose-lose situation.

If he stays in office, he appears stubborn to the general public and at this rate will probably lose the popular vote at the very least.

If he leaves office, the Democratic party is screwed with poor replacements that will get crushed even harder in both the popular vote and electoral colleges. Also he'd be backing down on recent statements he made about not dropping out.

According to a campaign memo released on Friday, Mr Biden isn't going anywhere.
"Joe Biden has made it more than clear: He’s in this race and he’s in it to win it," according to the memo. "Moreover, he’s the presumptive nominee — there is no plan for an alternative nominee. In a few short weeks, Joe Biden will be the official nominee. It is high past time we stop fighting one another. The only person who wins when we fight is Donald Trump."

Beyond his declining health, he also has Covid-19 now. Not a great look for the POTUS.

As the conflict played on on Friday, the president was under quarantine at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. He tested positive for Covid-19 while traveling in Las Vegas earlier this week. Mr Biden is experiencing “mild symptoms”, the White House said.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Don't cave joe.
Yep, the dems should be forced to keep their Jotato.

Besides, they are the ones screaming about Trump gonna destroy their "democracy".

If "democracy" is the People voting for who they want, that means if they change him out, they are going against the "democracy" their party's voters, voted for.

To replace him now, is a big "fuck you!" to their constitutes, and makes the dems the ones who would destroy "democracy".

I say, "democracy", because it's really a Republic, but dems are too stupid to realize it.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
To add, the only way they should be able to replace him is if they say he is unfit to even be potus and he resigns from office, AND they admit that they been lying to the public about his condition for the past 3+ years.
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